What are the police supposed to do if you resist arrest and try to use a police TASER on the cops?

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Video shot by a bystander captures Brooks struggling with two officers on the ground outside the Wendy’s before breaking free and running across the parking lot with what appears to be a police TASER in his hand.

A second videotape from the restaurant’s cameras shows Brooks turning as he runs and possibly aiming the TASER at the pursuing officers before one of them fires his gun and Brooks falls to the ground.

Brooks ran the length of about six cars when he turned back toward an officer and pointed what he had in his hand at the policeman, said Vic Reynolds, director of the GBI at a separate press conference.


So is the cop supposed to sit around and get tazed? I thought it was common sense that if you're resisting arrest and trying to taze a cop, the cop is going to neutralize the threat and bring you down. I think using deadly force here was completely justified.

Specializes in Psych.
5 hours ago, NurseBlaq said:

Police have been murdering Black people with impunity. How do you think we feel?

This case was a clear-cut action of a law enforcement officer defending his own life against an assailant (who also happened to be Black) firing the officer's taser at him.

Unlike the George Floyd case, the video evidence shows zero ambiguity about the cop's actions - the officer did the right thing here.

5 hours ago, NurseBlaq said:

They're unwilling to protect me and my family period. I'm leery about having to call the police for anything because I may be the culprit when they show up despite me calling them.

Hopefully you have ANTIFA and BLM activists on speed dial if you witness a criminal activity!

5 hours ago, NurseBlaq said:

The law says no but you guessed it, it's been happening to Black people.

Let's swiftly disprove this theory.

Suppose Rayshard Brooks was White and officers Garrett Rolfe and Devin Brosnan were Black (I guess we're capitalizing skin colors now).

NOTHING about the merit of the officers' deeds would change. These hypothetical Black officers would be heroic and the White assailant would be guilty of trying to kill a cop with the cop's OWN taser!

Ergo, race can't be a factor in this. QED. ?

Specializes in School Nursing.
7 hours ago, NurseBlaq said:

Think about it.

Well, it's not applicable to this case because the taser was inactive and the police knew it. What's the next excuse?

The taser wasn’t inactive. If you watch the video, you can see the taser fire.

Specializes in School Nursing.

What about the 2 officers in Louisiana that shot out a car killing a 6 year old autistic boy and his injuring his father. They lied about the father trying to ram their police vehicle, and were charged with murder. These victims were white, but there’s no outrage over their murder. Believe me, I am far from racist, and what happened to George Floyd was simply murder. But at what point is enough enough and people just can’t get along. My ancestors were slaves also, but I don’t go around expecting monuments that represent history to be torn down. Why erase it, we should memorialized I’d as a lesson learned to never allow it to happen again. And if our history didn’t happen the way it did, there wouldn’t have been the great Dr. Martin Luther King. Do we erase him too? With all the good that man did? I’m just so tired of everyone screaming, looting, stealing from honest businesses, in the name of fixing racism. That does not heal, that makes things worse. I mean no offense, I’m simply stAting my opinion, which I feel should be respected as I respect all of yours.

Specializes in Psych.
1 minute ago, beachynurse said:

And if our history didn’t happen the way it did, there wouldn’t have been the great Dr. Martin Luther King. Do we erase him too? With all the good that man did?

Remember, Dr. King had multiple affairs, which Coretta Scott King apparently tolerated. It's only a matter of time before the raging Feminist mob tears down statues of Dr. King as well as any other male historical figure who had engaged in extramarital relations.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

At what point is enough enough?

When we stop pretending that the country and it's institutions aren't built upon racist oppression. When we stop acting like a little bit of protest fixes the problem that has festered for hundreds of years. The only erasing of history that has happened is that which seeks to paint racist cruelty with a stroke of patriotic honor. The oppressed didn't write our history...

1 hour ago, beachynurse said:

What about the 2 officers in Louisiana that shot out a car killing a 6 year old autistic boy and his injuring his father. They lied about the father trying to ram their police vehicle, and were charged with murder. These victims were white, but there’s no outrage over their murder. Believe me, I am far from racist, and what happened to George Floyd was simply murder. But at what point is enough enough and people just can’t get along. My ancestors were slaves also, but I don’t go around expecting monuments that represent history to be torn down. Why erase it, we should memorialized I’d as a lesson learned to never allow it to happen again. And if our history didn’t happen the way it did, there wouldn’t have been the great Dr. Martin Luther King. Do we erase him too? With all the good that man did? I’m just so tired of everyone screaming, looting, stealing from honest businesses, in the name of fixing racism. That does not heal, that makes things worse. I mean no offense, I’m simply stAting my opinion, which I feel should be respected as I respect all of yours.

Last I checked there were all races tearing down those statues and protesting. Last I checked they're protesting ALL police brutality, not just George Floyd. And this is my first time hearing about the Louisiana case. Did his family/friends/neighbors let anyone know there was an issue? Have you been aware there have been lynchings going on annually for over the past 10 years? They don't make the news either. The latest line of lynchings wouldn't have either until people were online notifying everyone across the country. What does your ancestors being slaves have to do with this? Do you realize Black people have never been without drama and the consequences of slavery? Literally, there are so many injustices that still linger and generational issues as a result of slavery. If it affects your family, community, why aren't you upset? This isn't about just statues, it's about quality of life and injustices that have been going on for generations. To dismiss that and claim it's about material nonsense is the problem. You fail to understand the root cause of the anger, which is why there's still a disconnect.

2 hours ago, beachynurse said:

The taser wasn’t inactive. If you watch the video, you can see the taser fire.

The police and prosecutor said he could not have hurt the police and they knew the taser was no good. That man shouldn't have been murdered. But since you want to go on this taser rant, it wasn't deadly force and the police practice tasing each other so they also know it isn't deadly. Again, no excuse to murder that man. Plus they shot him in the BACK. Not the front, the back. For a third time, not excuse why they murdered that man. NONE.

Specializes in Corrections, Dementia/Alzheimer's.
4 hours ago, A Hit With The Ladies said:

Let's swiftly disprove this theory.

Suppose Rayshard Brooks was White and officers Garrett Rolfe and Devin Brosnan were Black (I guess we're capitalizing skin colors now).

NOTHING about the merit of the officers' deeds would change. These hypothetical Black officers would be heroic and the White assailant would be guilty of trying to kill a cop with the cop's OWN taser!

Ergo, race can't be a factor in this. QED.

I personally, in my town, know of an instance where white police unjustly shot and killed 2 white men. It didn't even make the news past one article in the local paper.

1 hour ago, beachynurse said:

These victims were white, but there’s no outrage over their murder. Believe me, I am far from racist, and what happened to George Floyd was simply murder. But at what point is enough enough and people just can’t get along

I have not managed to finish all the videos about the Atlanta shooting (yet) and therefore refuse to form an opinion until I do.

However, I have watched all videos of the George Floyd murder in their entirety. There is no excuse for how he was killed. The officer who did it was wrong, as the officers who stood by and let it happen were wrong. Regardless of whether Floyd was on drugs, or fought the police in the back of the police car. Regardless of whatever might have happened, had he pulled a taser on the police, etc. I work in a prison, and have seen many uses of force. As soon as the offender (black or white) shout's "I'm through" "I'm done" etc, they mean it, and there is no more fighting because they are ready to comply. This statement made by Floyd should not have been ignored.

I have also watched numerous videos of protests and murals being painted in honor of George Floyd. If the movements were #Georgefloyd'slifemattered, I can get down with that, because it did matter, and that fact was not taken into account as it should have been.

But after watching all of the videos, 2 facts stood out to me.

1. When my dad died, there was not one single worthless mural painted. Not one single sign made. Not one single national proclamation that his life mattered.

2. When a good friend of mine died (who happened to be quite black), again, not a single word regarding the worth of her life to make national news.

The realization of these two facts lead me to the conclusion that, in the eyes of the nation, in order for a life to matter, 2 things must both be true: The life has to be a black one, and it has to have been ended at the hands of the police.

1 hour ago, beachynurse said:

My ancestors were slaves 

I do not know what my ancestors were. For all I know, they were abolitionists running the underground railroad. The fact that I am made to believe that I must apologize to all black people because my grandma might have been unkind to their grandma is strange. I have never been unkind to a black person, since their lives matter as much as everyone else, and therefore feel no need to apologize.

I agree with beachynurse.

I think tearing down the monuments is saying that all the lives that were killed in the confederacy do not matter, though they were childeren, husbands, fathers, fighting for something they believed in.

I also like what beachynurse said about Dr. Martin Luther King. If we pretend the past did not happen, then his life did not matter.



Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
3 minutes ago, Trampledunderfoot said:

I personally, in my town, know of an instance where white police unjustly shot and killed 2 white men. It didn't even make the news past one article in the local paper.

I have not managed to finish all the videos about the Atlanta shooting (yet) and therefore refuse to form an opinion until I do.

However, I have watched all videos of the George Floyd murder in their entirety. There is no excuse for how he was killed. The officer who did it was wrong, as the officers who stood by and let it happen were wrong. Regardless of whether Floyd was on drugs, or fought the police in the back of the police car. Regardless of whatever might have happened, had he pulled a taser on the police, etc. I work in a prison, and have seen many uses of force. As soon as the offender (black or white) shout's "I'm through" "I'm done" etc, they mean it, and there is no more fighting because they are ready to comply. This statement made by Floyd should not have been ignored.

I have also watched numerous videos of protests and murals being painted in honor of George Floyd. If the movements were #Georgefloyd'slifemattered, I can get down with that, because it did matter, and that fact was not taken into account as it should have been.

But after watching all of the videos, 2 facts stood out to me.

1. When my dad died, there was not one single worthless mural painted. Not one single sign made. Not one single national proclamation that his life mattered.

2. When a good friend of mine died (who happened to be quite black), again, not a single word regarding the worth of her life to make national news.

The realization of these two facts lead me to the conclusion that, in the eyes of the nation, in order for a life to matter, 2 things must both be true: The life has to be a black one, and it has to have been ended at the hands of the police.

I do not know what my ancestors were. For all I know, they were abolitionists running the underground railroad. The fact that I am made to believe that I must apologize to all black people because my grandma might have been unkind to their grandma is strange. I have never been unkind to a black person, since their lives matter as much as everyone else, and therefore feel no need to apologize.

I agree with beachynurse.

I think tearing down the monuments is saying that all the lives that were killed in the confederacy do not matter, though they were childeren, husbands, fathers, fighting for something they believed in.

I also like what beachynurse said about Dr. Martin Luther King. If we pretend the past did not happen, then his life did not matter.



Confederate lives were the lives of traitors and white supremacists. Do we still have confederate lives to worry about?

King's life and words did matter, that's why he was murdered.

Specializes in Psych.
1 hour ago, NurseBlaq said:

Plus they shot him in the BACK. Not the front, the back. For a third time, not excuse why they murdered that man

Firing the taser at the cop is a perfectly reasonable rationale (or 'excuse', according to you) to take Brooks down. It is irrelevant whether the shot had to be in the back, the front, the side, wherever. The officer did what needed to be done to bring the assailant to justice.


You fail to understand the root cause of the anger, which is why there's still a disconnect.

Don't drive under the influence, don't resist arrest, don't punch a cop, don't steel a cop's weapon, don't try to incapacitate a cop by using that weapon against said cop. Above all things, follow the law. That way you won't have reason to get angry.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
On 6/20/2020 at 1:57 AM, Tegridy said:

Driving drunk leads to an arrest no matter under current law. Mothers against drunk driving worked hard to make it that way. He should have complied with police, but he did not, and paid the price. End of story. Stop trying to make a criminal into a victim. If you want people to not get in trouble for drunk driving that is fine with me, Just make sure you advocate for that in your state and city and not mine. So we can both be happy, Thanks.

The fellow was not driving...he was sleeping in his car. He complied with the police right up until the murderer unholstered and threatened him with a weapon. He paid a price for interacting with a violent racist dressed up like law enforcement who believed he had immunity.

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

When can police use lethal force against a fleeing suspect?

... A seminal 1985 Supreme Court case, Tennessee vs. Garner, held that the police may not shoot at a fleeing person unless the officer reasonably believes that the individual poses a significant physical danger to the officer or others in the community. That means officers are expected to take other, less-deadly action during a foot or car pursuit unless the person being chased is seen as an immediate safety risk.

In other words, a police officer who fires at a fleeing man who a moment earlier murdered a convenience store clerk may have reasonable grounds to argue that the shooting was justified. But if that same robber never fired his own weapon, the officer would likely have a much harder argument.

“You don’t shoot fleeing felons. You apprehend them unless there are exigent circumstances — emergencies — that require urgent police action to safeguard the community as a whole,” said Greg Gilbertson, a police practices expert and criminal justice professor at Centralia College in Washington state...


Specializes in Psych.
26 minutes ago, herring_RN said:

unless the officer reasonably believes that the individual poses a significant physical danger to the officer

Having the fleeing culprit shoot you with your own Taser is absolutely a "significant physical danger to the officer". I'm proud of the officer for defending himself, and the public at large, from Brooks.

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