Published Sep 20, 2005
80 Posts
I am a prenursing student and with the wait list as long as 2-3 years to get into nursing school, will there still be a demand for nurses by the time I would finish nursing school with an ADN? I am guestimating that by the time I finish my prereq and then get put on the waiting list, and then finish nursing school, at the earliest, would be the year 2010. Will there still be a demand?
Thanks for everyone's input! :)
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
will I still be alive then
36 Posts
I'm sure five years ago people were asking the same thing about this year and there's still a shortage. We just have to continue completing our goals and hope for the best. No one can predict the future. I want to just get my adn then complete a rn-bsn program once i'm working, but my mom insists i should get the bsn now. So it will be about 2009 or 2010 before i get out there as well.
220 Posts
There will definitely be a nursing shortage still. I can't believe your area has a 2-3 yr wait list.
Christine, RNC, BSN
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
As long as humans walk the face of the earth, there will be a demand for the age old profession of nursing.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I agree with siri. Nursing, obviously, has been around for a long, long time and the need will continue.
Here's some examples:
1. The average life span is increasing, therefore more people are going to need LTC care.
2. The more "crud" that gets added to our food the more it could harm our bodies, therefore more people will be hospitalized for various reasons.
3. The more we eat, smoke, drink, etc, the more people will need to be hospitalized for various reasons.
4. As new diseases are discovered, more people will be hospitalized.
5. As nurses retire, more nurses will be needed.
6. As nurses go into other non-bedside nursing areas, more nurses will be needed.
The cycle, in my opinion, will never end.
Good luck to you. :)
jmgrn65, RN
1,344 Posts
the biggest reason for the waiting list is that they don't have enough instructors to teach. Yes there will still be a shortage it projected to continue to get worse to 2020. due to baby boomers and the avg age of nurses right now is i think like 45.
Oh, how could I have forgotten the number of births is rising? LOL ....That will be considered reason #7!!! :chuckle
There will definitely be a nursing shortage still. I can't believe your area has a 2-3 yr wait list. Christine, RNC, BSN
Yes, the waiting list is kind of crazy. I don't know how it is in other parts of the country, but in order to apply to nursing school at the community college level, after you have your prereqs finished, you can't just apply at the college directly for the nursing programl, they are centralizing the admission criteria and application process for the community college nursing programs. So after taking the entrance exam you apply online at a centralized location, get a number, and wait to be notified that you have been accepted as long as you pass the entrance exam. Such a long process compared to a friend of mine who graduated this past May with a BSN and she didn't have to do any of this. She just went down to the community college and enrolled and that was it, she was enrolled in the nursing program. I am estimating a long wait before I finish school.
129 Posts
I am a prenursing student and with the wait list as long as 2-3 years to get into nursing school, will there still be a demand for nurses by the time I would finish nursing school with an ADN? I am guestimating that by the time I finish my prereq and then get put on the waiting list, and then finish nursing school, at the earliest, would be the year 2010. Will there still be a demand? Thanks for everyone's input! :)
Yes, in fact the limited availability of seats in nursing programs and the high drop out rate, is keeping the profession from being saturated, IMHO. At our ADN advising session, the nurse instructor said that the average age for floor nurses in the hospital is 55. Which means that the nursing profession is also losing alot of nurses each year to retirement.
2,327 Posts
You will wheel teeituptom around in his wheelchair, he was born in 1950......somebodies gotta do it, it might as well be you. Or you might wheel me around in a wheelchair....I was born in 1959. :rotfl:
10 Posts
i found in one website that by the year 2020, the projected RN shortage would be about 434,000... in 2010, it's about 213,500.. that's what i know.. hope that helps.. :chuckle