What to do when... Patient stinks...

Nursing Students General Students


Pt stinks after having a bowel movement and its all diarrhea. I have to clean it up all the time, but the thing is tho, i cant wear a mask or anything because that would be rude and what not to the patient and plus they dont have any mask from what i've seen. It makes me almost croke each time just doing it, cuz its watery and nasty, omg, just sick green crap. Is there anything else i can do besides air freshener? Maybe something to sniff while im doing it? Thanx

Specializes in Emergency.

I keep a very small container of vicks in my pocket or near my stuff. I work in ED and we have many smelly pt's. If I know I am heading into a potentially nasty zone, I will rub some on the inside of my wrists. It helps you through the tough BM's.

Yep ditto on the Vicks but I put some under my nostrils and still try to mouth breathe as much as I can

awesome, will get some vicks.

Specializes in ER.

Iodoform packing gauze will take the stink out of the room in general.

Specializes in Critical Care.

Sounds like a good candidate for a rectal bag, the diarrhea will be contained and your I/O's will be accurate. In addition your patients skin will be protected.

if i know i am heading into a potentially nasty zone, i will rub some on the inside of my wrists. it helps you through the tough bm's.

:bow: nasty zone....that is the best discription i have ever heard.......:rotfl:


sorry just had to laugh...it's so true....

Use a mask. You can always say that you are feeling a cold coming on and you want to make sure that, if that is the case, you don't want to spread your germs.

There is also a minty kind of solution that you can get from the Pharmacy. Dose a cotton ball and pass it under your nose, it'll get rid of the stench.

Specializes in Staff nurse.

...I use a mask when I empty a foley bag and flush down the toilet, don't want anything back-splashing when I dump/pour the urine in the toilet. And wear a mask! You can do as suggested above. I would not recommend mouth-breathing, the nasal hairs filter what you breathe thru your nose.

Specializes in Staff nurse.

...I would not recommend mouth-breathing without a mask on.

Some1 else mentioned before...

At the grocery checkout they have pepermint breath drops. Dab a drop or 2 under each nostril.

I saw a fellow colleague take an alcohol swab and rub it under her nose...yeah it is potent but it does work as I tried it myself when I was with another student changing a colostomy.

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