I am always reading posts like that and I thought it was time that I make my own!
To the nurses who are the nurse of the patient I have been assigned to for my clinicals on your floor...and even to those I had no direct dealings with your patient...
For taking the time to hunt me down and bringing me into a room where something was being done that I had never seen, or to perform a skill I had never done or even if I've done numerous times but thought I'd like another opportunity to hone my skill/perfection of it!
For listening to me when I give you info on the patient that just doesn't sit right with me.
For honestly taking into consideration my opinion or thoughts on something that should be done.
For treating me as an adult.
For letting me bounce ideas off of you..even if it were just the babbling of a 2nd yr student.
For answering my questions, albeit they might have been silly or odd.
For taking me under your wing and showing me ways to do things easier, more proficiently.
For speaking those kind words and the gently hug you gave me I had reached my breaking point when my instructor was in a foul mood and took it out on the closest person (unfortunatly that would be me).
For praising me for doing well, and giving me constructive criticism when I needed it.
For bringing me a cup of coffee when you say I was running out of steam.
For having my back when my instructor insisted I did not do something per hospital protocol and you knew I had.
and most especially for telling my instructor that you thought I was very bright, had so much potential and that you'd love to see me working the floor when I graduate in May!
Thank you!