whinny nurses


Specializes in future speciality interest: Nurse Midwif.

I can't stand it when im giving report to nurses who whine about their job duties.

the stress and some of the nonsense of the work environment comes

with the territory.

"Oh my gosh, another admission"

"why do I have so many peg tubes"

"Omg I have so many wounds to treat"


yes its stressful

yes the drug seeking patient can be annoying

but stop acting like you didn't know what you

where getting into when you entered nursing school.

See, my feet hurt after most of my shift (even with the best shoes)

I do my job to the best of my abilities including skills

and go home not expecting a phone call about me missing something

or not completing a task.

We are human and we can make mistakes but nursing is WORK.

If you cannot handle stress dont go into nursing (or any other

profession) which requires you to mulittask, think critically, and

serve it all with a smile and keeping a compassionate heart.

My advice, find your balance.

Let the stuff that took place from the previous shift go. start new again.

Don't hold any grudges against a patient or coworker. you see them everyday (most likely)

Empathize, sympathize. how would you want to be treated if you were in their position.

when I feel myself getting annoyed and stressed I think to myself, "I thank God Im not the one in that bed with that Dx. I am an able boided person who can treat and help this human-being inspite of their such and such..." you get the point.

anyway i didnt mean to write so much. lots of misspelled word, I know. later.

Specializes in cardiology/oncology/MICU.

I love it! It is all about the perspective. I can be grateful that it is not me in that bed with a tube coming from every hole in my body not likely to ever come off of the vent. They deserve the best I can give them every night. Maybe it is because I haven't always worked as a nurse, but this is the best job I have ever had. Caring for the sick is a priviledge, not a right. Thank you

Specializes in geriatrics, IV, Nurse management.

"Oh my gosh, another admission"

"why do I have so many peg tubes"

"Omg I have so many wounds to treat"



THANK YOU! This seems to be an ongoing trend lately, and it bothers me so much. If life was standard day to day routine with no changes and no admissions/hospital trips/sickly patients our jobs would get pretty boring quick! Half the fun is the change around:)

Specializes in Telemetry.

No, i didn't know a lot of things prior to nursing school. There are many tasks that i don't enjoy. However, i agree with you stop whining and get the job done!

Specializes in Sub-Acute/Psychiatric/Detox.

I love when I see the "older nurse" with all of his or her work done (pick any level of acuity) and then some whiner barely keeping up.. all over the place... has no prioritization in place..

Of course some settings and ratios and complexities just suck.. making it impossible to survive in some situations...

This is why you WORK...PRIORITIZE.. and don't stop until the work is done.. Like CPR.. Get off the Facebook on the phone.. stop gossiping.. and please QUIT smoking so you don't have to leave every 15 minutes for an hour.

Also give the families half a second if you can.. I always try too.

I can't stand it when im giving report to nurses who whine about their job duties.

yes its stressful

yes the drug seeking patient can be annoying

but stop acting like you didn't know what you

where getting into when you entered nursing school.

I can agree with most of your post, but I don't think ANYONE truly knows what they are getting into when they go into nursing. I know I didn't. It's like thinking you know what it will be like when you have a baby before you actually have one. IMPOSSIBLE to really get it until you have been there.


"Oh my gosh, another admission"

"why do I have so many peg tubes"

"Omg I have so many wounds to treat"



THANK YOU! This seems to be an ongoing trend lately, and it bothers me so much. If life was standard day to day routine with no changes and no admissions/hospital trips/sickly patients our jobs would get pretty boring quick! Half the fun is the change around:)

And some of us probably wouldn't even have a job!

Specializes in Rehab, LTC.

Thank you! I used to work with this downer nurse that would start complaining before she even clocked in!! Then would continue to wine the entire shift! Even if she had a float nurse to help her with vitals, med pass, accuchecks, ect, she would still complain that she had to much work to do! Then one time I went to tell her that her patient was having crushing chest pain and respirations in the 30s and she told me she would go in there after she finished charting! Luckily I had enough sense to grab the charge nurse because this patient was having a heart attack!

Specializes in LTC, Memory loss, PDN.

Hey winterluv, stop whining. ;)

Just kidding. I know how annoying it is to receive a 10 minute report on how terrible the shift was, only to receive a report on the patients that is covered in 5 minutes. If I have a tough shift, it takes every minute I have to report on the pt.s, because there's a ton to report. If the whining gets too annoying just say something like, "Oh my, sounds like you need a break. Do you want me to ask if they'd let me take on of your shifts this week, I could use the xtra money."

I can agree with most of your post, but I don't think ANYONE truly knows what they are getting into when they go into nursing. I know I didn't. It's like thinking you know what it will be like when you have a baby before you actually have one. IMPOSSIBLE to really get it until you have been there.

forewarned = forearmed.:)

nsg is a profession where you have to man up.

wusses need not apply.

seriously, and also sound advice.


I love this. I am reminded of what The Rock would say back in the day when I watched wrestling "Know your role and shut your mouth!"

I get a mental picture of horses with scrubs on whenever I see the title of this thread. You must mean "Whiny" nurses.

Yes, nursing is a hard job and a lot of work. Maybe your coworkers are just venting, like many of us feel the need to do at some point. One day it will be you needing to vent. Hopefully you treat your coworkers as you would like to be treated, so that when it's your turn to "whine" to them, they will lend you an empathetic ear.

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