I have personally known one nurse who was attacked and killed in an intake facility. They found her body shoved up underneath the patient's bed.
I get that there are certain inherent risks when dealing with people, in general. I just think that when a nurse dies at the hands of a patient, it doesn't generate the same sympathy or shock. Why? People are people and some people are nuts, but all people are human.
Just wondering how it feels to other nurses when they read these type articles? Do you get angry, are you incredulous? Or do you just take that gamble everyday when you go to work? Would you fight back if you were being seriously attacked, are we even allowed to fight back? I know for myself, some of our Med-Surg patients are crazy but too sick to be transferred yet to the psych ward. And by sick, that could just mean infection, etc... These folks are still VERY mobile and capable of great harm. There are times when I've been afraid. And saying we have 'security' in these type situations is a joke. A nurse would be severely injured by the time security made it up to the floor. So, to think I am safe simply because I don't work in a psych ward or an intake facility isn't accurate.
Interested on different takes and safety strategies.