What do you bring to work?


Yesterday I was asked if I was going to work, or nursing school. I had my large bag and in it: med dictionary, drug guide, stethoscope, bp cuff, stationary supplies (scotch tape, colored dots, rulers), pda, notebook, pens. Finally a bottle of flavored water and a frozen lean cuisine

I stopped bringing copier paper, and the med/surg textbook is just too heavy.

Ok I work in a place short on supplies (I need a bigger bag for gloves and depends).

I tried carrying it all during a med pass but my pants fell down and two residents stroked out. :yeah:

What do you bring to work?

OldmareLPN, now on Twitter (why I don't know why but my kid told me to.)

Specializes in Jack of all trades, and still learning.


I bring scissors, isowipes, and pens, and a little cheat med dictionary that I wrote myself as a ready reference. I don't bring a stethoscope, they are provided at work, and I always lose mine. And of course they then get appropriated by someone else...

I have to get myself a pen torch, and I dream of getting a PDA...

If I want up to date information we have a computerised ready reference on our medchart computers, plus the wards have basics such as 'Mosbys' Dictionary, Anat and Phys books, MIMs references, IVAB administration books and books pertaining to their specialties.

Only what I can carry in my pockets, which are:

bandage scissors

car keys

ink pen

Stethoscope is around my neck, and glasses are on my face. Watch on my arm. That's it!

1. PDA

2. Clipboard that has formulas and a calculator

3. Special pocket case with a penlight, marker, pens, alcohol wipes and 2X2

4. Stethoscope with a tape roll

5. A little ID holder that you can also use to place money, Tylenol/Advil (in case you get a headache) and a gum

6. Lunch box

7. My make up purse when I do 12 hrs :)

Specializes in Hospice, ALF, Prison.

"Since this was posted in the LTC section, I'm just wondering what do you use the PDA for, what types of programs do they have?"

I put Epocrates on it - the RX program is free (like a drug guide) which I use alot to match generic and trade names on med passes. Also when you download it you get all the other neat stuff on a trial basis. I used it last night to look up a new meds interaction with existing meds on the MAR. NEAT!

I also put Tabors med dict trial on it which is neat, but the full download is 49.00 which I haven't paid yet :cry:

Specializes in LTC, Nursing Management, WCC.


Drug book

Name badge

2 Ink pens

Advil....lots and lots of Advil. :chuckle

"Since this was posted in the LTC section, I'm just wondering what do you use the PDA for, what types of programs do they have?"

We gave a PRN night nurse where I work who uses his PDA to alert him of meds due at strange hours. For instance, when meds are due evenly spaced around the clock et end up needing to be given at 2 am. That way if he gets busy he doesn't miss giving something. He sits down looks through everyone's MARS and then programs in who needs what at any odd time.

Specializes in Geriatrics, WCC.

When I worked the floor, it was my stethoscope, wrist cuff, drug handbook, highlighters, pens, an extra pair of pantyhose, fruit cups for break, another lab coat. Now I keep all of this and much more in my office and the staff come in to get a pen from the jar on my desk, a candy bar from my stash, Acet. or Ibuprophen from my cabinet, they know I'll have what they need.

I noticed that some of you mentioned gum. Is this for your break? I have never allowed staff to shew it while on the floor. I think it is not professional for the nurse to be chewing the gum when with the residents, familie. etc.

Specializes in sub-acute.

hmmm, lets see:

2 pens

1 sharpie

1 scope

1 pair of scissors if I remembered to buy a new pair after I have lost the latest pair.

Specializes in nursing home care.

I bring scissors, pens, fob watch, nail clippers, lip balm, notepad for me and a goody bag containing alcohol gel, tourniquet, spare scissors and spare nail clippers, oh and a measuring tape. My goody bag is because someone always asks for the items!

I carry a Steth, penlight, hemostat, tape, pens, alcohol wipes, little notepad, id badge, my little reference flipbook in one of those a drawstring backpack/sack things from academy.

In my locker, i keep lunch kit, extra scrubs toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, gum, chapstick and stain removal pen.

When i'm working I keep my wallet in my locker (We can lock them), but i keep my cell on me. (on silent of course)

Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.

How 'bout packin' a positive, fun attitude???

I bring a HUGEE tote bag & a mini cooler LOL....

Pens, markers/highlighters...penlight, drug book, scissors, fem supplies, stethoscope, notebook, air freshener, lysol wipes, antibacterial cleaning spray, tape, gum, $$, 6 bottles of water, peanut butter crackers, & a sandwich

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