When does your Spring Semester start and what r u taking?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


My Spring Semester Starts on January 23rd and i am taking Political Science, Math, Psy, and my Humanities class......Really excited to start my 1st semester......and a little nervous at the same time:)

I start Jan 17. Taking Pathophysiology, Intro to Art, and History of CA. Also putting out my nursing school applications this semester :):):)

I need to fulfil the requirements in psychiatric nursing..

im doing my pres for a rn-adn program i start them on tuesday since i didnt score good on the accuplacer I AHVE TO START FROM THE BOTTOM! pre-algerbra , english, and Psychology

Jan 23rd

Chemistry 2


Medical Terminology

Student Success (required by the school)

Computer Literacy (as required)

Written Communication

Algebra (required by my test scores, :( )

Survival Skills for nursing students

Biology and physics both online

im doing my pres for a rn-adn program i start them on tuesday since i didnt score good on the accuplacer I AHVE TO START FROM THE BOTTOM! pre-algerbra , english, and Psychology

I hear you on that! I had to do writing mechanics in the fall. When I finished, I had to test again and was able to skip General English and was placed in Written Communication.

Math, I'm in the bottom. Did basic math in the fall. Tested and now in algebra. How I do better in algebra than basic math is beyond me! lol

How fun, huh?

Basic math since scored low on the math placement :banghead:,english(writing but couldnt get the reading english class fast enough since i didnt get the 1st priority registration...but def next semester will be better :) & nurtition. and man are books pricey!!!!!!!

Taking Microbiology, Technical Writing & Communication, Human Development, and A&P II. Going to be a busy semester!!

Specializes in LTC, Med-surg.

I'm an official sophomore nursing student but our school integrates the pre-req classes with nursing classes right in my freshmen year so I'm taking

Microbiology w/ lab

A&PII w/lab

Health and Wellness Assessment (nursing course)

World Masterpieces (an English literature course)

This is the second semester of my sophomore year btw and then my 3rd and fourth year is going to be pure nursing courses.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

january 23rd and i have human

pathophysiology (bsn co-req)

clinical healthcare ethics (adn/bsn co-req), and interpretation of cardiac arrhythmias (resume booster)

Specializes in LTC/Rehab.

My semester starts Jan.17th. I'm taking A&P II, English comp.II (online), Nutrition (online) and Sociology (online). Not having to drive up to the campus five days a week helps save money on gas.

I start Wednesday the 11th. I'm taking A&P II and Human Growth/Development (online)...my last two prereqs before I hopefully start my ADN program in August! If I don't make it in (they've made it more competitive this year and are only taking 16 students) I'll keep plodding along with BSN prereqs...

I start January 17th, taking Nur 123 (which focuses on Maternity) and Nur 124 (Med/Surg). It's a split semester, the first course is 8 weeks and then it goes into the second course which is another 8 weeks. Good times ;)

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