What do you think about with current News and Opinions?


Something to understand what nurses think about re the Current News and their opinions!

I Wanted To Get COVID-19 Over With, Thinking It Would Feel Like A Bad Flu. I Was So Wrong!


This is an article absolutely worth reading. It's well written and very powerful! 

facebook reverses ban on news pages in Australia!


Update on facebook's stance re Australia ban. I think facebook had to capitulate because they bluffed and it was called! They realized that if Australia had stayed their course, it would mean that the rest of the world would follow suit. 

What do you think? 

3448 US healthcare worker deaths to date!

32%  of those were nurses! Over 1100 nurses! 

Update on the Google and facebook post! 


Australia’s move to tame facebook and Google is just the start of a global battle!

It's about time to regulate these irresponsible behemoths! 

If I was the French or Australian govt I would have imposed humongous taxes on both Google and facebook ONLY! 

I would have baited them into filling a lawsuit for discrimination and then subpoenaed every last document or policy they have re discovery! I would have exposed every last one of their executives and not be remotely interested in a deal or settlement! 

Zuckerberg especially I would have broken and put him in jail eventually! I know that these strong words will invoke blowback, but Google dominates advertising re meta tags and you have to pay Google to play. facebook does exactly the same thing and both have no regulations. As a business owner, I use both and believe me you can't complain. There's no one to complain to! 

Admittedly both have there uses, but they break every antitrust law in the book and like Murdock, weild too much influence for democracy to work! 

Beth Moore, Prominent Southern Baptist splits away from the Church!

How significant will this be to the republicans? 

Will women follow her example and see the hypocrisy for what it is? It's a patriarchal system where women have to know their place and are given little say in their affairs. 

Will this make them question for once and will those questions snowball? 

Israel bombed Iranian ships carrying oil and weapons!

I think this has the potential to develop into quite a catastrophic occurrence for the rest of the world if it escalates which, if Iran is to save face, might happen. 

I see this involving many of the major world players taking sides. The confusion will drive up oil prices which will affect everything from food to cosmetics. Iran won't back down and neither will Israel. Putin has to save face and create a distraction from what's happening in Russia so he will back Iran. I see China also backing Iran. Turkey might also get involved because of geography and both Saudi Arabia and Egypt might have to choose between Israel and Iran. Iran's Shia following already makes them different so this becomes even more complicated. 

I really hope Biden is on the ball re this! 


FBI conducted fake background check on Kavanagh!

If this is true, Kavanagh should be disqualified and jailed if he knew and every one involved should also be jailed! 

In my opinion, this aside from all the people killed by the Trump administration is close to being the worst thing they did. 

Lifetime appointment in a position that could affect so many lives and outcomes. 

Just wondering if Merritt Garland has to recuse himself from the investigation if one occurs? 

Denied Supreme Court seat and now he's the AG. 

7 minutes ago, Curious1997 said:

Just wondering if Merritt Garland has to recuse himself from the investigation if one occurs? 

Denied Supreme Court seat and now he's the AG. 

Yeah, waiting with bated breath to see what happens. 

3 hours ago, Beerman said:

Yeah, waiting with bated breath to see what happens. 

Well he should IMO. Seems like there would be a conflict of interest? 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
7 hours ago, Curious1997 said:

Well he should IMO. Seems like there would be a conflict of interest? 

Sure. That will make Trumpers more comfortable if the fellow that they stole the SCOTUS seat from didn't have anything to do with the investigation into the scam.  It will be fun to listen to the congressional testimony from Chris Wray on this concern of FBI corruption. 

1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Sure. That will make Trumpers more comfortable if the fellow that they stole the SCOTUS seat from didn't have anything to do with the investigation into the scam.  It will be fun to listen to the congressional testimony from Chris Wray on this concern of FBI corruption. 

Just thinking that Trumpers are good at braying and deflecting, so I don't think that they should be given ammunition. Being honest, I don't like Garland except as a Supreme Court Justice. He's like Mueller IMO, by the book and ethical. One could argue Mueller is the person responsible for all the chaos that ensued after Trump. If he had been more courageous he might have given Trump pause. 

If someone is as bad as Trump, you have to remove them. I see things realistically! 

Joe Biden's a good man and if he wants to be assertive and bend the rules to make things better, I trust that his ethics will guide him.

Take the success of Singapore. Someone who obviously loves his country but is devious and conniving. You need strong people to get you places and then remove them when they get you there, before they get ideas above their station! 

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