Published Dec 13, 2005
298 Posts
If you've read my previous threads you know that for various reasons I spoke about, I'm *barely* hanging on in A&P I and if I dont pass the course with a "C" or better then I lose my spot in the January nursing class and won't be able to apply to get in for another whole year.
I NEED to make it into this nursing program - my marriage is on the rocks and I need to be able to support myself and my kiddos as soon as I can. If I make it to the nursing program I can be working as a nurse in 19 months.
ANYHOW... I just found out that on my last exam (the hardest one of the course so far she said) I made a 74% which was class average.
So, in lecture my average is a 76% before this comprehensive final. In lab I have 22 out of 25 possible points. My lab final is Thursday evening and I know I can pass that
If I can do that I'll pass the course with a C by .5 of a point
Can you imagine if I get a 63% on tonights exam? Wow that would s*ck!!
Anyhow, I've got 2.5 hours to study and then 1 hour to study once I get to school.
I would apprectiate any prayers being sent up for my 5pm exam.
I have almost no confidence that I can pull this off - I'm still stuck back in chapter 3 on things....the chemistry and cellular metabolism is gonna be my downfall!!!! Thank god for mulitple choice exams, thats my only hope!
24 Posts
Well, I just said a prayer for you. Good luck will do great!!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
You are still in my prayers and am confident that you will pass that class :)
Have faith :balloons:
214 Posts
Good Luck and I will be praying for you!
This may sound silly but I took a class called College and Life Skills my first semester. (I had been out of school for 12 years) Anyway the instructor told us to chew gum during quizzes and exams. I forget the reason but it helps you do better. It actually seems to help.
1,531 Posts
I went to Memphis Friday to sign up to take an exam and there was a saying on the chalkboard in a math classroom. " I can do this. I am smart and this is NOT hard. I, (fill in your name here) am capable." I know it's corny, but there is much to say about positive thinking. If you have gone to class and listened to lecture and if you have any common sense at all ( which I know you do) you should be able to at least eliminate any answers that do not make sense on you multiple choice exam. The beauty is that for every wrong answer you can eliminate, you are statistically more likely to ge the right answer. As, you go along, skip any answers do do not know immediatly and do all the ones you do know. You get points for the correct answers only, so don't spend time on questions you don't know. Go back after you have done all the ones you are sure of and then spend more time on the harder ones. Never, ever change answers as your first instinct is usually correct. Please stop saying you don't think you can do this because you can. I am praying for you and you WILL pass it. Keep you head up, ok.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
You can do it!!! Don't go in with a negative attitude!
Think about all of the reasons that you have to pass, and be determined to beat this!
We all have faith in you, have faith in yourself. I did say a prayer for you, but you have to allow God to work through you. Don't doubt His capabilities by doubting your intelligence.
Let us know how it goes, we all wish you the best!
2,327 Posts
If you've read my previous threads you know that for various reasons I spoke about, I'm *barely* hanging on in A&P I and if I dont pass the course with a "C" or better then I lose my spot in the January nursing class and won't be able to apply to get in for another whole year. I NEED to make it into this nursing program - my marriage is on the rocks and I need to be able to support myself and my kiddos as soon as I can. If I make it to the nursing program I can be working as a nurse in 19 months. ANYHOW... I just found out that on my last exam (the hardest one of the course so far she said) I made a 74% which was class average.So, in lecture my average is a 76% before this comprehensive final. In lab I have 22 out of 25 possible points. My lab final is Thursday evening and I know I can pass that I JUST HAVE TO PASS TONIGHTS FINAL WITH A 65% OR BETTER!!!If I can do that I'll pass the course with a C by .5 of a pointCan you imagine if I get a 63% on tonights exam? Wow that would s*ck!! Anyhow, I've got 2.5 hours to study and then 1 hour to study once I get to school. I would apprectiate any prayers being sent up for my 5pm exam.I have almost no confidence that I can pull this off - I'm still stuck back in chapter 3 on things....the chemistry and cellular metabolism is gonna be my downfall!!!! Thank god for mulitple choice exams, thats my only hope!
Praying for you.......YOU CAN DO THIS !!!!!!!!!!
914 Posts
I just said a prayer for you. You will be able to do this. You are smart, you are bright, you know your stuff. Make sure you say a prayer yourself and put yourself in His hands. Remember, if you did your part, He will do His. That's the way it works. Good luck sweetheart, God bless and have faith.
Thanks SO much everybody!!!
Normally I wouldn't doubt my intelligence or capabilities much
BUT there is still alot that I don't have down yet, alot that I've just
skimmed over/looked at and have not mastered. I DON'T "know all my stuff!"
Well, I'm leaving here in 15 mins and let me tell you I am so sick to my stomach.
To have made it this far and not to pass the final will be heartbreaking.
But as of right now there is hope, so thats what I'm clinging to!
I am coming home and taking a nice LONG hot bubble bath!!! Can't wait! Might even drink some wine :)
(wonder how long before we know our scores.....hate the wait!)
Good luck! We'll keep praying!
(I hate waiting on tests scores as well!)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,703 Posts
Good luck to you.
Achoo!, LPN
1,749 Posts
Best of luck to you~!!!