What you should never say at an interview


Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Phila. Inquirer

Oct 14, 2013

What you should never say at an interview

Some common "don'ts" include never asking about career paths and promotions until after you get the job, if at all, since offers can be canceled.

Roy Cohen, a New York career coach and author of "The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide" (Pearson PTR, 2010), says you should also defer questions about compensation for as long as possible. If you share salary information too early in the process, you risk being eliminated before they know your potential to add real and significant value....

"Why do you want to work here?"

"Because you are the only place hiring!"

Ok so I read somewhere on here that a Cna feels as though cover letters and resumes are tacky. And that they were hired without one so why waste the time. I have been working as a CNA for 7 years and that burnt my butt to read. I am reacently looking for a new job while going to school and I think that the extra work I did tailoring my resume and cover letter to each specific position as well as outlining my skills. I am confident that you should do the extra work its not tacky its a good way to show how not lazy you are and ur confidence. Besides my answers on an application may be similar to those of a newbie so I think its important to showcase those years and tears lol...... I hate negative comments!!! The more positivity you bring to someone else the more you bring to yourself. Too blessed to be Stressed!! Lastly, cnas are a dime dozen and there is nothing wrong with being the shiniest one in the bunch lol just a vent

There's nothing wrong or tacky about a cover letter and resume for a CNA. Personally, I would just think it's unnecessary.

A well written cover letter and resume are never tacky, regardless of the position being applied for.

Absolutely necessary for a nurses aide? No, I guess not. But I was an aide for years, and I would never have dreamed of not including a cover letter and resume with my application.

Things you should never say/ask at an interview:

Is there a camera in the med room?

How much do you make?

The Angel of Death has been telling me the time for purification is coming.

Can we wrap this up already?

I don't live in a crack house. It's a crack home.

Don't worry about it, those record are sealed.

If you ever address me in Spanish, you will use the formal Usted.

Things you should never say/ask at an interview:

Is there a camera in the med room?

How much do you make?

The Angel of Death has been telling me the time for purification is coming.

Can we wrap this up already?

I don't live in a crack house. It's a crack home.

Don't worry about it, those record are sealed.

If you ever address me in Spanish, you will use the formal Usted.


Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

"Where's your bathroom?"

"I want to work in this unit because I'll only have to take care of [X number] of patients"

"I figure I'll move on to something better once I have a couple years of experience."

"I want to work in the ICU because it looks good on a CRNA school application"

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Are the residents allowed to date the nurses?

How strict ARE you guys about narcotics? Just wondering.....

Specializes in NICU.

Have you ever been convicted of felony? No. Never convicted

I know the shift is 7am-7pm, but I am a late sleeper. Can I come in between 10 and 11?

Do you mind if I bring my parents to the interview?

I only attended nursing school so I could marry a doctor.

Specializes in pediatrics.

In two years I see myself living in another state. Especially if you are a new grad, managers don't want to hire and train you just so you can leave with experience.

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