I recently accepted a position in a nice facility, after a year and a half hiatus to go back to school. I am now about to go through the pee and background checks. It's never been an issue in my many years as an RN, because I don't smoke pot, indulge in drugs, or hijack cars or rob banks.
Last night, I got to thinking, however, that exposure to secondhand pot might very well be an issue. See, I live fairly far out in the country, and the only store/gas station/diner/post office within a 17 mile radius of my home is owned by a moron who is of the green variety--grows, cooks, smokes (even in the store!) all varieties of cannabis one could imagine. (Before he bought the place, I had no idea of exactly how versatile cannabis is. Who knew?!? )
People have been complaining of pot smoke wafting through the building on occasion, and cops have been called (no regulatory agency wants to do anything about it---a story for a different day, and it doesn't help that I live in a very pot-friendly state.) I visit this place nearly every day--to pick up mail, yak with locals, buy a gallon of milk, get a burger, or buy gas. If it's particularly stinky on any given day, I don't stay long. I've not had to take a pee test for over 11 years (long before this clown bought the establishment), and it just never crossed my mind.
All I can think now is what the hell am I going to do if my pee has THC in it??? Tell my new employer, "Really! I didn't do it! There's this guy that owns the store, see, and..." If I was an employer, I'd be thinking, "Uh-huh, riiiiiight." (I would lay money down that some of you reading this are thinking, "Uh-huh, riiiight." :) ) In all seriousness, I am quite concerned. However, I don't know exactly how MUCH I have been exposed to, maybe not much, and perhaps I am just getting worked-up over nothing. But, I am at this establishment for at least a few minutes every day.