1/16 What I learned this week: Siamese Twins be Pimpin'

Nurses General Nursing


After last week's fun and games, I'm feeling rather boring!

Here is what I've learned:

1. Hepatitis, PVD and pyoderma gangrenosum are a horrible combination for medical history. HORRIBLE!

2. Chasing a person's heart rate, blood sugar and blood pressure all night long while this normally walkie/talkie person won't wake up, makes it a bit frustrating to have an extremely conservative hospitalist on board that night.

3. Going completely out of your way for a complex dressing change (moving slowly to let pain ease, knowing the lady in #2 will be crashing again soon) makes it incredibly frustrating to learn this guy complained about getting two changes in one shift. Dude. First time was for assessment and that shizz was nasty. Second time was because dude acted like he had compartment syndrome (he did not), and the bandage was again nasty.

4. I've been a city mouse in the country way too long.

5. My little girl does not want to be a nurse when she grows up, but she does very much want to learn nursing stuff. Her timing could not be more perfect. My son helped me study for my bachelors degree. Now she can help me with my doctorate!

6. That same little girl has been a wonderful wound care nurse for my biopsy site.

7. The original Siamese Twins had 21 total children. Their cause of death - one had a stroke and died a few days later. Apparently you don't survive having a dead person's blood running through you. Incidentally, they shared a liver.

8. Morphine is a hell of a drug.

9. It is actually possible for a systolic blood pressure to go from 90s to 190s and back to 90s in the span of a half hour without medication being administered and with absolutely no change whatsoever in patient or blood pressure cuff. (Would absolutely love to hear theories on this.)

10. People respond better to smoking cessation education when you cut them some slack.

11. Smokers can also sniff out a never-smoker from a mile away. I'm sorry to say it, guys, but many (if not most) of these smokers are tuning your out as soon as they hear, "quit smoking". It has nothing to do whether they're considering quitting or not. They know you don't know how hard it is to quit and they feel judged.

12. Scarlet fever comes with a white strawberry tongue.

13. If you're getting lidocaine SQ/IM, ask for a nurse to give it to you. I have gotten this stuff from doctors and they just go grab the biggest needle, draw a bunch up, and shove it in. This NP grabbed an SQ of reasonable size, injected a tiny bit, waited, then injected the rest rather slowly, making sure the first part was able to numb the rest. This is why nurses rock. We think of stuff like this.

14. Hope for Alzheimer's research: the brain of a mouse has lymphatic vessels, draining fluid and WBCs from the brain. Also, medications which enhance the "brain cleaning" system (preventing/decreasing the amount of tau buildup) are being researched. Unfortunately, those already known to be affected won't benefit from this research. But it is certainly promising for those of us being left behind by Alzheimer's sufferers.

15. Apparently a kid played a trick on his nurse mom by convincing her she won the Powerball. If any of you is that mom, I'm sorry. So, so sorry.

Alright, peeps. How about you? Learn anything good?

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

I learned that sometimes people's need to be right about everything clouds their judgement with devastating consequences for vulnerable children who they are supposed to love.

That there really are people out there who believe that essential oils can cure cancer. SMH.....

Specializes in ICU.

A huge lesson learning week for me

1). Elementary school is no where near what is was in my day. We no longer allow kids to be kids anymore for fear of parents going to the media. Good kids end up falling through the system because we cater to parents. It's not even that they cater to the kids, it's the parents of these kids. It sickens me that I have to explain things to my 10 year old that he doesn't understand yet, nor should have to understand.

2). The Cancer Center taught me so much about life.

3). Always treasure that once in a lifetime friendship and nurture it. I met two ladies who have been friends for over 50 years and still going strong this week. They were onry!!

4). I had some awesome RNs to work with this week. They really taught me so much.

5). A human being can permanently turn different shades from their own skin color.

6). Falling on the ice not once, but twice in one day can leave you painfully bruised.

Wondering why you are already paying for a license in a state you are not planning on working in, at least not for awhile. That's a rather expensive "what if" since you could apply for license endorsement when you actually need it. ND and MN I can see as at least they are border states so it's conceivable that you could work in both. Assuming since you hold licenses in border states that you live in one or the other, TX doesn't make much sense...that'd be one hell of a commute!

I want to move, eventually. I may have to, if I want to find an informatics position. A lot of informatics positions require one's clinical license be maintained. If I want to apply for any position out of state, I would need to have a license on hand or my application might go in the circular file. Texas is not the only state I would think of moving to. I'm trying to get my Colorado license reactivated, and I have the Minnesota license.

All I know is I want to move out of North Dakota.

Specializes in allergy and asthma, urgent care.

This week I learned-

That much as I dislike having to work 2 jobs (kid in college!), I absolutely love the people at my per diem job and would miss them terribly if I left. But...it sure would be nice to have my weekends back!

That I'm going to miss said college kid when she goes back to school tomorrow after winter break, even though she's been a royal pain in the orifice while she's been home. Can't help it-I love her to death.

That I absolutely, positively hate heroin and opioid abuse. There were 40 heroin ODs in the town I work in last Thurs. and Fri. I don't know what the heck is going on, but it's horrifying. I left Primary Care in the same town because I got too frustrated trying to discern between the abusers and patients who genuinely need the meds. I got scammed and threatened by patients too many times. Now I work in a specialty where narcotics are not used and I sleep better at night. I'm all for appropriate and compassionate pain control for outpatients, but it needs to be handled by someone smarter and stronger than me. End of rant.

That I don't like cold weather, despite being in the throes of menopause. I'll take the hot flashes over bone chilling temps.

That it just started snowing here. Crap.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.
A huge lesson learning week for me

1). Elementary school is no where near what is was in my day. We no longer allow kids to be kids anymore for fear of parents going to the media. Good kids end up falling through the system because we cater to parents. It's not even that they cater to the kids, it's the parents of these kids. It sickens me that I have to explain things to my 10 year old that he doesn't understand yet, nor should have to understand.

2). The Cancer Center taught me so much about life.

3). Always treasure that once in a lifetime friendship and nurture it. I met two ladies who have been friends for over 50 years and still going strong this week. They were onry!!

4). I had some awesome RNs to work with this week. They really taught me so much.

5). A human being can permanently turn different shades from their own skin color.

6). Falling on the ice not once, but twice in one day can leave you painfully bruised.

#6 =ouch! So sorry! It sometimes stinks living a frozen place doesn't it?

I have a talent for finding veins. I now have to go to nursing school because no matter how many times I explain to my 5 y/o daughter what a CNA is she constantly says she wants to be a nurse like me when she grows up.

Farawyn just made me miss Bethpage.

Oh and Farawyn needs to visit a website called teespring.com. they have a school nurse shirt in pink for her to wear on Wed.

I have a talent for finding veins. I now have to go to nursing school because no matter how many times I explain to my 5 y/o daughter what a CNA is she constantly says she wants to be a nurse like me when she grows up.

Farawyn just made me miss Bethpage.

Oh and Farawyn needs to visit a website called teespring.com. they have a school nurse shirt in pink for her to wear on Wed.


Bethpage is just down 106!!!


Bethpage is just down 106!!!

Don't know the road numbers. Moved away when I was 10. Whereabouts are you?

Don't know the road numbers. Moved away when I was 10. Whereabouts are you?

Oyster Bay!

This week I learned that everybody exaggerates how difficult the NCLEX is and that if you prepare, you come out alive. Passed my boards in 75 Q and an official RN now, like most peeps here. Holla!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

1. Keeping up with readings/notes/studying is SO much easier when you're actually interested in what you're learning.

2. It's an amazing feeling to get into the clinical placement I really wanted (pediatric medical floor!) this semester. I really hope my previous experience working with kids with multiple disabilities/complex medical needs comes in handy. I can't wait to start on Tuesday!

3. All of this wishy washy theoretical foundations of nursing fluffy stuff we have to learn about is really not my cup of tea. I understand the importance of it all but man......some of these classes are BORING.

4. This website is such a phenomenal resource! As a student I love being able to learn from all you experienced nurses and what you have to say!

Oyster Bay!

I would love to move home and go to Hofstra, but it is waaay too expensive. Almost all of my family that lived in NY has moved south. But I will take my kids to Jones Beach one day.

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