What are Your Goals for 2018??

Nurses General Nursing


Okay, so 2018 is just around the corner. While we all hope for peace, good health and prosperity, what are some of the particulars of your hopes/goals for 2018?

For myself:

1. I just started a new job and hope to get it more organized.

2. I need to gain a new perspective on nursing as a whole so that I can approach it with a fresh mind/outlook.

3. Cont my weight loss journey.

4. Change my overall attitude towards stressors in my life and establish better-coping skills.

So...how about you??

1) Finish My DNP

2) Pass the Boards

3) Learn a New Job

4) Resolve Significant Other Issues

5) Lose Weight (an oldie but a goodie)

6) Get off my Butt and Workout

7) Pay down debt

8) Ride my bike from Pittsburgh to DC again this summer

9) Be thankful for what I have as opposed to being resentful for that I do not

10) Stay Sober

Happy New Years Everybody Out There!!!

Specializes in Critical Care.
Begin my BSN program, and get ready to apply for CRNA programs!

I am preparing to compete in a bodybuilding competition this upcoming fall.

Also am thinking about buying a new puppy, but can't decide what breed yet.

Hi ICUman :)

Australian Shepherd



Specializes in Critical Care.


Obtain my CCRN

I start my RN-BSN bridge this January

Network as much as possible with resident physicians I work with, in hopes of helping me secure NP employment in the future or maybe even a partnership.

Also I want to learn to sail! I used to drive a pontoon boat around a lake when I was little but I wanna learn how to sail.

1. I am starting a new position in the specialty I currently work in. It's a big promotion, and I want to prove to myself, and my department, that they made the right choice.

2. I want to work on my anxiety, so that events outside my control do paralyze me.

3. I need to maintain self care, while understanding what that is, is different day to day

Specializes in LTC, Rehab.

I have a ton of goals for this year, and there is probably no way I'll achieve them all. But I'm aiming to at least make progress on them all. As a friend of a friend once said - something like this - "Aim high. Even if you don't reach your goal, you'll still probably accomplish more than if you DON'T aim high".

Specializes in ambulant care.

Just mundane goals:

- Find a solvent tenant for my flat.

- Endure the attitudes of my supervisor.

- Win in lottery.

- Keep my BMI over 18.

- ....

I love this thread!! :)

My goals for the new year:

1. Continue developing my circulating skills/knowledge base in the OR.

2. Return to school. Possibly learn a new language.

3. Continue my health and fitness journey while inspiring others to start theirs.

4. In addition to reading one personal development book a month, I'd also love to read at least one or two other books a month.

5. Learn a new hobby- calligraphy, spray paint art, etc.

6. Increase my crochet skills.

7. Re-paint the house and decorate it.

8. Volunteer.

In 2018 I want to:

1) change my hair style

2) work on my backyard and make it beautiful with plants and a couple of fruit trees

3) not to buy unnecessary things and organize my space better

4) have a vacation (should move it to number one, haha)

5) do better at work (attend classess, train new grads)

6) cook something new at least once in 1-2 weeks

Pass nclex- on.

Move to a bigger place.

1. Make steady progress towards my masters.

2. Seek out jobs that will aid my career goals

3. Run my first half-marathon.

4. Leave my current dead-end job and toxic boss!

This year in 2018, I want to:

1. Pass nursing school and graduate early by the end of December.

2. Obtain my CNA certification and work as a CNA.

3. Get a new car.

4. Move out of the dorms into a nice cheap apartment.

Specializes in Critical Care.
Move into a better apartment.

I'm a bit atypical in that, unlike most of my friends (well, all of them) who live paycheck to paycheck, I tend to live well bellow my means. No big interesting story as to how I became that way, just always was.

I have an apartment that is cheap cheap cheap. What is it they say, rent should not be more than 33% of your monthly income? I'm not even half that.

With that said, I'm just tired of this place. It's not unsafe, but the temperature control it offers is second rate. I'm chilly in the winter and HAWT in the summer. It has no tub, just a phone booth sized stand up shower. The kitchen is too small and, I want to cook at home. So, obviously, I can do better.

I'll only take a small ish leap in rent but I think my day to day attitude will improve dramatically. I already know of a few places I could go. It's just........oh, I detest moving. I have to get motivated and do it though.

The no bath tub would be a deal breaker for me! I love hot bubble baths with a scented candle to relax. I lived in a small cute apartment for ten years and the rent went up only once in that time. The last year some sketchy neighbors moved in, cops were being called and I finally moved on to my own home which I love.

Make sure your next place has a bath tub! Bubble baths are so relaxing, wouldn't want to live without them!

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