What warrants a call home?

Specialties School


Good morning, all! I'm not completely new to allnurses, but new to this group. I'm a newly licensed LVN working as a nurse in an elementary school.

I've figured out quickly that there is a huge learning curve as far as practicing nursing in a school vs a hospital/clinic. I have children of my own and tend to use a "would this alarm me as a parent?" as my approach to whether or not to call parents.

So on Thursday I had a 3rd grader come to me at the end of the day with a rear ankle scrape. She was NOT bleeding. She had a bandage on in the area already, so I asked her to show me what I was supposed to be looking at, and she pulled down her sock and she pointed to a cut just below the existing bandage. I cleaned it and placed a bandaid over it and sent her back to class to get her backpack since school was out. And just to reiterate, she'd walked downstairs and across the entire school to my office with absolutely no bleeding. So I documented such, waited for my daughter, and left.

The next morning I walk into the front office with the mother standing there, and she proceeds to yell in my face and tell me I'm incompetent, and that she's am MA and even she knew the cut would need stitches (stitches?! What I saw was a typical ankle scrape... It almost looked the way ankles look while breaking in new shoes). And that I was trying to cut corners so I could go home. To which I didn't reply, but was thinking that I never take a lunch breaks and frequently stay late (unpaid) to work while my kids are in after school care. But how would she know that? She just wanted to go with her wild assumptions and berate me. She was shoving a picture in my face to which I couldn't reply honestly as it would have gotten me into trouble. Honestly, I would never have taken my child to the ER for a 1" ankle scrape, but whatever. And as I said before, the girl had managed to walk quite a bit to get to my office without any bleeding, and yet this mother was claiming her daughter had a saturated sock 5 minutes later? The only thing I can think of was that the ridge of her shoe maybe made it worse?It was also the end of the day, and I'd even asked the girl if she went to after school care or was being picked up, and she said her mom was there! I also spoke with her teacher who said that after it happened, she put a bandage on and she continued working on her science project. Her teacher said it had some blood right after, but none post-bandage nor none when the girl returned to get her backpack.

I guess this this is more of a vent than anything, but I was really upset and embarrassed to have someone yelling at me like that in the front office in front of everyone. When I told my district nurse about it, she just rolled her eyes and said that some parents are crazy and just enjoy escalating things, and to not take it personally. Sure hard not to, though!

So originally I thought this in no way warranted a call to parent, but had I been psychic of this girl having a nutty mom, I sure would have called!

Yep, that's how the district nurse and I felt about it.

Really, my only "mistake" here was not calling the mom. However, either way the outcome would have been the same. Of course I always give care to those who trickle into my office at the end of the day, but if it doesn't look urgent then I feel perfectly fine sending them out the gate to their parent. And I routinely let the 3rd graders (my school is K-3) know to tell their parents what's going on. Why wouldn't I be fine sending a non-bleeding, not upset child out to her parent?!

But at this point it's almost as if this woman believes in her head that I slashed her daughter's ankle or something. I don't think anything I say or do is going to make her happy... So I'm going with she's crazy.

And yes, I have one lady that I call for everything. She's a thorn in the school's side, and is rude to just about everyone, so we call her if any of her kids make their way to my office.

SnowyJ, that's my criteria for calling í ½í¸Š

Oh and bee stings.

Rainbow, I have come to realize we just can't please everyone, even if our care is top notch. Some people just act like crackheads. You have to consider the source. :yes:

I had a mom come ask me about her child that I saw yesterday. Wanted to know why I didn't call her, well I did call all 8 numbers she gave us for the child, no one answered or responded to the messages left. Yes I called her work number and as usual they never answered either. So I sent a note. once that note leaves the office I can't do anything about it. (I checked the student's folder and the note is still there, go figure) Yep parents can be crazy! ( I keep copies of any and all notes I send home as a CYA kind of thing, cause you know, parents can be crazy!!

Definitely bee stings ;)

I'm starting to realize that... I had another mother get angry with me over the phone because her son had a fever and she needed to come get him. Damned if you do, damned if you don't!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Id have excluded the child from PE & recess based upon the report of a laceration requiring sutures pending physician/provider medical clearance to resume all activities.

Specializes in kids.
Thank you all for your replies and advice. Everything is incredibly appreciated on my end!

So this lady just won't stop. She is now accusing my district nurse and me of "interrogating" her daughter when the DN asked to look at her stitches. And she's threatened to report to my BON as well as my DN's BON. My district nurse said she'll be laughed off the phone since I provided adequate care for what was presented to me, did not delay care in any way (it was the end of the day), nor did I cause harm in any way. I saw the girl earlier and she just has a regular bandaid over it. I also have confirmation from the teacher that she never saw her bleeding...

And a side story- this lady's kindergartner was hit by a car the first week of school. He was not seriously injured, but she was super nonchalant about it. I'm so confused!


A kid had a car accident, when asked if seat belted they reply was "of course"....

See the kid later and ask how they are feeling, do they have burns/bruises from the belt? a very sullen "No"

"OK" would be the noncommittal reply from me

A follow up email to both me and the principal stating I didn't believe the student and called them a liar...

"OK" says me and shrugs...me thinks the kiddo was not belted.....thus no belt bruises from the rollover accident that totalled the car but what the heck do I know?

Wow. All these precious flowers and the parents that think they can do no wrong *eyeroll*

Specializes in kids.
Wow. All these precious flowers and the parents that think they can do no wrong *eyeroll*

For sure...if only they could see just how obnoxious and rude some of them are....not most, most kids are awesome! but some.....not so much!

For sure...if only they could see just how obnoxious and rude some of them are....not most, most kids are awesome! but some.....not so much!

Yes, LOVE the kids. Well, most of them. Just yesterday, Ankle Scrape Girl gave me the dirtiest look a child has ever given me! Her mom must be feeding her hatred... But thank goodness for my district nurse! She flat out told the mom that if she doesn't want me caring for her children, then to put it in writing, and that'll be 2 less out of the 700 children I have to care for :roflmao:

Last week I was stopped by a mom because I didn't call her over a scrap on the nose! Well I didn't know her precious had a scrap on her nose. Told the mom I didn't see her little one so she then goes hunting down the PE teacher and yells at him for not sending the kid to the nurse. PE teach just stares at the mom and said well there was no blood and she could breath ok and never cried. He also let the mom know just how busy I had been that day with mobile dentist in the school seeing 30 + kids and over 40 coming to the clinic....mom is still mad!

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

sometimes i think that if these parents consider their children to be this fragile (see prior post) then maybe they should consider home instruction or private paying for personal nursing care :rolleyes:

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