What do you think about with current News and Opinions?


Something to understand what nurses think about re the Current News and their opinions!

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
4 hours ago, chare said:

Your link brings me back to this thread.  Is this the link you were trying to post? https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/02/19/steve-bannon-toomey-seat-trump/

Gah...the phone app glitches that way regularly.  Thanks for the heads up. 

Steve Bannon’s vile threats show the GOP’s radicalization is getting worse
Opinion by Greg Sargent


How Democrats Are Already Maneuvering to Shape Biden’s First Supreme Court Pick! 


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/21/us/politics/biden-supreme-court-black-woman.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage


This is a topic of concern to me currently. 

My natural choice would be to have the person best qualified for the job regardless of sex, race, denomination or politics. My emotional response is that I want liberal judges and I want them to be in superior numbers to counteract the republicans. 

Ideally, anyone who has shown any sort of bias or opinion re politics or religion should be disqualified immediately, IMO. 

I want objective people with no agenda whatsoever whether I agree with them or not. 

What say you? 

28 minutes ago, Curious1997 said:


Ideally, anyone who has shown any sort of bias or opinion re politics or religion should be disqualified immediately, IMO. 

I want objective people with no agenda whatsoever whether I agree with them or not. 

What say you? 

I'm somewhat confused.  Haven't you stated in at least one other thread that you wanted the Democrats to pack the Supreme Court with liberal judges?

41 minutes ago, chare said:

I'm somewhat confused.  Haven't you stated in at least one other thread that you wanted the Democrats to pack the Supreme Court with liberal judges?

My natural choice would be to have the person best qualified for the job regardless of sex, race, denomination or politics. My emotional response is that I want liberal judges and I want them to be in superior numbers to counteract the republicans. 

That's my emotional response, yes! Which is my preference. 

What's best for the country is objectivity. But republicans don't appear to like playing within the rules? So if you can't beat them, join them! Them are the rules that republicans apparently want. 

Roe vs Wade, Gerrymandering, Citizens United, Obamacare. 

2 hours ago, chare said:

I'm somewhat confused.  Haven't you stated in at least one other thread that you wanted the Democrats to pack the Supreme Court with liberal judges?

Also, in that post said wanted  "liberal judges and want them in superior numbers."  LOL


Specializes in Mental health, substance abuse, geriatrics, PCU.
11 hours ago, Curious1997 said:

I think the internet has to be regulated! 

Child Mediaography, Bitcoin, swindling elders, Proud Boys, manipulating elections etc to name just a miniscule few illegal things that go on hourly on the internet. It's an extremely dangerous medium where things that we can't even imagine is happening. 

I think free market is a myth propagated by the people controlling information as Gamestop just proved and Bitcoin is now proving. Prediction: people are going to get seriously hurt re Bitcoin. And mediums like facebook is one of the main reasons by giving culprits the medium to share the misinformation. It's going to be hijacked! 

Information is power as we all know like when we've caught our sister up to no good and she doesn't want your Dad to find out??. Murdoch's hold on the British and Australian govt officials in bygone years and his influences re elections etc. facebook and Google know the most intimate details about people and use it for their personal nefarious reasons and you can't even complain to them! They violate every antitrust law in the book. 

You need educated, independent (non denominational, political) INVISIBLE bodies in each country, if possible regulating the internet for their own country's needs. Juries accomplish this mostly, just supersize the process. I don't know about other people but I almost NEVER get people's character wrong. Just in this forum you can tell (toomuchbaloney, nursej22, macawake, to name a few) possess the intelligence and the ethics to be on such a panel and I don't know these people. You can tell people by their output and behaviors. 

There are horrific things that the internet is used for, no doubt, and certainly our legal system attempts to deal with those activities. My concern is that despite that negative things, there are also quite a few good things the internet provides. The most important of which is information. Who do we give the power to regulate the internet to? Right now corporations like facebook seem to have most of the power on their side when it comes to controlling what information is available on their platform. Is that the way it should stay? Should the government be trusted to regulate what information is available and what can be expressed? Should some some invisible shadow council be formed to regulate the internet? I don't know that I would trust any of these solutions to not be abused either intentionally or not.

In the same vein, and please not I found the capitol riots revolting and disturbing, yet some of the actions taken social media, lawmakers, and various companies have planted a seed of concern in the back of my mind. I lose no sleep over the silencing of Donald Trump, and I believe the insurrectionists should be held responsible for the destruction and death they caused. Yet, revolution and insurrection seem inevitable in society to make radical change in the government, and this can often be for the betterment of society. The U.S. was founded through revolution. I believe that someone worse that DT will come to power at some point, and if we swing the hammer too hard in the present to try to prevent future insurrections and revolutions, we could very well hurt ourselves in the future should some other Troll rise from the depths.

Should government subversion every be necessary due to tyrannical rule, no doubt the internet would be arguably the most important tool to organize such a revolution.

1 hour ago, Beerman said:

Also, in that post said wanted  "liberal judges and want them in superior numbers."  LOL


Exactly what I mean. 

3 minutes ago, TheMoonisMyLantern said:

There are horrific things that the internet is used for, no doubt, and certainly our legal system attempts to deal with those activities. My concern is that despite that negative things, there are also quite a few good things the internet provides. The most important of which is information. Who do we give the power to regulate the internet to? Right now corporations like facebook seem to have most of the power on their side when it comes to controlling what information is available on their platform. Is that the way it should stay? Should the government be trusted to regulate what information is available and what can be expressed? Should some some invisible shadow council be formed to regulate the internet? I don't know that I would trust any of these solutions to not be abused either intentionally or not.

In the same vein, and please not I found the capitol riots revolting and disturbing, yet some of the actions taken social media, lawmakers, and various companies have planted a seed of concern in the back of my mind. I lose no sleep over the silencing of Donald Trump, and I believe the insurrectionists should be held responsible for the destruction and death they caused. Yet, revolution and insurrection seem inevitable in society to make radical change in the government, and this can often be for the betterment of society. The U.S. was founded through revolution. I believe that someone worse that DT will come to power at some point, and if we swing the hammer too hard in the present to try to prevent future insurrections and revolutions, we could very well hurt ourselves in the future should some other Troll rise from the depths.

Should government subversion every be necessary due to tyrannical rule, no doubt the internet would be arguably the most important tool to organize such a revolution.

Which is why You need educated, independent (non denominational, political) INVISIBLE bodies in each country, if possible regulating the internet for their own country's needs. Juries accomplish this mostly, just supersize the process. 

There are many good people who are objective and Patriotic. Just as you are capable of analyzing this post re potential problems, we start with people who firstly are educated enough to understand what's required, then evaluate whether they are essentially good and incorruptible, with no other agenda than what's best for the American public. And we continue refining characteristics until we come up with a panel. This panel makes the suggestions that creates a level playing field with information with one simple premise, No intentional lies or falsehoods! Then let the companies regulate themselves through their algorithms with the promise of stupendous fines and sanctions(facebook.. Australia) (precedent set) for infractions. Make the fines and punishments proportional with criminal records for perpetrators. 

It was just done when Dorsey and Zuckerberg banned Trump except their decisions were market driven. You can't regulate free speech because of the consequences, however you can regulate companies re quality of product. You can also break the companies up to encourage fair trade. 

These are of the top of my head suggestions imagine what really intelligent people can come up with re possible solutions. 

Lies and misinformation will ruin our lives if they aren't stopped. The next plane we board, the next train, car, did the company's engineers produce a dangerous lemon like Volkswagen diesel division and for years spewed dangerous nox that had permanently damaged lungs?

Dupont, Koch, Union Carbide?

Just as these companies are regulated, so to should Google and facebook who are far more dangerous! 

Supreme Court clears Way to Provide Trump's Taxes to Vance and James! 



I think this is the final nail in the coffin! There is a valid reason he fought so hard to hide his taxes and it's going to show just how much he lied about his businesses. This will be the final proverbial straw that broke the camel's back! 

The dark money from Russia and other sources. All the tax shenanigans he's pulled! And I think all of his kids unfortunately are involved as well as Melania. 

The emperor has no clothes now! 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

Oath Keeper claims she met with Secret Service before Capitol riot


Watkins, an Afghanistan war veteran, has pleaded not guilty to the conspiracy charges. According to the indictment, Watkins arrived at the Capitol with communication devices, reinforced vests, camouflage helmets and goggles. She forcibly entered the Capitol “with a line of individuals wearing Oath Keeper clothing, patches, and insignia," prosecutors said.

But her attorney said: "Ms. Watkins was present not as an insurrectionist, but to provide security to the speakers at the rally, to provide escort for the legislators and others to march to the Capitol as directed by the then president, and to safely escort protesters away from the Capitol to their vehicles and cars at the conclusion of the protest. She was given a VIP pass to the rally. She met with Secret Service agents."

A Secret Service representative said it worked with government partners for security on Jan. 6, but added "any assertion that the Secret Service employed private citizens to perform those functions is false."


Watkins, who has been detained since mid-January, is asking for the court to release her to home confinement pending trial, noting she is at risk for “harsh treatment” as a transgender woman.

The closing paragraph caused me to wonder if the Oath Keepers are tolerant of transgender issues, they certainly aren't tolerant of BLM activism. 

1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Oath Keeper claims she met with Secret Service before Capitol riot

The closing paragraph caused me to wonder if the Oath Keepers are tolerant of transgender issues, they certainly aren't tolerant of BLM activism. 

You have to also wonder just how stupid do they think we are? It's the by product of republicans constantly lying so that now any ridiculous excuses will suffice. 

How easy would that lie be to disprove! Check with the secret service. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
5 hours ago, Curious1997 said:

You have to also wonder just how stupid do they think we are? It's the by product of republicans constantly lying so that now any ridiculous excuses will suffice. 

How easy would that lie be to disprove! Check with the secret service. 

It does seem that American conservatism is currently based in a culture of lies and tolerance for dishonesty. 

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