What nurses don't hear often enough


Thank you for what you do!! Hello, I'm disabled (cerebral palsy) and use a wheelchair to get around. I have had many operations to help me walk but have not had much luck with them. The people I remember the most are the nurses. I have so much respect for them. I have always been lucky and never had a bad/mean nurse. I have always found them to be very knowledgeable, often one step ahead of what I needed, caring and my advocate. I have never viewed myself as disabled I do the same things everyone else does, just differently.

I like to be as independent as possible. I hate asking for help, even in the hospital. I always tell the nurse or CNA, " If I can do anything to make your job easier on you just let me know." My idea of "good customer service" is competent, friendly care. I don't think the term "customer service" should be used while talking about health care, I think that is just absurd that nurses can get written up or even fired for not getting a family member a drink or food fast enough, or other meaningless things. They should NOT expect things. I have been in the hospital many times and none of my family ever did this, I would see other families do this and think "get it yourself." I remember my nurses, many of them have made an impact in my life, they will be in my heart forever. I always said "Thank you" after doing care on me, I mean after the things nurses have to do, they deserve at least a "thank you". I even wrote letters to the hospital telling them how great some of my nurses were.

I think that it is crazy the amount of patients they are expected to have, I hope one day that will change. I understand the hospitals want to make $$ but putting profit before care is just wrong. I don't like when nurses or anyone for that matter is talked down to, I mean where does it get the person who is doing it? Nowhere and it just makes who is helping them NOT want to. I was always friendly, very respectful, I find by being that way they will be more eager to help when needed, and don't dread when they see you are back in the hospital and they have to care for you. If you ever have a bad day just remember that there are patients who respect, and appreciate what you do for them. You do make a difference!! THANKS AGAIN for what you do. NURSES ROCK!!:up:

Specializes in Family Medicine.

You're welcome. :)

Loved your post. Thanks Wheels!

I hope I get some respectful/appreciative patients this weekend.

Specializes in Med/surg, Tele, educator, FNP.

Thank you so much! You sound like the perfect patient!! I wish everyone thought like you and more nurses would stay at bedside nursing. Thank you for being appreciative. It makes a difference when I feel appreciated:)

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Specializes in Cardiology.
Thank you for what you do!! Hello, I’m disabled (cerebral palsy) and use a wheelchair to get around. I have had many operations to help me walk but have not had much luck with them. The people I remember the most are the nurses. I have so much respect for them. I have always been lucky and never had a bad/mean nurse. I have always found them to be very knowledgeable, often one step ahead of what I needed, caring and my advocate. I have never viewed myself as disabled I do the same things everyone else does, just differently.

I like to be as independent as possible. I hate asking for help, even in the hospital. I always tell the nurse or CNA, “ If I can do anything to make your job easier on you just let me know.” My idea of “good customer service” is competent, friendly care. I don’t think the term “customer service” should be used while talking about health care, I think that is just absurd that nurses can get written up or even fired for not getting a family member a drink or food fast enough, or other meaningless things. They should NOT expect things. I have been in the hospital many times and none of my family ever did this, I would see other families do this and think “get it yourself.” I remember my nurses, many of them have made an impact in my life, they will be in my heart forever. I always said “Thank you” after doing care on me, I mean after the things nurses have to do, they deserve at least a “thank you”. I even wrote letters to the hospital telling them how great some of my nurses were.

I think that it is crazy the amount of patients they are expected to have, I hope one day that will change. I understand the hospitals want to make $$ but putting profit before care is just wrong. I don’t like when nurses or anyone for that matter is talked down to, I mean where does it get the person who is doing it? Nowhere and it just makes who is helping them NOT want to. I was always friendly, very respectful, I find by being that way they will be more eager to help when needed, and don’t dread when they see you are back in the hospital and they have to care for you. If you ever have a bad day just remember that there are patients who respect, and appreciate what you do for them. You do make a difference!! THANKS AGAIN for what you do. NURSES ROCK!!:up:

What a nice post!

Our jobs are hard, but most of us do it because we really care about people. Keep sending letters to management- we love getting them- it means a lot to us!

ohh thanks a lot for your post this will make every nurses proud of them and make a difference in providing care. God bless you.!

Given your appreciation for nurses, I bet the nurses like you as much as you like them :). Being nice goes a long way!

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

You made my week! Thank YOU!

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.

OP: Can I keep you in my pocket? I could take you to work with me every night and bust you out when I have a bad patient or family as my reminder that good ones like you exist! :)

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
Specializes in Tele.

Thank you!!

I had a patient just yesterday that was just awesome. He helped me more than I helped him....in more ways than one......

Specializes in Trauma/Tele/Surgery/SICU.

Just had a crappy shift with a couple of difficult patient's/families. Drove home thinking "why did I ever think I wanted to be a nurse, I would rather do anything else!" Reading this post almost made me cry, and reminded me of why. The way we can touch peoples lives as a nurse is truly awesome. Thank you for reminding me of that.

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