Well excuse my ignorance...


but today I got a verbal "Duh" from a Cath Lab RN.

I work recovery and I received a Cath patient who THEY wouldn't hold for a tele bed because they wanted to go home(last case). So the guy had a Heart Cath with Carotid angiogram. This is the 1st pt I got with a carotid angio. I have recovered MANY Carotid endardectomy pts though.

So I said "Oh,they can reach the carotids from the femoral stick all the way up?" They both rolled their eyes and one said "Well YEAH, of course. We go all the way to the heart, how do ya think we get there?". The patient, a sweet man just gives me a wink and smile. Well excuse my stupidity and ignorance. What is with people! Do some people reallt KNOW it ALL? I don't and that is why I asked. Jeez :o

Sorry but this was just a lousy couple days and they P'd me Off!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

There was no need for them to treat you that way. It was a perfectly

reasonable questions, they should have taken it for an opportunity to

teach and for you to learn. Rest assured there is plenty that you do that they don't know any-thing about either.

I could not agree with Tweety more!

Thanks. Yes they consider themselves the elite. They have no need to do so much as an accucheck, so they can leave my pt with a glucose level of 50. Oh and they forget to mention he was NPO all day but took his Glucotrol this morning (his IV is Normal Saline of course).

I just think that they were being rude.

Specializes in Critical Care.

Maybe you fill out an incident report on the glucose :chuckle


A nurse should not in any way act like that! Have they lost the qualities of Florence Nightingale?

Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.
A nurse should not in any way act like that! ...

Absolutely right.


(P.S. to NGA -- Is that you in the avatar? Stunning pic.)

Thanks. Yes they consider themselves the elite. They have no need to do so much as an accucheck, so they can leave my pt with a glucose level of 50. Oh and they forget to mention he was NPO all day but took his Glucotrol this morning (his IV is Normal Saline of course).

I just think that they were being rude.

Our cath lab RN's are also very rude. I worked in ICU with the worst of the bunch and she use to be nice. I think the radiation goes to their head and kills brain cells. :lol2:

Specializes in Emergency Room.

i don't know what it is about cath lab staff, but they seem to have this "we are smarter than the rest" attitude. don't worry about it. the hard thing about nursing, especially in specialty areas, is you feel the need to KNOW everything. but you never will.don't ever be afraid to ask questions. EVERY nurse at some point in her/his career has had a "duh" :confused: moment when they felt absolutely stupid about not knowing something that every one else seems to know. just look at it as nursing school part two :specs:

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
A nurse should not in any way act like that! Have they lost the qualities of Florence Nightingale?

HA! jerks like this figure Florence is just a figure head and much too beneath them

what butts. consider the source and blow em off. but i WOULD write up the glucose situation. ummmm can we say dangerous?

Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

As a cath lab nurse I am mortified to read these posts, and as a nurse am embarrassed for those rude nurses. We all work TOGETHER FOR THE PATIENT.

Yes, write up the glucose. That was BAD. I'm so sorry you had to experience the rudeness. Have they *never* asked a DUH question??? I certainly have!! :D

At my last job (9 mo ago I changed from Radiology/Cath Lab to a hospital where I work exclusively cath lab) we had an accucheck machine in each of the two procedure rooms and we kept up on that sugar. The heart caths don't take as long as some Radiology cases, and we'd check sugars if the case went long, as well as pre-case. You just never know about the sugars, and the pt in a fasting state, etc.

What bothers me is the many pts who were sent down without IV fluids running. I didn't know if they'd been properly hydrated and the IV just SL'd for the trip to the Lab or if they'd been SL'd all nite long and were dehydrated (a BAD thing, if you're giving IV or IA contrast). When we questioned the nurses, half the time there'd been no fluids running during the nite. Then there's the extra cost and time to set up a new IV . . . only a little time, to be sure, but multiply it times 6 or 8 for the day . . . and the risk of the procedure is slightly higher d/t pt not being optimally hydrated . . .

Off soap box now,:) Just wanted to reiterate, too bad for you and the patient, that this occurred -- and, not all Cath Lab nurses are like that. :)

Sometimes people in "speciality" fields get so out of touch with the rest of the world, and what they do becomes so commonplace for them, that their response could have been one of surprise that "everbody" didn't realize this, not just singling you out as dumb, or certainly not to excuse any rudeness on their part.

And it did sound pretty rude, but......

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