What warrants a call home?

Specialties School


Good morning, all! I'm not completely new to allnurses, but new to this group. I'm a newly licensed LVN working as a nurse in an elementary school.

I've figured out quickly that there is a huge learning curve as far as practicing nursing in a school vs a hospital/clinic. I have children of my own and tend to use a "would this alarm me as a parent?" as my approach to whether or not to call parents.

So on Thursday I had a 3rd grader come to me at the end of the day with a rear ankle scrape. She was NOT bleeding. She had a bandage on in the area already, so I asked her to show me what I was supposed to be looking at, and she pulled down her sock and she pointed to a cut just below the existing bandage. I cleaned it and placed a bandaid over it and sent her back to class to get her backpack since school was out. And just to reiterate, she'd walked downstairs and across the entire school to my office with absolutely no bleeding. So I documented such, waited for my daughter, and left.

The next morning I walk into the front office with the mother standing there, and she proceeds to yell in my face and tell me I'm incompetent, and that she's am MA and even she knew the cut would need stitches (stitches?! What I saw was a typical ankle scrape... It almost looked the way ankles look while breaking in new shoes). And that I was trying to cut corners so I could go home. To which I didn't reply, but was thinking that I never take a lunch breaks and frequently stay late (unpaid) to work while my kids are in after school care. But how would she know that? She just wanted to go with her wild assumptions and berate me. She was shoving a picture in my face to which I couldn't reply honestly as it would have gotten me into trouble. Honestly, I would never have taken my child to the ER for a 1" ankle scrape, but whatever. And as I said before, the girl had managed to walk quite a bit to get to my office without any bleeding, and yet this mother was claiming her daughter had a saturated sock 5 minutes later? The only thing I can think of was that the ridge of her shoe maybe made it worse?It was also the end of the day, and I'd even asked the girl if she went to after school care or was being picked up, and she said her mom was there! I also spoke with her teacher who said that after it happened, she put a bandage on and she continued working on her science project. Her teacher said it had some blood right after, but none post-bandage nor none when the girl returned to get her backpack.

I guess this this is more of a vent than anything, but I was really upset and embarrassed to have someone yelling at me like that in the front office in front of everyone. When I told my district nurse about it, she just rolled her eyes and said that some parents are crazy and just enjoy escalating things, and to not take it personally. Sure hard not to, though!

So originally I thought this in no way warranted a call to parent, but had I been psychic of this girl having a nutty mom, I sure would have called!

Ha! Now I've been having teachers come to my office to tell me stories of this mom going off on various people, including them... Just solidifies that it's her, not me :)

sometimes i think that if these parents consider their children to be this fragile (see prior post) then maybe they should consider home instruction or private paying for personal nursing care :rolleyes:

Now wouldn't that be wonderful?!

Specializes in Telemetry, Gastroenterology, School Nrs.

I had a Mom like this several years ago and eventually, my Principal contacted her to let her know that from that day further, if there was a medical issue, regardless of nature, the teacher would be calling home for the student to be picked up, or at least assessed by Mom. She informed her that since she was so unhappy with the nursing judgment calls being made, she would have to come to the school anytime the student had a complaint or was not feeling well.

Mom cooled her jets real quick after that!

Specializes in None (as yet).

I am a nurse at a middle and high school...we do not call for any and everything; however, the younger kids... yes mom have to be notified... If I read good, you said the child is in 3rd grade...so yes definitely call mom and add something like you would want to not let her wear a shoe that would irritate the area etc.... Our jobs is also to educate.... but trust me I feel you...I have so much stories ofparents flipping out on the other nurse and myself. Its like darm if you do and darm if you dont... it works both ways...

For eg. the other day we had to call to call a parent after an 8th grader hit head on floor and complain of dizzy...mom goes...I am work...what you people think? calling me all the time with BS ...and hangs up.... calls the principal and complain...

We also have parents curse us out as well calling and reporting chest pain.

We would not always win...

My advice is to do your assessment, use your critical thinking...for those younger kids...yes call mom...provide education...

Do not take anything personal honey...

I got a really ugly email last year about my not calling a mom about a severe allergic reaction. After lots of hoopla, I never saw the kid. Kid never asked teacher to go to the nurse. Call the kid down and he has chapped lips. Then mom gets mad that teacher did not notice his " severe allergic reaction that Benadrly did nothing for at home last night." But, yet he was at school next day. Kid back the next day in "severe pain in lips." Mom takes him to the doctor where he was diagnosed with chapped lips.

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.
I got a really ugly email last year about my not calling a mom about a severe allergic reaction. After lots of hoopla, I never saw the kid. Kid never asked teacher to go to the nurse. Call the kid down and he has chapped lips. Then mom gets mad that teacher did not notice his " severe allergic reaction that Benadrly did nothing for at home last night." But, yet he was at school next day. Kid back the next day in "severe pain in lips." Mom takes him to the doctor where he was diagnosed with chapped lips.

Is chapped lips a diagnosis? Ha!

Don't you love it when parents blame you for not noticing the terribly ill child they sent to school today?

I just got chastised in the hall at the parent breakfast for not calling yesterday on a jammed finger (5th grader). The finger was not swollen or bruised and fully mobile AT THE TIME that I saw him; this morning it's bruised and a little swollen so now she has to take him to the ER and he shouldn't have to miss school for this and why didn't I call her...

Is chapped lips a diagnosis? Ha!

Acute dehydration localized to piehole.

sometimes i think that if these parents consider their children to be this fragile (see prior post) then maybe they should consider home instruction or private paying for personal nursing care :rolleyes:

I have SO many times wanted to say that! My second is if you don't like the school, if we're all that incompetent and don't know what we're doing, LEAVE!

mc3 :banghead:

I work in a pre-K through grade 3 school and there is simply no way I could call home for everything. It's not even realistic to do that. I try to use my best judgement. I've stopped calling home over every head bump because most of them are completely ridiculous (like getting smacked by another student's hand by accident or getting bumped by a soft lunch box). I don't suspect concussions in either instance. I do usually call for marks on the face.

I had a mom chew me out for 15 minutes because I was unable to predict that her daughter was going to vomit. Her daughter came to see me 20 minutes before dismissal. I was finally taking a 15 minute lunch (not the 40 minute one I am entitled to by contract). The secretary sent her back. At dismissal , one of the aftercare teachers brought her down saying she didn't feel well. I took a quick temp (no fever) and suggested she just try to rest. The aftercare teacher said she would call mom. An hour later the kids threw up (in aftercare which I have NOTHING to do with). Mom was so upset because her daughter (in kindergarten) had come to see me and no one was there to care for her. She felt the public school system had failed her daughter by not providing a nurse to cover my break and there was no one to properly assess her daughter (I don't know how one assessed for impending vomit). So now all this kid has to do is sneeze and I call home. The kid came down with a bellyache on the day that the winter concert was planned. I called right home and made it sound very urgent that mom come right away. She had to leave work. Mom was all upset about whether her kid could still come to the concert that evening. Mom called me the next day to explain her daughter was fine. I went right along with it telling her how happy I was to hear it wasn't serious. I won't feel guilty for sending that kid home! The kid just collided with another kid at school the other day and hurt her nose. She c/o pain with light palpation so I called mom at work again for a p/u Mom tried to get my professional opinion (see a doctor) and then my mom opinion (I told her I can't separate the 2. I must err on the side of caution because she was not my child). The mom continued to press me for my "mom" opinion and I said the one time I delayed medical care, my daughter's wrist turned out to be broken (I didn't mention it was a minor salter fracture). Mom couldn't leave work and had to call around for someone to pick her kid up.

Specializes in kids.
Is chapped lips a diagnosis? Ha!

Don't you love it when parents blame you for not noticing the terribly ill child they sent to school today?

Sometimes my chapped lips are from kissing up to the parents......ya know, like when you say something to their snowflake that they immediately text to mommy because their feelings were hurt....

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