Published Jul 8, 2015
249 Posts
I didn't see a recent thread on this topic recently, so I figured I would ask: which EHR do you all use? do you like it, recommend it, etc?
174 Posts
16 Posts
How do you like epic, the organization I work at is changing to epic in November.
209 Posts
Epic is good. I use cerner and epic and I prefer epic. It is more user friendly and I can chart much faster.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
My practice uses Acumen. Most of the hospitals use Epic
137 Posts
We use
Epic on med surg. Hated it
Now I love
1,871 Posts
EPIC is the best hands down with dragon dictation
Like EPIC a lot. Better than Quadramed (something my previous employer had designed for them)--it was a nightmare. Meditech sucked. Too much repetition, no ease of use. I use EPIC inpatient and outpatient without too much difficulty. Takes a little bit to get used to navigating it but otherwise, no complaints.
59 Posts
i work in a clinic and we use Lytec. Very time consuming with multiple check boxes. Navigating through it can be difficult. Some of the choices where obviously not written my medical people. Also entering patient history is time consuming. Have to type in condition and then indicate rather condition/illness is 'new' 'resolved' 'chronic' etc. Also have to enter family history. Do I really need to enter what a patients' grandfather had? I just feel too much tracking and invasion of patient privacy. The one good option is the ability to retrieve drug profiles from pharmacy sites. This is great for 'med seekers and abusers'. Also helps when patients don't know what meds they are taking or doses. I feel like a data entry clerk. We also have hard copy charts which I feel are absolutely essential for when the system goes down for upgrades. Rather or not I like it, it is here to stay.
983 Posts
DocuTap. Very simple, straight to the point. I work in a clinical setting and it works well for us. It looks like it came from the late 90's though...
BuckyBadgerRN, ASN, RN
3,520 Posts
Not an NP, but we are switching from McKesson to Cerner with Dragon. LOTS of bumps so far
Corey Narry, MSN, RN, NP
8 Articles; 4,452 Posts
We use Epic. All current systems will have pros and cons. Our billing department seems to like Epic as far as being able to capture revenue-related data. There are a lot of features that you can customize to your needs as a provider in Epic. There are many hidden tricks and shortcuts that you kinda learn along the way. I also like the Care Everywhere feature that allows you to access previous charts from patient visits in other institutions that use Epic. In our area of Northern California, most large health systems are using Epic.