Well here's something I didn't think about: secondhand pot smoke?

Nurses General Nursing


I recently accepted a position in a nice facility, after a year and a half hiatus to go back to school. I am now about to go through the pee and background checks. It's never been an issue in my many years as an RN, because I don't smoke pot, indulge in drugs, or hijack cars or rob banks.

Last night, I got to thinking, however, that exposure to secondhand pot might very well be an issue. See, I live fairly far out in the country, and the only store/gas station/diner/post office within a 17 mile radius of my home is owned by a moron who is of the green variety--grows, cooks, smokes (even in the store!) all varieties of cannabis one could imagine. (Before he bought the place, I had no idea of exactly how versatile cannabis is. Who knew?!? )

People have been complaining of pot smoke wafting through the building on occasion, and cops have been called (no regulatory agency wants to do anything about it---a story for a different day, and it doesn't help that I live in a very pot-friendly state.) I visit this place nearly every day--to pick up mail, yak with locals, buy a gallon of milk, get a burger, or buy gas. If it's particularly stinky on any given day, I don't stay long. I've not had to take a pee test for over 11 years (long before this clown bought the establishment), and it just never crossed my mind.

All I can think now is what the hell am I going to do if my pee has THC in it??? Tell my new employer, "Really! I didn't do it! There's this guy that owns the store, see, and..." If I was an employer, I'd be thinking, "Uh-huh, riiiiiight." (I would lay money down that some of you reading this are thinking, "Uh-huh, riiiight." :) ) In all seriousness, I am quite concerned. However, I don't know exactly how MUCH I have been exposed to, maybe not much, and perhaps I am just getting worked-up over nothing. But, I am at this establishment for at least a few minutes every day.

Why would you want him to "blow himself up"? Is he harming anyone else? If the place blows up he may...Regardless of your feelings marijuana laws are going to be liberalized in every state. "My body, my rights" If your livelihood depends upon a clean drug screen stay away from drugs. Simple rule for life.

Little hard when you live in a multi-family dwelling like I do and people smoke it.

I apologized (pg. 2 of this thread) for not being clear as to my tongue-in-cheek (not serious, just venting frustration) reference to "blowing himself up." And yet I come back to find folks are still beating me over the head with it. I find this to be not an uncommon occurrence in AN. Someone makes a comment that does not translate well over the internet, offends some, and there ensues a pile-on. All right. Go right ahead. :)

I knew you were joking. People need to lighten up a bit. Geez...........................

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
I knew you were joking. People need to lighten up a bit. Geez...........................

That's not a very funny joke & I have a dark & sarcastic sense of humor.

I mean it's one thing of he actually hurt her but to wish evil on someone, even in jest, isn't funny. Like my husband believes, if you put bad juju out there it will come back to you.

I said my peace. Yes you apologized but that still left a bad taste in my mouth with something that is avoidable.
That's fine. I apologized (I often do forget that context and intent translates poorly over the internet), and how others receive or do not receive my apology is not up to me. As for those who condone (recreational) pot use, that's fine, too. But keep in mind, just like secondhand cigarette smoke, which everyone is quick to decry as evil, it's not even remotely OK to subject others to it. Most especially in a place of business. As for the potential for explosions, another poster commented that this thing called "hash oil" has caused explosions. Big ones. A quick google search confirmed this. If firsthand eyewitness accounts are true-- and this guy is cooking it up in the basement of this business-- I think it would also be a shame if he blew not only himself up, but a bunch of the store's unwitting customers who happened to be stopping in for a loaf of bread or a burger.
Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

I last lived in an apartment when I was a child-I remember my mother having a fit when the downstairs neighbors fried fish.She used to put big box fans in various windows, some blowing in,others out. It was pretty effective. If you have decent HVAC you are just smelling the odors,you are not being exposed to enough of the second hand smoke to suffer the side effects. I live with people who smoke pretty regularly, both marijuana and tobacco. They do it in a way that does not bring smoke into the living area of the house. We are odor free( well-that's debatable , we do have some indoor cats)

I don't know what all the fuss is about over pot. Someone I know that was heavy into pot had major memory problems from it and did poorly in high school. Plus I read it's been linked to schizophrenia in young men that take it. Instead of getting high on drugs and alcohol why don't people get high on life. You can get a runners or walkers high and just enjoy nature, flowers, and wildlife or some fun hobbies or sports if that's your thing. I think drugs just mess people up and it's not worth it! Not to mention nowadays some hospitals use hair analysis rather than urine so they can check your drug history from months past!

I'm sorry but this made me giggle.

...it's not even remotely OK to subject others to it. Most especially in a place of business. ...

I understand the concerns of those living in a multi-family dwelling, but if you don't like how he runs his business, STOP GIVING HIM BUSINESS.

I understand the concerns of those living in a multi-family dwelling, but if you don't like how he runs his business, STOP GIVING HIM BUSINESS.

Stating the obvious! Yes indeed, you are correct. Many people (and tourists) have stopped going there.

Part of the problem is that we (local folks) are in a remote area...and we wrestle with "convenience" rather than drive 17 or more miles. I think he takes advantage of that.

You drive home a good point, though.

So, getting back on track here, did you do it? What were the results?

As Esme noted way back in this thread, the numbers for second-hand pot exposure is basically nil. I administer drug tests 3 times a year and people will use the cop-out "My roommate smokes medical marijuana" . . but honey, that doesn't equal what your urine test shows. You are imbibing . . . ;)

If you are not smoking, eating, or ingesting marijuana in any way personally on purpose . . . no worries.

Just as a side note, I think it's unfortunate that if someone engaged in a little pot smoking once a week they are doomed for the drug test but you can go out every week end and blow lines of who knows what and the next week pass a drug test no problem.

That's not a very funny joke & I have a dark & sarcastic sense of humor.

I mean it's one thing of he actually hurt her but to wish evil on someone, even in jest, isn't funny. Like my husband believes, if you put bad juju out there it will come back to you.

I don't believe in bad karma or whatever you choose to call it. You're responsible for your own fate. If the guy does blow up from making hash oil it's his own damn fault not the OP.

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