Why aren't pt phones & TV free?

Nurses General Nursing


I really hate to see (mostly) elderly patients, sometimes bedridden, with visitors maybe once every couple of days, just staring at the wall. At least TV and phone would offer a distraction. The prices are outrageous though. And our hospital does not provide a portable phone for the patients like a previous hospital I was at did.

The nurses are so busy most of the time that they're lucky if they get their assessments, meds, & charting done on time never mind having the time to connect and talk with the patients.

Imagine staring at the wall all day. Most of us would get antsy if we are stuck home on a rainy day - they're stuck in a tiny, sterile, room for god knows how long. I try to bring them newspapers and magazines so that they would at least have something to read & look at.

As annoying as most visitors are - I really wish more of them would visit regularly.

It's really sad.

Specializes in School Nursing.

Personally, I think they should find a way to incorporate it into the bill and make it available immediately. How horrible it must be for people to lay there with no distraction or entertainment. :(

Specializes in pulm/cardiology pcu, surgical onc.

I just assumed these were included now. I know some ltc facilities are like this but I thought most hospitals would be more up to date. All our private rooms have a flat panel with the basic cable package- I think 70 channels. Their is wi-fi throughout the hospital and a public pc available for family use in tbe lobby. Telephones are a must as the pt needs to place their food orders thru room service now.

ETA: and the dietary aide offers each pt a warm washcloth for their face and a newspaper each morning!

Specializes in FNP.

Food orders? You can't be serious. At my hospital you get the frozen swanson dinner they bring you, or you go hungry. Menus seem like almost as big a waste of money as cable tv. Flat screens? ***** How many disenfranchised people could be given some medication for that money? No wonder health care is broke, no priorities! Gotta have our Dancing with the Stars, even if it means people can't get their lifesaving medications!

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

we have free phones and TV with basic cable. By "free" I mean it is probably factored into the cost of the room

Specializes in Developmental Disabilites,.

My hospital is trying to become a "boutique" hospital. We have all private rooms, flat screen tv's, free internet and cable, a room service menu which pts can call at any time. The aides walk around in the AM with a coffee/ tea service. Our rooms that were remodeled less than 5yrs ago are being redone. It makes me alittle sick especially when we need another RN but get the response "It's not in the budget." Really? But everything else is!

I work in a smallish hospital, average hospital inpatient census is probably in the 90s.

We have flat screen tvs and some sort of expanded cable in almost every room. Free wifi. Free phones (although those are nearly obsolete, even the 90+ year olds bring their cell phones into the hospital.

I can't believe hospitals require people to pay for their tv or phone. Why not factor it into the bill (it can't cost that much) and be done with it?

Specializes in pulm/cardiology pcu, surgical onc.
Food orders? You can't be serious. At my hospital you get the frozen swanson dinner they bring you, or you go hungry. Menus seem like almost as big a waste of money as cable tv. Flat screens? ***** How many disenfranchised people could be given some medication for that money? No wonder health care is broke, no priorities! Gotta have our Dancing with the Stars, even if it means people can't get their lifesaving medications!

Actually having room service has saved food from the garbage and ultimately money. There are no longer meal trays that are automatically sent and just thrown away either because the pt was nauseated, didn't like it, or had been discharged. The pt only orders when they want food and that frees nursing up a lot as we do not have to deliver meal trays any longer.

And we are a non-profit hospital so we get frequently have many non insured pts.

I don't think cable was necessary but our unit is in a new wing of the hospital and I don't think they make those dinosaur tv's anymore?

Specializes in acute care med/surg, LTC, orthopedics.

WOW... Wi-Fi, flat screen TV, room service, all private rooms, coffee/tea service, warm washcloth and free paper.

"Boutique hospitals".

That ain't no hospital, it's the Ritz Carlton.

No wonder your patients treat you like garbage!

We have Dish or something equivalent....because of the customer satisfactions surveys. Hey, I can't get the proper equipement to treat you, but as you are choking on your dinner and I don't have any suction caths to suck out that chicken nugget, we can watch Lifetime Movies.

And I almost choked on my coffee reading this...... so sad but funny. :lol2:

We also have all private rooms, flat screens, wifi, and phones all for free. The cafeteria bosts a menu larger than many restaraunts and the food is awesome.

Our patients love it and in turn they are almost all happy. It's a wonderful place to work.

ok free isn't free just billed in.. we have phone&tv by pt beds, put in and run by a private company.

Never heard of patients NOT having a TV and phone in there room...hmmm

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