Will I HAVE TO particpate in abortions if I become a L&D nurse????

Specialties Ob/Gyn


I'm VERY against abortion! I can't imagine supporting some through one, not saying that I would be mean, or anything like that, but I seriously couldn't act like I thought it was "OK" to do it just because they are too selfish to be parent's and would rather kill a baby than give him/her to someone who would give anything to have a baby. [Please don't reply with all the "medical reasons" to have an abortion! I know you have rights under the law to choose to do what you want with your body. I'm simply saying that FOR ME assisting in an abortion would be the same (again) FOR ME as standing next to someone with a gun in their hand about to shoot another person then saying "Oh wait, you forgot to take off the safety!"] I have been intersted in the whole process of pregnancy since I was pretty young (around 14 or so) and for quite a while even wanted to become an OB but decided that having a family wouldn't work for me if I chose to follow that career, and thought being a L&D nurse would be a perfect fit for me. I had never even thought of the possiblity of having to participate in an abortion until here reciently. (A comment some one made in passing when I told them I was going into nursing school) I will be starting my prereqs for nursing school on the 23, so I know I may find another area of nursing that I would be happy in once I start clinicals, but I really want to be a L&D nurse. Will abortions be "required" for me to work in L&D??? TIA!

Have a Great Day!


If you only wanted to know the rules, maybe you shouldnt have put your personal opinions likening abortion to out and out murder by gun. Not attacking you, just pointing out why, you might be feeling attacked.

Hmmm...Perhaps you are right, I probably shouldn't have gone into how I feel personaly, but did so because of the thought of having to participate in an abortion is very difficult for me. I know a woman who had an abortion (she was my best friends mother growing up) and I had all the love and respect for her as I did my own mother, so if anyone felt that I was personally attacking them, then that was not my intention at all, and I do appologize!

Have a Great Day!


Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
Hmmm...Perhaps you are right, I probably shouldn't have gone into how I feel personaly, but did so because of the thought of having to participate in an abortion is very difficult for me. I know a woman who had an abortion (she was my best friends mother growing up) and I had all the love and respect for her as I did my own mother, so if anyone felt that I was personally attacking them, then that was not my intention at all, and I do appologize!

Have a Great Day!


I thought it was appropriate to say that you are against abortion but interested in L&D. A perfectly reasonable question.

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

I do not believe in abortion, as such I do not work in a department where that would be an issue (BMT/oncology).

You may encounter other patients whose lifestyles are different then your own-I hope you can suspend your judgements and are able to provide care without letting your personal feelings enter into the careplan.What about substance abusing moms? Would you be able to be supportive ? You need to gain maturity-"choosing abortion" for many women is quite the opposite of selfish and the number of programs that will support a pregnant woman through delivery and adoption is very small.You'll learn the world is not black and white...

There is a big difference in taking care of people whose lifestyles you do not approve of, and actively taking part in something you consider to be murder. The OP's question is very appropriate.

I think all nurses have had to take care of patients we don't feel much compassion for... sometimes, you just do your job and be as polite as possible despite your personal feelings.

If you feel that the appropriate time to make a 'choice' would be before one has unprotected sex, and that the unborn child also deserves a 'choice' then there are probably areas of nursing you will avoid.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
yea, whatever! did i say once in my post that i think all people who have abortions are less than human and should be shot at sunrise? no, i said i could never assist with one because it would conflict with my beliefs!!! i also said that i understand that you or whom ever chooses to have an abortion has that right under the law. i'm not argueing that point, and i won't this is not the place for it! i simply wanted to know what the "rules" were in the l&d unit. i have no problem being a loving, kind, and comapsionate person to anyone, regardless of whether they think the same way as i do or not. i'm only saying that i could not actively participate in something that is against my belief! so if you want to make fun at me, or put me down because i have morals that i live my life by, go ahead! call me "immature" or whatever else you want, you see that's the great thing about having a belief system! i don't feel the need to please you, or to think the way you (or anyone else for that matter) thinks i should! only god has that right in my life! and sorry, your not him!

anyway as far as the "other lifestyles" that i might encounter, and if i could put my personal feelings aside.... well, as long as they weren't asking me to take part in something that was against my beliefs (ie. participate in devil worship or whatever) i would have no problem being carring and compasionate! that is a major part of my beliefs, that i am to love my neighbor, and no, that doesn't mean the guy that lives next door to me that means anyone/everyone i come into contact on a day to day basis! it is my duty as a christian to show others the love that jesus has shown me, and no that doesn't mean that i would preach at every teen/druggy/lesbian mother that comes into the hospital i'm providing care in, that means that i treat them with respect, kindness, and compassion! if someone were to ask me if i personally agreed with something, then i would be honest, but tactful! i won't push my beliefs on anyone, but if someone is interested, i will be more than happy to share with them what god has done for me!

have a great day!


nowhere in my post did i "put down" or "make fun" youe "morals" or anything else in my post . i won't make this thread another abortion debate nor will i continue to engage in a debate in which my differing opinions will be construed to be "christian bashing"

Just wanted to clarify:

My appology was NOT because I asked this question, or said that I think abortion is wrong! It was because I PROBABLY could have said it a bit differently, and still got my point across without unintentionally offending someone. But I did make it VERY clear in my original post that I was stating MY OWN BELIEFS, and I NO WHERE suggested that other people were wrong if they thought differently! I even went out of my way to say that I recognize that you or whomever else

has the right under the law to do what your choose to do with your own body! And again my point in this thread was NOT to try to start a debate over whether abortion should be legal or not, or anything closely to that! I just wanted to know what would happen if I found myself in a situation that conflicted with my personal beliefs. So anyway....back to the topic...

Have a Great Day!


Just wanted to clarify:

My appology was NOT because I asked this question, or said that I think abortion is wrong! It was because I PROBABLY could have said it a bit differently, and still got my point across without unintentionally offending someone. But I did make it VERY clear in my original post that I was stating MY OWN BELIEFS, and I NO WHERE suggested that other people were wrong if they thought differently! I even went out of my way to say that I recognize that you or whomever else

has the right under the law to do what your choose to do with your own body! And again my point in this thread was NOT to try to start a debate over whether abortion should be legal or not, or anything closely to that! I just wanted to know what would happen if I found myself in a situation that conflicted with my personal beliefs. So anyway....back to the topic...

Have a Great Day!


You have NO reason to apologize here dear. I agree with you 100%. You simply had a question regarding possibly having to help with something that you don't believe in. I had the same concern when I first started NS. What we need to realize is that because we state our beliefs there will always be the person(s) that automatically go into 'debate mode.' Your question was perfectly legitimate and I believe it was worded just fine. If this is a concern of yours I would recommend working at a religious hospital. I do know that most places have a 'conscience claus' concerning issues such as this, but one thing as a nurse that needs to be remembered is that we cannot abandon our pts. If there isn't another nurse to fill in then you would have to help with the abortion. But if you worked in a religious hospital you more-than-likely won't even run into this problem. It is important to know our values and beliefs and to be aware of them. It helps emmensly with our care. I think you will make a GREAT nurse!

You can refuse most things on religious or moral grounds. I would suggest the easier way to deal with it is to work in a unit where it isn't an issue to begin with. Many L&D units have no terminations. Those would probably be a good fit for you.

I worked in a unit that did late terminations for fetal anomolies fairly often. It wouldn't be the best choice for someone with your beliefs. We did have nurses who felt like you did and they didn't have to take those assignments. That did cause some problems purely from a staffing standpoint and because some patients did pick up on their attitudes about the whole thing when they were receiving post partum care from them (they couldn't refuse to do post partum care).

first of all, most hospitals have policy's that cover this. Nurses can choose to be a part of elective abortions or not. I am against abortion for me and would never help with one just because the mom doesn't want to have a baby. having said that. There are many different reasons. (i know you dont want to get into medical reasons but sometimes there isnt a choice. or an early delivery is the baby's best chance at life.) for instance preterm labor you try to keep those little guys in and they come out at 22-23 weeks despite everything we do. So then they are faced with do we do everything for our baby. (given very poor outcomes and sometimes they are so little there isn't anything that can be done) would you not take care of these patients. If a woman who was 28 weeks pregnant had breast cancer and was getting chemo (maybe baby would survive maybe wouldn't in this case they c/sectioned baby at 30 weeks baby did fine) mom died a few months later.If a 16 weeker with severe abdominal pain come in and have an amnio and is shown to be infected would you help induce her (probably would happen naturally eventually anyway baby would not survive at 16 weeks. A women is 24 weeks and has PIH so bad she is going into HELLP syndrom is in ICU and needs the baby born to save her life (also the baby might not be doing so good either lets say late decels on fetal monitoring and BP 2 out of 8. (not good) these are all instances where one might consider these abortions others may not. technically a miscarriage is an abortion it is a spontaneous abortion. the work abortion however I agree sparks a lot of emotion.Moral of my story. You have to decide what is right for you. Find a fit with a place to work that is good for you. Talk about it with your employer. But emergencies happen and there may be a time where you have to do something that you feel is morrally wrong. but it is what the patient wants. I had a mom who was pregnant with twins and no one knew she was carrying twins expect her hubby, she kept one and gave the other one up for adoption. I did NOT agree with this however my job as a nurse was to support her. You will be faced with many morally grey issues. Most if not all hospital have an ethics commitee. where some of these issues are brought. Anyway I hope this helps

Specializes in ICU/Telemetry.

You can very well opt out of care for a patient if you think you cannot meet their needs. Remember, nursing care is from a holistic approach. If you cannot provide all the dimensions of care, then it is our duty to find someone who will.

You also need to keep in mind that as nurses, we need to come into each situation with a clean slate. We need to leave our own beliefs and morals at the door so we do not let them interfere with our patients rights. In ethical dilemas such as abortion, you have to remind yourself that nurses are here to do what is best for each individual client.

My friend has been an L&D nurse for 10+ years, it is not likley that you will come across any elective abortions on that unit. You will see it if the mother is in distress, and is needed to sustain a life. That is somthing to think about.

You may end up seeing things in a whole new light once you begin nursing school. Either way, you will find your calling Good luck!

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.
Anyway as far as the "other lifestyles" that I might encounter, and if I could put my personal feelings aside.... Well, as long as they weren't asking me to take part in something that was against my beliefs (ie. participate in devil worship or whatever) I would have NO problem being carring and compasionate! Have a Great Day!


I can state unequivocally that not once in my long and varied career has a patient asked me to participate in devil worship. If they had, however, I would politely have declined and then proceeded to be caring and compassionate anyway. It's been a long time since I've been to Sunday School, but it sure seems to me that if what I was taught about Jesus is correct, he'd expect no less of me.

I think you posed a very valid and well-thought-out question.

(and I am very vehemently pro-choice. *grin*)

I know several Catholic hospitals refuse to do abortions period. (Unless to preserve the life of the mother, and then that can get a little clouded.) I grew up Catholic going to Catholic hospitals. There is no blanket statemet for every situation at every hospital all the time. But that is the general trend.

But even at secular hospitals, if you have a huge problem with something based on religious grounds or personal mores, they can deal with it and work with it. And seriously. If a nurse has a moral problem with a patient, even if the nurse is actively trying to overcome that issue, there may be a chance that the patient may not receive the same level of care. I'm not trying to say that the nurse would consciously do something wrong, however we liive in an incredibly litigious society, and people are willing to sue over any slight, real or imagined. The hospital will cover itself.

You have your beliefs. You have your convictions. You have the moral obligation to stand up for what you believe in. So do so.

Just realize that there are a million different people you will meet during your career. You won't agree with all lifestyle choices, some things people do may even repel or frighten you.

But everyone is human, and as such, everyone is deserving of respect and compassion. Whether I, you, or whatever nurse answers that call light agrees with their lifestyle, sexual orientation, personal choices, or whatnot.

You may choose to refuse an assignment. And I would be the last person to tell you differently. However, if that patient later hemmorhages and a code blue is called. . . . .please pitch in.

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