This is more an observation or comment I've noticed about nursing textbooks. They all emphasize cultural competence yet all omit information on white/Caucasian culture. Why is this? How am I to be a culturally competent nurse if the schools do not teach about the major cultural population in the USA?
I remember the first time I was all excited about learning cultural competence and thought it would be a great way to further understand the American culture. Boy was I disappointed. All books seem to think the culture means either being African American, Native Indian, Asian or Hispanic. Even chapters that refer to nutrition omit the tastes of the Caucasian culture. The forces that be who write these books needs to give information about all cultures being reasonable. Granted the fact that most the the writers are white, at least from the books I've had thus far. Also the majority of people represented as clients or residents or patients are also white, how then can one learn about their culture when it is never taught?
One of the white dudes in my class made the same observation which is how this topic first came to light. With him having an immigrant wife and me being an immigrant, both of us were surprised at the lack of available information. Thoughts? comments?