What was/are the 3 things that got/get you through nursing school?

Nursing Students General Students


It could be a teacher, a friend, a electronic, a certain study habit. I'd just like to know. :yeah:

1. Partying

2. Working out

3. Video Games

Not in any order...seriously it's not rocket science, have fun it's college!

1. A great support system

2.CLASSMATES who are also my BEST friends

3. & Mixed drinks ?

Specializes in Ortho, Case Management, blabla.

Coffee, patience, and lots of self-discipline.

ipad , family, friends

My mother, my calendar (literally!), and finally my cat :cheeky: Jks.

My mother, my calendar/planner, and the amazing support from my school.

For the first semester of Nursing school it would have to be

-my brother who I lost in July and knowing how much he wanted me to complete my degree

-Corrine, my best friend, who pushed me to do my best in school

-sangria and malibu:) of course a girl needs a drink lol

First and foremost, coffee, lots of it! There will be plenty of days where you feel like a total zombie and caffeine is a quick and delicious way to pick you back up! The next thing that really helped me keep up through nursing school was a reliable laptop. Literally all of our work is online so it was very necessary. Plus, there are SO many online resources that can help with NCLEX prep. So much better than carrying tons of heavy books and a countless number of notecards around everywhere. The last thing that really helped me get through it all was steering clear of people who were full of negative energy. I don't know about your nursing class, but mine is full of people who do nothing but complain. I know it can be therapeutic to openly vent about things concerning the program that you dislike but seriously, do the best you can to refrain. Not only will it keep you out of trouble with your dean/instructors but it will keep you away from unnecessary drama. Nursing school is already stressful enough, you don't need to take part with people who add to that stress level.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Gyn, Pospartum & Psych.

Fear of failure, my study buddies, and the patients (who reminded me why I wanted to do all this in the first place).

....and huge stack of NCLEX books which helped figure out why the right answers were right and the wrong answers were wrong.

1. A wonderful study buddy

2. Dedication

3. Time to myself

4. Support of those who live with you


hard work

an incredible instructor who believes in me

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.

1. Exercise or some other method to relieve stress be it yoga,music or what ever

2. Great advice from instructors

3. My family, and classmates support...my classmates made a big impact.

Specializes in ER, progressive care.

1. coffee. LOTS of coffee.

2. my (now) husband.

3. my fellow nursing school friends and study buddies.


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