
Workitinurfava BSN, RN

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  1. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    I back the blue and will handle things through petitions and laws that support them. It is due to them that I have been safe while living in a black community but above all any community. It's pointless to go back and forward with you, I will make my...
  2. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    They can be in denial if they want, if another black girl acts like Makhia it will be the same result, as it should be. They can't do anything about it but complain. That's all they have. Calling the cop racist for shooting her will not change the ou...
  3. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

  4. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    Explain how
  5. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    Did you read the information? Seems not, your post isn't addressing it.
  6. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police Yet, even if power were the arbiter of racism, people of color could still be racist. In nations in which people of color are in power, t...
  7. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    I don't have to say her name, it's already been established who I am talking out,, you say who is the girl and then you name her. You are so determined to try and say her death isn't justified. You want the thread closed because you really can't prov...
  8. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    So why are you talking to me? You are the one that made the choice to respond to something not directed at you. Now you are acting like you don't know what is happening.
  9. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    Didn't stand a chance
  10. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    The proud boys have nothing to do with the girl that was shot holding a knife about to kill someone. You calling me racist won't make me change my mind, that may work with others but not me. Accountability may have saved the girls life, but due to no...
  11. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    The reason the girl was killed is not due to racism, you can pull up whatever data you want which is irrelevant btw. It's time to move on and accept that her actions got her killed. How can they teach those around them especially their daughters if t...
  12. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    You seem racist, like no matter what you don't like her because she is white and is just calling it how it is. It's not just white people that feel the murder was justifiable, it's your own people. See you want to call her racist when it's all you ha...
  13. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    Nothing will be done about the kid who tried to kill someone else. Her father especially failed her, out their letting her almost kill someone.
  14. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    I'm wondering the same about you.
  15. MNA and Nurses Respond to the Killing of George Floyd by Police

    The criminals will always get access to guns. With gun control laws that are too stiff it will hurt people like you and me. I feel safe knowing my husband can shoot someone trying to break into my home to harm me and my family. My daughter is a licen...