Well here's something I didn't think about: secondhand pot smoke?

Nurses General Nursing


I recently accepted a position in a nice facility, after a year and a half hiatus to go back to school. I am now about to go through the pee and background checks. It's never been an issue in my many years as an RN, because I don't smoke pot, indulge in drugs, or hijack cars or rob banks.

Last night, I got to thinking, however, that exposure to secondhand pot might very well be an issue. See, I live fairly far out in the country, and the only store/gas station/diner/post office within a 17 mile radius of my home is owned by a moron who is of the green variety--grows, cooks, smokes (even in the store!) all varieties of cannabis one could imagine. (Before he bought the place, I had no idea of exactly how versatile cannabis is. Who knew?!? )

People have been complaining of pot smoke wafting through the building on occasion, and cops have been called (no regulatory agency wants to do anything about it---a story for a different day, and it doesn't help that I live in a very pot-friendly state.) I visit this place nearly every day--to pick up mail, yak with locals, buy a gallon of milk, get a burger, or buy gas. If it's particularly stinky on any given day, I don't stay long. I've not had to take a pee test for over 11 years (long before this clown bought the establishment), and it just never crossed my mind.

All I can think now is what the hell am I going to do if my pee has THC in it??? Tell my new employer, "Really! I didn't do it! There's this guy that owns the store, see, and..." If I was an employer, I'd be thinking, "Uh-huh, riiiiiight." (I would lay money down that some of you reading this are thinking, "Uh-huh, riiiight." :) ) In all seriousness, I am quite concerned. However, I don't know exactly how MUCH I have been exposed to, maybe not much, and perhaps I am just getting worked-up over nothing. But, I am at this establishment for at least a few minutes every day.

As for the potential for explosions, another poster commented that this thing called "hash oil" has caused explosions. Big ones. A quick google search confirmed this. If firsthand eyewitness accounts are true-- and this guy is cooking it up in the basement of this business-- I think it would also be a shame if he blew not only himself up, but a bunch of the store's unwitting customers who happened to be stopping in for a loaf of bread or a burger.

yeah, and some of these houses even had kids in them. I don't see anyone talking about exposing underage children to the smoke-all they're upset about is that you said you hoped he blew himself up. He has a choice in the matter and if he does it's his own fault. Underage kids being exposed to it don't have a choice.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.
All right. I will look into that. Hopefully I am just being a worry-wart, and exposure has been minimal. I frequently give the store owner a piece of my mind on the detriments of pot use (I am wholly against the legalization of marijuana for anything but prescription use). Half the time he is stumbling stoned so my words are useless. It would be a sad irony if his pot habit that I abhor turned up in my pee. :(

I would get one of the "at home" pee tests. We had to use one of them a few years ago when we thought my stepson was having some trouble. We got ours at Walgreens - I think most of those pharmacies / Walmart stores have them (different options FTP on what types of things you're wanting to screen for).

Anne, RNC

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

I happened to look this up recently because I was worried about my own exposure to second hand marijuana smoke and found this article referencing a study from 1986. Not much else out there. Basically, you'd have to be exposed to high levels (no ventilation, pure smoke) for extended amounts of time over several days. In the study it was 1 hour of exposure for 6 consecutive days.

Legalized marijunana and secondhand smoke: Is it possible to get a contact high?

I don't believe in bad karma or whatever you choose to call it. You're responsible for your own fate. If the guy does blow up from making hash oil it's his own damn fault not the OP.

That's so odd . . .. just finished watching our local news and one local man (Redding, CA) is in critical condition and flown to UC Davis for burns over 80% of his body from making this hash oil. Also in Chico, CA over the weekend, two men burned doing the same thing.

Your link is my own local newspaper TheGooch ... .

I live with two people who smoke almost every day, and I passed my urine test. No worries, you will be fine!

Specializes in None yet..

Excellent article, thank you! This could be interesting in Washington now that recreational pot is legal. I will definitely need to avoid certain music venues....

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Several weeks ago I walked in and it smelled particularly rank. One of the workers stated she thought the store owner had been cooking "pot butter" (whatever that is) in the restaurant's kitchen during the night. What a jackass. I haven't ordered a burger since. Another local resident "in the know" said he's been cooking something called "hash oil" in the basement. Apparently this is a process that uses butane to extract the THC. I hope he blows himself up. :(

I am reasonably dismayed by your attitude toward this guy, you want him to blow up because he smokes pot? wow

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
I am reasonably dismayed by your attitude toward this guy, you want him to blow up because he smokes pot? wow

First she wanted him to blow up, then she was afraid cooking the hash oil WOULD blow him up & that worried her. I'm biting my tongue.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
That's fine. I apologized (I often do forget that context and intent translates poorly over the internet), and how others receive or do not receive my apology is not up to me. As for those who condone (recreational) pot use, that's fine, too. But keep in mind, just like secondhand cigarette smoke, which everyone is quick to decry as evil, it's not even remotely OK to subject others to it. Most especially in a place of business. As for the potential for explosions, another poster commented that this thing called "hash oil" has caused explosions. Big ones. A quick google search confirmed this. If firsthand eyewitness accounts are true-- and this guy is cooking it up in the basement of this business-- I think it would also be a shame if he blew not only himself up, but a bunch of the store's unwitting customers who happened to be stopping in for a loaf of bread or a burger.

You don't approve of him smoking it in or on his property but you also seem to have a problem with him making cannabis edibles with it so that he doesn't have to smoke.

You have registered your personal disapproval of marijuana very nicely, neatly packaged in a "fear" of testing positive because you are exposed to his usage. Including tongue in cheek death jokes for the user. Well done.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Please get back to the subject at hand.

This is not a "is pot a good thing or bad thing" type of deal.

Please stay on topic. Thanks everyone.

So, getting back on track here, did you do it? What were the results?

I'm just going to leave this here.

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