Well here's something I didn't think about: secondhand pot smoke?


I recently accepted a position in a nice facility, after a year and a half hiatus to go back to school. I am now about to go through the pee and background checks. It's never been an issue in my many years as an RN, because I don't smoke pot, indulge in drugs, or hijack cars or rob banks.

Last night, I got to thinking, however, that exposure to secondhand pot might very well be an issue. See, I live fairly far out in the country, and the only store/gas station/diner/post office within a 17 mile radius of my home is owned by a moron who is of the green variety--grows, cooks, smokes (even in the store!) all varieties of cannabis one could imagine. (Before he bought the place, I had no idea of exactly how versatile cannabis is. Who knew?!? )

People have been complaining of pot smoke wafting through the building on occasion, and cops have been called (no regulatory agency wants to do anything about it---a story for a different day, and it doesn't help that I live in a very pot-friendly state.) I visit this place nearly every day--to pick up mail, yak with locals, buy a gallon of milk, get a burger, or buy gas. If it's particularly stinky on any given day, I don't stay long. I've not had to take a pee test for over 11 years (long before this clown bought the establishment), and it just never crossed my mind.

All I can think now is what the hell am I going to do if my pee has THC in it??? Tell my new employer, "Really! I didn't do it! There's this guy that owns the store, see, and..." If I was an employer, I'd be thinking, "Uh-huh, riiiiiight." (I would lay money down that some of you reading this are thinking, "Uh-huh, riiiight." :) ) In all seriousness, I am quite concerned. However, I don't know exactly how MUCH I have been exposed to, maybe not much, and perhaps I am just getting worked-up over nothing. But, I am at this establishment for at least a few minutes every day.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
​I've never smoked/consumed pot, or any other illegal drug for that matter.

I'm talking personally.

Specializes in Leadership, Psych, HomeCare, Amb. Care.

My purely tongue-in-cheek reference in wishing an incendiary end for the fellow did not come across. My apologies. I trust you understand my (and most residents of the area) frustration. The guy is destroying the business, and himself--and now I have to be concerned about secondhand exposure due to his moronic behavior as a business owner. It was not too bright of me to visit this establishment regularly. I just didn't even think about it. In some instances, though, I had little choice--


I saw it as a flippant remark without malice.

Anyone going there is receiving 2nd hand, and probably 3rd hand exposure, whether they like it or not. Just don't go there for any reason till after your successful employee screening.

i think your drug test will be ok, but let us know how your self testing turns out.

You have to inhale a massive amount of secondhand weed smoke to test positive, like to the point of catching contact & feeling high.

I apologized (pg. 2 of this thread) for not being clear as to my tongue-in-cheek (not serious, just venting frustration) reference to "blowing himself up." And yet I come back to find folks are still beating me over the head with it. I find this to be not an uncommon occurrence in AN. Someone makes a comment that does not translate well over the internet, offends some, and there ensues a pile-on. All right. Go right ahead. :)

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

Well just like you have a right to your opinion, so do we.

You have to inhale a massive amount of secondhand weed smoke to test positive, like to the point of catching contact & feeling high.
I do hope this is the case. My thanks to those of you who have quelled my fears a bit, and offered suggestions/words of wisdom.
Well just like you have a right to your opinion, so do we.
Carry on, then. Be my guest.
Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Carry on, then. Be my guest.

I said my peace. Yes you apologized but that still left a bad taste in my mouth with something that is avoidable.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

One of the problems in this country in my opinion,people want to vehemently defend their rights but ONLY THE ONES THEY BELIEVE IN. And then they want to damn everyone else. I think that's what made me react, sorry OP,didn't mean to offend but your comment struck a cord.

Specializes in CDI Supervisor; Formerly NICU.
I said my peace. Yes you apologized but that still left a bad taste in my mouth with something that is avoidable.

OMG you misspelled piece! MONSTER!!!*


Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
OMG you misspelled piece! MONSTER!!!*


Lol I know. I'm terrible.

I'm blaming it on the pregnancy brain.

Several weeks ago I walked in and it smelled particularly rank. One of the workers stated she thought the store owner had been cooking "pot butter" (whatever that is) in the restaurant's kitchen during the night. What a jackass. I haven't ordered a burger since. Another local resident "in the know" said he's been cooking something called "hash oil" in the basement. Apparently this is a process that uses butane to extract the THC. I hope he blows himself up. :(

You might be joking about blowing himself up but I live in Colorado and there has been an increase in this happening since they legalized pot. As for inhaling the stuff and not passing a drug test I always wonder about that since my neighbors are potheads and smoke it all the time. She just gave birth and was smoking it while pregnant and they are still smoking it with a 5 year old and newborn in the same apartment. I wonder if that's legal since you have to be 21 to smoke it.

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