Published Oct 28, 2005
801 Posts
Just wondering from everyone who has taken both. I'm in A&PI right now and am maintaining an A but it feels like a constant struggle. I don't feel like I'm really understanding the information as much as I'm memorizing it. I love the anatomy part but I'm not too interested in most of the physiology part. I just hope this doesn't hurt me in A&P II. Did you all remember all that you learned in A&PI?
Just curious....
1,132 Posts
It's so funny...I asked this same question before the summer.
However, now that I have done both...I think A+P 1 was harder than A+P 2. A+P 1 was a TON more memorizing to me. It also was kind of a culture shock like " whoa!" this is a MONSTER course! I was used to it by A+P 2. I got A's in both but I didn;t have to live, sleep, and dream A+P 2 the way I did A+P 1.
Good luck!
As for remembering A+P 1 for A+P 2...yes surprisingly I did retain a ton of it...more than I thought I did. A+P 1 laid down the foundation and A+P built on it.
257 Posts
I totally agree with Boonersmom. A&PI was way harder for me. I mean I got a B in that this past spring, but easily got an A taking A&PII during summer session.
What drove me crazy with A&PI was all the memorization of the bones, muscles, nerves and parts of the brain. I loved A&PII with all the physiology. I even remember thinking that our final was mostly on physiology rather than anatomy questions.
Achoo!, LPN
1,749 Posts
Ditto. You memorize alot in A&P II also, but there is physiology along with it so it " makes sense" more than just learning origin, insertion and actions.
NeoNurseTX, RN
1,803 Posts
I'm going w/ A&P II.. darn endocrine system!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I'm in A&P 2 now (halfways done) and definitely A&P 1 was harder. While part 2 is no joke either...........I think the worst is over with
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,692 Posts
Just wondering from everyone who has taken both. I'm in A&PI right now and am maintaining an A but it feels like a constant struggle. I don't feel like I'm really understanding the information as much as I'm memorizing it. I love the anatomy part but I'm not too interested in most of the physiology part. I just hope this doesn't hurt me in A&P II. Did you all remember all that you learned in A&PI? Just curious....
I hate to break it to you but to me they both were equally difficult, IMO. No, you're not going to remember everything.
I'm sorry you don't like the physiology part. I loved that part. The majority of nursing courses is going be about what goes wrong with physiology, meaning pathophysiology, and what medically and nursing wise to do about it.
JentheRN05, RN
857 Posts
I think A&P I & II will probably be different in every school that teaches them (content wise). So asking which was harder is not really a good question. Personally in my school A&P I was twice as hard as A&P II and I did A&P II in the summer and it was an easy A :)
12 Posts
A&P I was harder for me. I'm taking II this semester and not finding it nearly as stressful.
101 Posts
A&P1 was harder for me simply because I was starting from scratch and knowing almost everything about A&P, but it basically covers the basics but once you get it over with A&P2 is a lot smoother and easier. It's moslty a combination of memorization and understanding. Hope this helps:)
369 Posts
A&P I was harder for me. The memorization was a killer. I really enjoyed the physiology portions. I've really come to appreciate what we went over in II now that I'm in Pathophysiology.
My recommendation to you is to take really good note cuz' you'll refer back to them in Patho. I sure have. Many times our teacher has told us to go back and review stuff (immune system, how wounds heal, etc.)
189 Posts
butting in your thread...anyone have I and II combined into one class? Starting in the fall they are separating it out into 2 semesters but next semster I'll have it combined in a 7 credit class.