What you'd REALLY like to say....

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Ok, so I know I can't be the only one who dreams about just for ONCE saying what's really going through her mind! I love my job, and I do it for the love of my residents, and I always give 100% to make sure they are safe, happy, and cared for. However, I am also extremely sarcastic by nature - and sometimes, well lots of times, I think one thing - but of course say and act completely polite and professional!

Let's see what we all are really thinking in those times of complete stress and chaos we all know too well! I'll start....

To the A&Ax3 perfectly coherent pt who is mean and obnoxious and thinks that he is at the Ritz not a nursing home, and thinks every CNA is his personal assistant / slave::angryfire

DO NOT under any circumstances hit your call light for me to come and pick up your breakfast/lunch/dinner tray - the NANOsecond you finish eating!!!! REALLY! You KNOW that at some point during the 20 other times you call me in there, that I will pick it up on my way out!!!! This drives me absolutely up the wall. Same goes for your urinal (with all 5 cc's of output)!

Stop calling the poor confused residents filthy names. Just because you choose to sit in the hallway all day long doesn't make you the hall monitor! Just because they aimlessly walk or wheel around doesn't mean they are stupid. They are confused. Telling them to get the hell away from you and go back to where "they belong" is nasty and uncalled for. I sometimes secretly hope you will become exactly like them. Soon.

When you ask for an appointment at the barbershop at 8:50 am and they don't open until 9 am, don't hit your call button at 8:55 and ask if I got you a 9 am appointment! I know this may come as a shock to you - but you are not the center of the universe!! You will probably get scheduled sometime later that day, or - GASP - maybe even the next day!

To those wonderful family members we all love so much:

Just because you have an internet connection and access to WebMD, doesn't make you a medical professional. Why the Docs and DON's entertain your completely idiotic and unfounded requests - I will never know. Do you know how hard it is to keep residents properly hydrated? Yet you insist your loved one is over hydrated, and insist he only have one glass of water at every meal. AND you come in during meals and pull a bottle of sea salt out of your purse and dump handfuls onto his food. Hmmmm. OK! :banghead:

You haven't been to visit grandma in over a year. Grandma is completely contracted, hoyer lift, check and change, with aphasia. When you come and tell me that she told you she has to go to the bathroom and you want me to "take her to the restroom", I am not sure whether I want to giggle or slap you. :uhoh3:


Keep em coming! Just some healthy venting! Thanks a ton!

Mmmhmm, there's a big difference between a nurse being too busy to do something we are able to do and just NOT doing it because it's the aides' job.

Busy, I understand...though, if you have the time to walk up and down the halls trying to find me, surely you have the time to grab the blanket or the ice water that was asked for.

Or when a nurse comes into a room where you're busy with a mess or in the middle of a bath, and tells you that another resident needs a urinal...and when you come out of the room to go get it, she's standing in the hall, chatting about her kids with a coworker.

And then you go to the resident who needed the urinal, and in the time it took you to hurry and finish what you were doing and rush down there, they've urinated themselves, leaving you a bed change. It would have taken that nurse literally 5 seconds to grab the urinal and hand it to the resident.

Those are the things that irritate me and the nurses I complain about.

Specializes in LTC.

Yeah, I had a nurse tell me to get a resident up, and showered for bingo. Well, I do what she wants. Then 15 minutes later she calls me, and asks why I havent answered my two call lights that were going off in my hallway! I wanted to go and slap her! She knew I was busy giving a shower.:mad:

Even on 3rd shift, I rarely get more than one break. Sometimes none at all. But you can bet that the one nurse on night shift I can't stand has a cigarette break every hour. Ugh.

Specializes in PACU, OR.

To my CEO: "Stop telling me you are not aware of problems in this hospital. I don't believe your BS anymore. Your Unit Managers and Hospital Managers tell you repeatedly, you're just too effing lazy to do anything about it. If you claim you're not aware, as you have been doing for the past 6 years, get up off your FAT FREAKING BACKSIDE and FIND OUT! All you are illustrating is your own incompetence! And stop telling me your managers are supposed to "sort these things out", I am fully aware that you haven't empowered them to do as much as POOP without your permission, so either YOU do the freaking job you're being highly paid to do, or empower the managers you've appointed!

To my UM: "If you delegated the routine work to your RNs instead of trying to do it all yourself, your work might actually be up to date. Your senior staff is QUITE capable of doing it, so stop trying to convince everyone you're indispensable! And while you're digesting that, might I point out that discipline is going down the drain? Why don't you put your foot down with staff who abuse the system? Do you have any idea what effect your non-existent authority is having on morale? You've done the admin and management courses, now WHEN are you going to start applying what you learned?"

To my NSM (short and sweet): "Number 9 says, 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour'; actually, ANY lying, especially from someone in your position, should be grounds for instant dismissal."

To my closest colleagues: "I know this place can be frustrating, and management can be soul-destroying, but please stop seeking every excuse not to come to work. Your repeated absences are slowly killing me-I'm not as young as I used to be."

To one particular nurse: "If I ask you to help me lift a patient, that means LIFT, so put your back and shoulders into it and don't force me to do all the lifting!"

To the doctors who throw tantrums because their patients are not yet in theater: "This is NOT the Starship Enterprise and there is NO transporter beam and NO freaking Scotty to beam your patients up! So SHUT UP!"

To one particular anaesthetist: "I have been recovering patients on ET tubes for 21 years, I probably know better than you when that tube is ready to come out, so stop hovering over your patient, get your butt back into theater and get on with your list or we'll be here till MIDNIGHT! Contrary to your apparent belief, I actually PREFER leaving when my shift's finished!"

.........That felt good :yeah::yeah::yeah:

To many: I am sorry you're lonely. If I had the time I would sit with you, because I know how I would feel stuck here 24/7. But. I. Just. Don't.

You are a 1 assist. I lay you down last because it is HELL trying to find a partner for all the 2 assists/hoyers that need to lay down. I am not going to give my partner the chance to run away while I take the five minutes to put you to bed. Wait your turn, and stop acting like I forgot about you every time I walk by.

CNA's. My resident is on the floor, or is about to be and there is nothing but me in the way of them falling. The light has been ringing for twenty minutes and I am not allowed to leave. Stop assuming they want a tissue and pop your head in once in awhile. And oh yeah, the reason I let YOU run to the last alarm is because I've ran to that room five times already while YOU sat at the nurse's station chatting and ignoring it.

Also to CNA's - I will change your resident, but not all the time, every time. Sometimes I am telling you your resident needs to use the bathroom because I am juggling four things at once. And if you ask for my help and I ask you to give me a minute, don't give me attitude. I cannot make my resident move any faster, believe me I have tried.

As far as what a CNA should make? I thought I was making good money, about 11$ an hour. Would I like more? Oh hell yes, I think about it every time I calculate how many days I need to pick up to pay the bills. But we'd all like more money for the things we do, and I don't think that changes whether you're a CNA, LPN, RN, etc. . .It's more than I've ever made in my life and even though it's not career money, I am thankful just to have a job in my area.

Stop fighting about what tv show to watch as if you are a bunch of preschoolers. Sheesh. I feel like putting all ya'll on a time out and turning off the tv for a long time. I don't care who wants to watch Matlock/McGyver/The Golden Girls/. I swear I will put on Teletubbies or Barney if you continue to act that way! And I will hide the remote.

Try.Me. :sofahider

Oy vey.:smokin:

Specializes in LTC/Rehab.

Resident: "Oh, sweetie! Your hands are so cold..."

Me: " Yeah, and so is your heart."

To the resident that rings the call light all night long:

Me: "So I guess it's true, evil never sleeps!

To the combative, incompliant resident:

Me: "I'd be just as grumpy as you if I was dumped by my family, and forced to stay here all day, everyday!"

To the nurse on "C" floor...how about, instead of spending 6 of your 8 hours on shift online looking at houses, in the nursing station texting or on the couch watching crappy evening TV, you HELP US FOR GOD'S SAKE? We went from two RCA's per floor in the evening to one and a float between the two, at the very same time one resident fell and broke his hip (and his dementia is worsening so he falls out of bed CONSTANTLY thinking he can still walk and has to be sent to the hospital for new xrays every week), three more residents became full "feeds" at an already INSANELY hectic meal time (these are severe dementia floors, after all, where people just get worse and worse and for those who are able to walk, there is absolutely nothing you can do to keep them sitting long enough to eat!), three more residents have advanced from walking and sit-to-stand machines to ceiling tracks, and those who were not already incredibly confused are becoming...well, incredibly confused and more demanding. Anyway, point being; please get off your ass and offer SOME assistance, you are a damn RN (somehow) and are fully capable of changing one resident or help somebody eat their dinner.

I don't have any problems with family currently, most of the "bad" family members have been dealt with to the point where they now behave haha :D However if there would be one thing I could say, to anyone, anywhere in my care home, it would be DO NOT ABANDON YOUR FAMILY MEMBER WITH US. We help them with their ADL's and make sure they are as healthy as possible, but to the ****ing families who never come in, who never visit, who never re-stock their mom's ****ing toothpaste or make sure she's okay, I hope you rot in hell.

I am sympathetic, it is very difficult to see your mom in this condition- contracted, demented, calling out all the time and in diapers, but if you thought for ONE second how much harder it is on her that you never come in, you would realize that staying away is the most selfish and horrible thing you can do. She is alone, living out her last days in an institution, and although we give her as much love as we can (read: have/make time for in the busy day) there is no substitution for familial love. You may wonder is she recognizes you but whether she does or not is not the point- anyone, no matter how far into Alzheimer's they may be, can feel love and can feel loneliness. Ten minutes of your busy busy week makes all the difference.

I am frustrated with the things that are going on. why is it always me that everyone chooses to pick on? the cna's who like to slack off and let me do their work, the nurses who just like to yell at me, and the residents who feel that it's just not right that I work there no matter how hard I work and how nice I am to them even when other aides won't even go near their room.

Specializes in LTC/Rehab.

"Oh, you didn't hear? Today's 'Backwards Day'. Now, YOU get to change MY dirty diaper! Come on, I'll walk you through it..." :lol2:

Specializes in long term care, alzheimer's, ltc rehab.

hee hee, i love this thread! i just finished all 24 pages.

here's my contribution:

to the evil crabby witch in 99a: do not, under any circumstances, hit your call bell to get up at 6:57 am, 3 minutes before shift change, especially when it takes you an hour to do because you're so &$%* picky! (no kidding, i stayed over to get her up yesterday because she threatened to go to the administrator and it took 10 minutes just to put one dang shoe on!) oh, and just to help you out sweetheart, day shift starts at 7am, not 6:58 or 6:59!

whew, i feel great now!

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