*Weird* Patient Allergies

Nurses General Nursing


What are some of the weird allergies/reactions that patients have told you they have? I can't remember so many that made me go "hmmmmm.." but not long ago, I came across these two (on the same person!):

Caffeine: causes tachycardia (really?)

Cocaine: anaphylaxis (perhaps you took too much??)

Specializes in Medical.

I recently discovered that morph makes me vomit for hours - not an allergy, but I'd like to have an antiemetic with it if I ever need it again. However, I know a lot of people see that as an allergy rather than a (fairly typical) side effect.

KYLEA: What you describe isn't an allergy, but an intolerance. A true allergy would cause a rash, hives, difficulty breathing, itching, anaphylaxis>

What you're decsribing for narcotics is actually quite normal. Very common side effects. I f I even THINK about a Narcotic, I'll get queasy and start vomiting.


I realize this is an old post but wanted to mention that a *true* allergy can result in far more than rash, hives, etc.

This immunological response can elicit symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, dysphagia, constipation, or GI blood loss, symptoms consistent with a GI disorder.
The source is an article on food allergies but is applicable to anything taken by mouth. http://ncp.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/20/5/526
Specializes in Rural Health.

Not a patient but my DH used to always say he was allergic to tomatoes and green peppers b/c he doesn't like them and didn't want people to make fun of him. :chuckle

Specializes in Psych.
My DH insists he is allergic to quite a few fruits and vegetables, including bananas. But he refuses to go to an allergist. Amazingly enough he can eat his fair share of banana bread, zucchini bread, etc. Maybe all the sugar makes the allergy go away?

Nah, I bet it's the cooking. Cooked fruits and veggies don't fry my mouth like raw ones do. I haven't yet heard any good ones from patients. Guffaws aren't professional, right?

I think patients often have side effects not allergies.

My strangest one was a patient who said he was allergic to oxygen. He was having surgery and did not want the anesthesiologist to use oxygen. The anesthesiologist said he could not go ahead with surgery without the option of using oxygen if needed(outpatient surgery). The patient finally agreed. They were able to do the procedure without oxygen.

I took care of this patient too! LOL I about died trying to keep a straight face when my pt. told me this. Ummm.... OK.:D

Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

i've had people tell me cats. i think to myself, "ok, we'll do our best to keep the stray cats around the hospital from roaming into your room." but seriously, workers do have cats at home so if someone had a life threatening allergy to them then it wouldn't be good for someone with cat hair on their clothes to expose the pt. :nurse:

about 10 years ago, one of our kitties looked like a walking angora sweater ... but with blue eyes and a tail that looked like a raccoon tail. our vet had a wonderful explanation for lenny's tail: "god ran out of kitty tails and had to use a raccoon tail!" we had a woman in my psych building who had a documented

severe allergy to cats and i couldn't go into her room or do more than say "hi" in passing, or she would break out in hives.


How about the drug seekers who are allergic to toredol, ASA, tylenol, NSAIDs, demerol but not MORPHINE....coincidence....I think not..

I had one patient who said she was allergic to cotton...what were the sheets made of? Did she have a rash? no Who can figure some of these folks out??

Oh, I forgot! My hubby says that he is allergic to needles pointed in his direction!!! BWAHHHH HA HA HA

Lasix- "it makes me pee"

Specializes in LTC/Rehab,Med/Surg, OB/GYN, Ortho, Neuro.

Ambien, it makes me drowsy.

Had a patient that was listed as allergic to warfarin but took Coumadin on a daily basis.

I could see if they were allergic to a certain brand but last time I checked Coumadin is still warfarin.

phenergan= n/v :)

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