Weigh in Time Ladies

Nursing Students General Students


Hi everyone. I think it is best to keep this on our bb. As it may get lost on the off topic bb. things fly by so fast over there

So I had a cheat day yesterday. I am back on track again today. My cheat wasn't too serious but it still was. Sometimes it is just so hard. Anyways I have 10 pounds off so far. My goal weight is 150lbs. I try to exercise every day. I haven't done anything yet but today isn't over yet. How is everyone else doing?

Specializes in Adult Med-Surg, Rehab, and Ambulatory Care.

Oh I love you guys!:kiss What a great way to stay motivated! I had my son in February and have 10 *cough*ok 15 pounds I'd like to drop by "the holidays." I will be sure to check in daily to offer and gain support! :)

hey I started weight watchers a few weeks ago. School has put the pounds on! I lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks. It seemed effortless. You follow a point system. I really really like it. I was amazed at how losing just a few lbs made me feel sooo much better! I weigh about 171 now and am 5'5''. I want to be 135 lb or just see the size 10 again!! My hubby started the diet with me. he lost 15 lbs. It was easy. I bought the cook books and bought some serving spoons to help with portion control and bought a scale just to make sure I knew how much 4 oz of chicken or meat looked like. The food is great. My hubby and I have tried to walk 30 mins a few days a week. His lab work improved so much in 3 weeks it was unbelievable. cholesteral down to normal levels and lipid count was normal. we were amazed.

It is easy. has anyone else tried weight watchers?

Originally posted by B_Matt

Has anybody tried Trim-Spa.... I keep hearing all these commercials for it.. I am so tempted to get it!

I just have to try to nip my sugar addtiction! I know it's the stress that triggering it.

Good luck to all you ladies who have been trying so hard! I send fat burning ((((((((VIBES))))))))) and will power to you!

I myself can not practice what I preach.... I have gained 8 lbs this month alone... I feel like I am spiraling out of control! I have never been this heavy in my life! To some 30lbs over might not be alot! BUt it's killing me.. it just makes me even more depressed! I almost want to start smoking again. I know that somes completely idiotic... but I just get so down...

When I'm not swalling a bag of M&M's while I'm studying, I am crying that I have to lose weight! I know I should just stop feeling sorry for myself and just get off my but and do something but I just can't get going either!

I'm just depressed and disgusted!


I feel ya' i was so hyped up to start this whole diet/exercise thing when classes started...but, here i am the same weight and drinking coke by the gallon.

i, too, feel so disgusted with myself. i've lost weight before and felt so good about myself and when i exercise i feel so good...

anyhow, i am very thankful to have read your post!

BACK TO IT TODAY!!!! of all of the things we all have faced in our lives, we gotta be able to beat this, RIGHT!!!

talk to y'all soon.


I am 5'4" and 153#...not to bad but I feel my best at 135 (and fit a size 10 comfortably). 16 months ago I was 180#...I quit working nights and stopped eating candy and chips to stay awake and the weight came off on its own. My daily calories are 1500 to 1700, I am not a snacker and I drink maybe 1 pop per week (water and coffee junkie), in general I don't have a big appetite...I feel the hungries quite a bit but have a rule that I only eat what I want...when I want it so I don't do much eating for the sake of eating.

I have major mobility problems...5 back surgeries and severe stenosis T10 to S1, I spend about 25% of my time in a wheel chair...walking, running, bike riding (>5 min), weight training etc are not options...basicly if it involves being on my feet >5 minutes, lifting >10# more than once or bending it is out of the question. All of my weight is around my middle.

Does anybody have any ideas for some very low to no impact stuff to increase my metobolic rate so I can get off this plateau?


To Kids R Fun --- Do you have a gym or other place that has water aerobics? Great for the body by using natural resistance yet supporting you at the same time.

Now if I could only listen to my own wisdom I wouldn't be in the slump I am.

I think it's the hormones talking today. The menstral monster attacked again. 2 wks of the bloated feeling.

Question: Can you not eat enough so that your body won't allow itself to loose weight?

Anyway still holding at 190 but would really like to loose at least 10 before hubby comes back from overseas assignment. He'll be back in Nov. or Feb. depends on the Husein thing. Thanks for letting me vent. It's just one of those days.:crying2:

How's everyone doing this week?

I've been bad all week, was in Kentucky last weekend & enjoyed the southern food too much & haven't even bothered to lift even a finger in exercise this week. :o I think I've lost my motivation...so to find it I got the scale out of the closet :chuckle So I'll probably be very motivated again later today...

Good Luck Everyone! :kiss

I haven't even,got on the scale. I am not sure I can deal with losing weight and all the stress of this program.

Specializes in Cardiolgy.

Loosing weight no longer seems a priority, maybe after the course settles down a bit more.

But good luck to all of you who are managing to stick with it.

i'm having a hard time too...school is so crazy...i just know i'd feel better if i did...

peace, sarah


Specializes in ICU.

I know I would feel much better too. I'm not too overweight or anything, just want to loose about 5 or ten. There's so many temptations around here though!! My roomies are always ordering pizza or going out for ice cream! If I could only resist! I hope everyone else is hangin' in there though and staying strong! Good Luck to you all!! :D

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Originally posted by k123456

Don't give up. I had but feel a tingle of renewed spirit after reading everyone's posts :-)

Me too!

Finally seem to have begun to lose...

5'4" and 191 now...and hopefully counting down...

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