Who's still waiting on "THE LETTER"

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Okay, it's getting down to crunch time!!! I am starting to *think* plan B. I still have to wait until the first part of May before I get any news. If I don't get in, I will need to bust my rear to get more pre req's in this summer for another program starting in Jan'07...

Who else is still waiting for fall 06...and do you have a plan B????

Good luck my fellow future nurses;)

I'm waiting.. but I just turned in my application yesterday.. lol.. Letters don't go out until early/mid may so I have awhile to go.. My plan B is to finish my BSN pre-req's (almost done with ADN pre-req's) and reapply next fall.. I may apply to 2 or 3 colleges that are over an hour away because I don't really want to wait another year.. And those will be for a regular BSN program.. But you have to do what you have to do..


Just started the process and I am stressing already. I probably won't get in (LPN or RN programs) for the fall, hopefully for the Spring semester. I will take A&P, Nutrition, Microbio, Chemistry & Math during the wait. LPN wait is not as long and my NET scores weren't too bad. Plan B is Physical Therapy Assistant Program, Plan C Surgical Tech.

Add me to the list. :uhoh3: We had to have our applications and testing finished by March 1st and I won't hear until mid-May. The wait is absolutely agonizing!!:o I feel like I can't plan for the rest of the year until I hear if I am accepted or not. Why do they make us wait so long!!!!! There are over 500 applicants for 40 spots which is scary, but if I was competing with last year admitting points I would be in, so I have some hope. Good luck to everyone who is waiting!!!!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Hospice.

Got a fat envelope from my college today. When I saw it my heart started pounding. It was from financial aid. Sigh.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.
Got a fat envelope from my college today. When I saw it my heart started pounding. It was from financial aid. Sigh.

Awww, don't you just hate that. I checked my mail today and thought it was in there. Turns out it was a bill from the (school's) Hospital for my roomie.:lol2:

Specializes in Operating Room.

Oh....that would bite! :chuckle

I'm still waiting:yawn: I applied in January and won't know until the end of June. :angryfire I think it is evil of them to make me wait that long.

Specializes in NICU, IMC.

I'm still waiting also...

I emailed my contact at ACC today and she told me that they won't even do the ranking until April 14th - Don't expect anything before then...:(

Good luck to all of you who are waiting along with me (unless your waiting to get into ACC - then I don't wish you luck!:devil: ) just kidding!Good luck to everyone!

i got one reply today. I made the alternate list. I have to attend an orentation in may and pray I get a spot. I am also waiting to hear from 1 more school. Should hear soon.


Okay first let me say waiting is awful. I took the net in Oct and that was the last thing I needed to complete so the wait was long. However I got my letter today! I am in the RN program beginning Jan 07. I am so grateful, relieved, happy and I don't even know what else. I only applied to this program so whew what a relief.

Specializes in Burn/Trauma PCU.

still waiting myself. the program is supposed to start may 15, and i still don't know. i e-mailed one of the professors about two weeks ago and he said that letters should be going out "soon". agh! the wait is so agonizing... and the disappointment when i see no letter in the mail is so huge. :uhoh3:

Specializes in Not specified.

I applied at UIC's GEP program on Mar 1 and recieved an email that the school would be sending out letters to everyone after April 1st. The program only has around 40 spots for about 450 applicants. The nice thing is that since you have to pick your master's specialty when you apply, you are only competing with everyone who is applying for your specialty. I am sure most of those applications are for Midwifery and Peds.

From everything I have heard and read, you pretty much have to be a genius these days to get into a nursing program. I know someone who tried and tried to get into a community college nursing program but got accepted into med school instead after being rejected so many times by the community college. I highly doubt that many of the existing nurses working today would even get into nursing school today if they had to compete with the new cohort trying to get in today.

It is shocking to realize that the acceptance rates for some programs is now below that of many of the Ivy league schools!

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