Where do you go when you don't trust official data sources?

Nurses COVID

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Been engaged in alot of discussion under the COVID heading. Got me thinking. I find myself not trusting published data. There's so much politicization of everything. The government agencies are simply not independent and they are the source of most information. They want compliance. Period. Why wouldn't they change the data to fit? They certainly could and they have before. They constantly put out demands and conflicting information over and over again. Masks are BS. They don't protect anything. they stop a cough. GREAT! But they push masks like they are vital to life. People are wearing their masks while jogging in the woods. seriously? What the foxtrot!!? 

I hear all colors of reports about anecdotal stories of people being hurt by the vaccines. Those stories don't even exist as far as official sources are concerned. Do I risk the vaccine hurting me or COVID hurting me? Neither is a good option. COVID is a crap shoot. but taking the vaccine is a conscious choice. People come out of COVID without a problem. people take the vaccine without a problem. Both sides are valid in my mind. but now they are forcing the vaccine by law. This isn't a clear situation. It's very muddy. vaccinated still get infected but the narrative is the vaccine is totally safe, effective, and mandatory and will save the world. How do we know the vaccine isn't driving mutation? If I can't trust the source, how the hell can I make an informed decision? The drug companies have a massive profit motive to avoid any bad press. did they really disclose all their data?

Every single positive case is counted as a case. Are vaccine injuries treated the same? How many people harmed by the vaccine are taken into account? There's no way to know. Positive case: Always assume regardless of symptoms. Vaccine injury claim: PROVE IT WITH AN AUTOPSY!! IT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN THE VACCINE!! ITS PROBABLY SOMETHING ELSE!! HERE'S A REFERRAL NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!! (Yes I'm being hyperbolic). Its a double standard and there's no way we can get a clear picture with a double standard like that. This whole thing is a mess. 

Does anyone else feel like they have found an unbiased source of information that someone who doesn't trust CDC, FDA, government bodies can turn to to make an informed decision? I'm tired of all the fighting and politicization. I just want unbiased information. If you are like me, what did you do to get a clear picture of this mess and come to a conclusion about vax vs avoid? I'm seriously frustrated. I don't want to add to the problem. But I also don't want to get vaccination injury which can be just as bad as anything I can get from (yes liberals, vaccine injury happens. deal with it). Sigh....tired. I hope this makes sense. Does anyone else feel like this? I hope I'm not the only one. 

I have no idea but that wasn't their point. The repeatably said you had to have a vaccine to get in the party that was their argument. Never mind the fact that there were a lot of people there. All I was saying is that you still have to social distance even with the shot, and a lot of people seem to think the shot saves you from getting it. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
11 minutes ago, RKM2021 said:

I have no idea but that wasn't their point. The repeatably said you had to have a vaccine to get in the party that was their argument. Never mind the fact that there were a lot of people there. All I was saying is that you still have to social distance even with the shot, and a lot of people seem to think the shot saves you from getting it. 

Mostly the points you are making are those forwarded by individuals questioning the need for vaccination.  

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
13 minutes ago, RKM2021 said:

I have no idea but that wasn't their point. The repeatably said you had to have a vaccine to get in the party that was their argument. Never mind the fact that there were a lot of people there. All I was saying is that you still have to social distance even with the shot, and a lot of people seem to think the shot saves you from getting it. 

You can still get covid as a breakthrough infection but it is much less common then if you have no immunity. What is hard to understand about that? About 90% percent of new cases are in unvaccinated individuals; consider that less than 50% of adult remain unvaccinated but still make up 90% of the cases. 

Specializes in Physiology, CM, consulting, nsg edu, LNC, COB.
25 minutes ago, BostonFNP said:

But were there any clusters/cases from Obama’s party? 

As extensively reported by the local Martha’s Vineyard health department who do contact tracing, the answer is ….


wait for it …


No, not one. 

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

I do what is required to keep my job but don't blindly trust the so-called official  sources of information. As a pagan my default is to get naked under a full moon dance til I drop and wait for mother nature to speak to me. In case you think I'm kidding, I'm not. My son a devout BAC keeps saying if he finds my grove of oak trees he is going to come and drag me to church

Specializes in Acute Dialysis.
5 minutes ago, hppygr8ful said:

I do what is required to keep my job but don't blindly trust the so-called official  sources of information. As a pagan my default is to get naked under a full moon dance til I drop and wait for mother nature to speak to me. In case you think I'm kidding, I'm not. My son a devout BAC keeps saying if he finds my grove of oak trees he is going to come and drag me to church

I always thought "the witches" was a documentary...?

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
2 hours ago, 10GaugeNeedles said:

I always thought "the witches" was a documentary...?

Pagans and witches are two entirely different things. Paganism predates all modern religions and is practiced world wide. Witchcraft is a fabrication of the male dominated Christanity who literally set out in the dark and middle ages to exterminate paganism. ie femal practitioners of an alternative religion.

Specializes in Acute Dialysis.
2 minutes ago, hppygr8ful said:

Pagans and witches are two entirely different things. Paganism predates all modern religions and is practiced world wide. Witchcraft is a fabrication of the male dominated Christanity who literally set out in the dark and middle ages to exterminate paganism. ie femal practitioners of an alternative religion.

I don't know but I wouldn't doubt it. Christians REALLY don't like it when you aren't them. I told a nurse I was working with that I was an atheist when she asked "what you believe?" She stopped and stared at me and I swear to zeus she said "really?...I don't trust you." It was the weirdest, most awkward moment. I'm thinking "....mmmmkay.... What?" Christians are weird.

On 9/1/2021 at 2:14 PM, BostonFNP said:

You can still get covid as a breakthrough infection but it is much less common then if you have no immunity. What is hard to understand about that? About 90% percent of new cases are in unvaccinated individuals; consider that less than 50% of adult remain unvaccinated but still make up 90% of the cases. 

Can you tell me where you got this information?

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
24 minutes ago, CinLeo42 said:

Can you tell me where you got this information?


"Almost all (more than 9 in 10) COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have occurred among people who are unvaccinated or not yet fully vaccinated, in those states reporting breakthrough data (see Figure 2).

  • The reported share of COVID-19 cases among those not fully vaccinated ranged from 94.1% in Arizona to 99.85% Connecticut.
  • The share of hospitalizations among those with COVID-19 who are not fully vaccinated ranged from in 95.02% in Alaska to 99.93% in New Jersey. (Note: Hospitalization may or may not have been due to COVID-19.)
  • The share of deaths among people with COVID-19 who are not fully vaccinated ranged from to 96.91% in Montana to 99.91% in New Jersey. (Note: Deaths may or may not have been due to COVID-19.)"






Specializes in A variety.
On 8/26/2021 at 11:58 PM, 10GaugeNeedles said:


Been engaged in alot of discussion under the COVID heading. Got me thinking. I find myself not trusting published data. There's so much politicization of everything. The government agencies are simply not independent and they are the source of most information. They want compliance. Period. Why wouldn't they change the data to fit? They certainly could and they have before. They constantly put out demands and conflicting information over and over again. Masks are BS. They don't protect anything. they stop a cough. GREAT! But they push masks like they are vital to life. People are wearing their masks while jogging in the woods. seriously? What the foxtrot!!? 


I think you and I discussed this in another thread, using an anonymous browser like Tor and anonymous search engine like Duck Duck go.

I share your concerns. Check this out. 

Did you see that study from Israel that followed 7 or 800,000 participants and observed reinfection among

1.Naive and vaccinated

2.Previous infected and vaccinated

3.Previous infected not vaccinated

I heard about it on Youtube but the videos didn't have high view counts. A traditional Google search didn't turn up the raw report.  It did turn up reports on it that highlighted ONLY the part of the study showing how group 2 had fewer reinfections that group 3..  biased!

They failed to mention how low reinfection was for 2 and 3, plus how group 1 had the most reinfections.  Used Tor and Duck to get the full unadulterated report.  

Google gets paid to rank results higher than others

Specializes in Acute Dialysis.
26 minutes ago, jive turkey said:

I think you and I discussed this in another thread, using an anonymous browser like Tor and anonymous search engine like Duck Duck go.

I share your concerns. Check this out. 

Did you see that study from Israel that followed 7 or 800,000 participants and observed reinfection among

1.Naive and vaccinated

2.Previous infected and vaccinated

3.Previous infected not vaccinated

I heard about it on Youtube but the videos didn't have high view counts. A traditional Google search didn't turn up the raw report.  It did turn up reports on it that highlighted ONLY the part of the study showing how group 2 had fewer reinfections that group 3..  biased!

They failed to mention how low reinfection was for 2 and 3, plus how group 1 had the most reinfections.  Used Tor and Duck to get the full unadulterated report.  

Google gets paid to rank results higher than others

Can you send me a link?

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