What do you guys during your off-time?

Nurses Men


Just curious as to what you all do when you aren't working.

I am in school, church, or volunteering as a firefighter. Every now and then, I get out in the shop with my dad.

How bout you guys?

Specializes in He who hesitates is probably right....

In addition to being an RN, I work as a LEO. Like to hunt, fish, camp, and play on an over-30 (Waaaay over) ice hockey team.

Fly airplanes, restore old airplanes, shoot machine guns, ride my Harley, play with our Greyhound. I'm a huge War Between the States historian, did reenacting for a while but that's for the younger guys. Learning to play the banjo. Too many irons in the fire.

Love the Southland, eat grits, fried chicken, sweet iced tea (porch wine of the South), munch on salt pork, homemade venison jerky, Alabama corn squeezin's. I guess I'm just a redneck...

I wish I still had my Allis Chalmers tractor. I miss tractor therapy.

Specializes in ER/ICU.

Movies, golf if the weather permits, socialize.

Specializes in Emergency Room, Psychiatric.

I play the piano and banjo, work on learning the violin and guitar, chat in the Yahoo! chatrooms, go to a movie, go to the worlds largest aquarium, go the the local botanical garden, go to trivia night at a local bar, etc.

Specializes in Neuro, Cardiology, ICU, Med/Surg.
I spend my time rooting for the red sox, patriots, celtics, or revolution depending on the season. I play golf and spend time with friends. Lately though, after looking at my post-christmas bank account, all I've done is work. And when I'm not at work I'm sleeping

'tis a great time (at last!) to be a sports fan in New England, isn't it?

Eating, sleeping, working out, driving my car, surfing the net, playing with the cats, watching the tube.

Specializes in Med Surg, ER, OR.
In addition to being an RN, I work as a LEO. Like to hunt, fish, camp, and play on an over-30 (Waaaay over) ice hockey team.

That is way cool. We need more, but I know the pay isn't top. Keep up the great work protecting our nation, and thanks for the work you do!

Specializes in orthopedics, ED observation.
Don, you watch NASCAR? I thought that was only for us Southerners!! :D (I don't watch it, btw.) :cool:

This Yankee and my Yankee DH have been watching for years. DH gets to a race annually w/ corporate sponsor. Lucky Dog! :p

Specializes in ER/Trauma.

HOCKEY! I'm a hockey nut. I just LOVE the Buffalo Sabres.

My saxophone. Learning to play right now - surprise myself everyday with what I can do (while annoying the neighbors too! :p)

Read. Read. Read. Tons of books

Hang out with friends. Darts, pool and beer.

Make cool videos. Post stuff on my blog. I've been tinkering around an idea of a book (of poems. Or a short story. I don't know yet).

Did I mention hockey?

Specializes in Trauma/ED.

Summer and warmer months I mountain bike, Winter time it's all about snowboarding. I also try to hit the gym as often as possible. Oh and of course there is my kids, wife and house to take care of. All this while working a full-time job plus agency on my off days--no wonder I'm tired :)

Don, you watch NASCAR? I thought that was only for us Southerners!! :D (I don't watch it, btw.) :cool:

OOPS, how did I miss NASCAR? As a former racer myself, (ARCA, NASCAR, and outlaw) I wasn't even thinking about it since we are between the seasons. I'm still involved though, with computer programs relating to chassis setup, car trending, and so forth. When I'm not doing that I have been known to take a helicopter flying gig taking folks to and from the tracks in the southeast USA, when I can get away from my regular job. :D

Specializes in Med Surg, ER, OR.

Don, that sounds really cool. Not to be jealous or anything, but seems like you keep yourself really busy!

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