Published Jan 1, 2009
Ms. Nurse Assistant, LPN
452 Posts
I wasn't accepted into the nursing program. I left my community college to pursue another nursing program hoping that it would get me closer to being a nurse. It was a bad decision and set me back some. Right now, I am not even sure if I want to be a nurse anymore. I am getting older, and I just don't see myself still living at home in the next few years. And when I do move out to support myself it will be incredibly challenging to pursue nursing school at the same time. The long waiting lists, being told to possibly wait to get accepted in 2010, 2011 is just not promising to me. I'll be too old. And the older I get the less motivated I am. I don't want to be like some women who are in their late 30s, 40s chasing after nursing school their whole life. I have ran across a lot of them
I made a thread about going into health administration, maybe that will be a bit more realisitc for me. I won't be tied down every single day for 8 hours, and I can go to class, work, and be able to finnacially support myself until I get a degree. I don't know, I am just confusd. I dont know what direction I need to go in with my life
96 Posts
I'm so sorry that you didn't get accepted. Give yourself a few days at least to be sad before making any huge decisions...right now your head probably isn't going to be thinking too clearly.
Just remember, that you are going to get older regardless of whether or not you go to nursing school, so if it truly is what you want to do don't let this one obstacle get in your way...even if it means that it takes a little longer. It will be worth it in the end!
nkochrn, RN
1 Article; 257 Posts
Just curious... How old are you??? You can go to LPN school and graduate in a year. I don't think that's a very long time when you're talking about pursuing a career.
478 Posts
...the older I get the less motivated I am. I don't want to be like some women who are in their late 30s, 40s chasing after nursing school their whole life. I have ran across a lot of them
That sounds very slightly ageist. I was one of those nurses and don't regret my decision to go into nursing, not for one minute. Life has a habit of changing plans; mine was to go into nursing at 18 but things happened and life moved in a different direction.
But if you want to be a nurse, find a way to make it happen. No one else will.
Virgo_RN, BSN, RN
3,543 Posts
I wasn't accepted into the nursing program. I left my community college to pursue another nursing program hoping that it would get me closer to being a nurse. It was a bad decision and set me back some. Right now, I am not even sure if I want to be a nurse anymore. I am getting older, and I just don't see myself still living at home in the next few years. And when I do move out to support myself it will be incredibly challenging to pursue nursing school at the same time. The long waiting lists, being told to possibly wait to get accepted in 2010, 2011 is just not promising to me. I'll be too old. And the older I get the less motivated I am. I don't want to be like some women who are in their late 30s, 40s chasing after nursing school their whole life. I have ran across a lot of themI made a thread about going into health administration, maybe that will be a bit more realisitc for me. I won't be tied down every single day for 8 hours, and I can go to class, work, and be able to finnacially support myself until I get a degree. I don't know, I am just confusd. I dont know what direction I need to go in with my life
I'm reading a lot of negative self talk here. I think that's the first thing I'd address.....
31 Posts
I don't think 30's or 40's is that old.You make it sound as if this is way way up there.Sacrymary just told you, life has a habit of changing plans.So As you can see your plans of wanting to be home & talking about what you think is the appropriate age,it seem this will not work.what you should U do? work with life and you will acheive your goal.Be flexible.As matter of fac you t need to learn to compromise and have flexibility in your plan for you are going to need these qualities once you become a nurse if u ever decide to complete your studies.I am not 30 yet but i am sure for my RN degree i will persue it in my 30's-and I don't see in any way how that will be too old..For now I am seeking an LPN certificate ,it has never been my choice but I adjusted myself to life demands.I starrted college since 2004,my husband is in the Army so we keep moving and I stop each time we move to new state.Plus i am a mom of 2 young kids,so i take evening class to balance it taking care of my kids& house work.Guess what? this is now 2009 meaning 5 years has gone by .Thankfully this is a great year for me because I have only 5 course left to take & definetly I am going to graduate this year.But again look how I did it.Did'nt give up,didn't count my age,didn't got discouraged because this what I will obtain in 5 years ,a full time student and one who dos'nt move like I do ,will complete the program in a year.or 2 if more.And I am not stoping here.Once I get this one,just about the time to work the 500 hours required as preQ for RN I will find a way to come back and complete my RN degree however possible i can. It must be hard for you now as your are sad for not being accepted ,but I beleive you can stick around ,take this time to do something ,may be bring all your finances together.Work an save so when the time came all you have is study.Keep your dream alive u can catch on with all of us and those who ahead of us. We all have on final destination,work with ill people.and people will get sick for aslong as life exist.So don't pressure yourself .You will have plenty of time for school and time left for care to the ill.every year people graduate from nursing and this has been going on since before you were even need to discourage you can get it done on your own term and turn.Follow my path if you want to but don't let go if this is what you want to be.
racing-mom4, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
I don't want to be like some women who are in their late 30s, 40s chasing after nursing school their whole life. I have ran across a lot of them
Were they really "chasing" it or just busy living thier life?? Hey if your regretting not becoming a nurse in your 20s think of all the regret you will have in your 30s and 40s.
I started nursing school at 31 with a 4 kids at home, 1 being a baby. Was it easy? No way....but I took it one class at a time and I didnt stop and I hit road blocks along the way--those are called life. So I guess the question is "how bad do you want it?"
You know what is funny--I just re-read my post and 31 now seems awfully young to me!!! Yet at the time I thought I was OLD. LOL
8 Posts
I'm almost 37 and have 2 kids - a 10 year old and a 21 month old. I've been working towards this since 2005 and have no regrets. I start Nursing I this month and can't wait. If you truely want to be a nurse, you'll make it happen somehow. I am.
304 Posts
I'm another late-starter here, who wanted and intended to do it right after HS but it just didn't work out that way. I received a different degree, had a career, stayed home and raised my children and now I'm just now 44 and have finished my first semester of an ADN program. I could not be happier! I understand you are young and 44 sounds ancient; wait until you're here, though, looking back -- except for wisdom and some lines on my face, I don't feel a bit differently from how I felt at 24.
Look at it this way: the time is going to pass, regardless of whether you become a nurse or not. Wouldn't you rather be one? I say it's a no-brainer.
I'm 57 years old and have been a nurse over 30 years. I'm older than most nurses and I've been a nurse longer than most nurses have been alive. I wouldn't change it for the world...
I am 23. If I go into an LPN program I will not finish in a year, I still have to complete pre reqs which will take awhile. The only program for LPN in my city rejected me, and I can never apply their again.
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
Sorry you didn't get accepted. You mentioned that you left your community college to seek for another nursing program, to get closer to becoming a nurse. Were you taking pre-requisites to become a nurse there? Was it an LPN or RN program? If your grades were competitive enough, you should consider returning there because you may get accepted into that particular program. I would consider placing my name on that waiting list, and see what else is out there in the meantime. You will be getting older regardless. Using that time constructively can mean that you have a chance to explore other avenues and still have nursing in the back-burner.