Published Apr 3, 2008
166 Posts
Yesterday I was asked if I was going to work, or nursing school. I had my large bag and in it: med dictionary, drug guide, stethoscope, bp cuff, stationary supplies (scotch tape, colored dots, rulers), pda, notebook, pens. Finally a bottle of flavored water and a frozen lean cuisine
I stopped bringing copier paper, and the med/surg textbook is just too heavy.
Ok I work in a place short on supplies (I need a bigger bag for gloves and depends).
I tried carrying it all during a med pass but my pants fell down and two residents stroked out.
What do you bring to work?
OldmareLPN, now on Twitter (why I don't know why but my kid told me to.)
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
i travel
510 Posts
my PDA, Scissors (bandage) numerous pens. Pen light. and my own Stethescope. I have a thin Brief case that I have my calendar, my Cheat book..(its what i call all the information that I ave compiled during and since nursing school.). My transfer belt, otoscope, wrist BP cuff, my nurse clipboard that I keep mtg notes. that I keep in the RN office. I know that seems like alot but I use most of that stuff every day.
My PDA cuts down on any books that I need to carry. its small and in my pocket at all times.
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
I still carry a lot too...even after 12 yrs.
I've found a place that I can stash stuff at work, so I don't need to lug stuff in all the time.
Since this was posted in the LTC section, I'm just wondering what do you use the PDA for, what types of programs do they have?
whoops somehow i posted before i started.. what i was trying to say is
i travel light.. on days i work the floor i bring
my stethoscope
pocket protector with hemo stat , sissors, pen light and lunch money
my binder so i can put my mars and labs in it for my patients
pens and a yellow marker and red pen
my water
on days i am charge nurse .. i bring
java chip frapiccno (exuse the spelling), venti size
my pocket procetor, with pen light , sissors , hemostat, lunch money
pens and pencil
and i always make sure i have my badge , because i love payday..
i do bring extra gum for my co
and thats it
I still carry a lot too...even after 12 yrs. I've found a place that I can stash stuff at work, so I don't need to lug stuff in all the time.Since this was posted in the LTC section, I'm just wondering what do you use the PDA for, what types of programs do they have?
if i need to look up a med i use the program in our pixus
if i need to look up a diease process .. we have plenty of med surg books hanging around
i've been doing this for 22 years and don't need much
Davis Drug guide, Nurses notes, Tabors Medical Dictionary, Iv hand book, Nurses manual of lab. values. There are more but that is what I remember and use the most. It has a screen you can make notes on, also word program... but i dont use that as much since I graduated I can use a computer at the Nursing Home.
racing-mom4, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
Wow I feel like a looser cause all I bring is a pack of gum. I keep my coffee cup in our pantry/break room-I keep my stethoscope in a drawer at work that no one uses. My unit has all the drug books/lab books I would ever need. I use the hospitals scissors and pen lights( we actually use heavy duty flashlights-one in every pt room) In fact I probaly take home more from work than I bring!!! Every morning I have alcohol swabs and medical tape in my pockets as well as an ink pen or two.
Dalzac, LPN, LVN, RN
697 Posts
stethoscope, pen light hemostats x 2, scissors, calipers, money, pens, tape (the good kind)and a couple of packs of 4x4's
140 Posts
my scissors that no-one else can cut with
several pens that have to be from one particular shop
my long life milk
my coffee cup
my name badge
occasionally herbal tea bags
645 Posts
When I worked the floor I brought a big bag too. It had reference books because ours always grow feet and walk away. I had my own BP cuff, stethoscope, a box with goodies (pens, pen light, scissors, sticky note pads, ect), spare change for the vending machines, a book for break (if I got one). They always laughed at me too.
wearingmanyhats, RN
I am glad I am not the only one who looks like I am staying for a week... LOL...
I am an agency LPN, so I do not have the luxury of leaving anything anywhere.... I usually have several pen/highlighters(makes me crazy when I go somewhere and there is not even one pen to write with!!) I have my own wristcuff(BP), stethescope, snacks(I know if I get a break it will be a rarity, so I carry granola bars/breakfast bars/etc)
Also.... my dayplanner(I often get asked about shifts while I am working), my timeslips(NO! I don't do this 'cause it's fun LOL), lab jacket.... some places I suffocate, some I freeze.....sheez!!