Published Sep 21, 2009
207 Posts
A nurse asked me to witness a waste that happened on a night shift, but she didn't waste it, she said she accidentally threw it away and remembered it when she came to work. I told her no not because I doubt her but because I didn't see her waste it and now she wants to waste 12 hours later. I feel bad, but I don't want to put my name on anything I am not 100% sure of.
660 Posts
I don't blame you. I would have done the same.
Lacie, BSN, RN
1,037 Posts
The old adage if you didnt do it dont chart it! I would be cautious of someone asking me to witness 12hrs later. Dont feel bad for saying No, protect your license and yourself. She should have asked for a witness when it was drawn up and had them sign at that time. I've seen too many diversions this way.
274 Posts
sounds fishy, listen to your gut!
400 Posts
You did exactly the right thing... if your colleague forgot to waste 12 hours ago, then she/he needs to take it up with pharmacy, especially if you didn't witness the waste. If he/she forgot, then he/she forgot... no one else needs to get involved.
576 Posts
Agree with everybody else here. I wouldn't have witnessed it either. You did the right thing.
PostOpPrincess, BSN, RN
2,211 Posts
Honestly, you did right. Good job.
ayla2004, ASN, RN
782 Posts
I read this and only can say that in the uk it takes 2 rn to check and adminster waste our controlled drugs so no chance of not having a witness to waste anything.
it went around my hospital that a memeber of the carchb team asked for keys the to cd cupboard the rn got suspious and found him taking vials of midalom(versed). midazalom is not a cd but treated as a recorded drug so the same protocls apply. What a stuipid move.
Whispera, MSN, RN
3,458 Posts
If you had been willing to do what the other nurse asked and there was something shifty about it, the other nurse would have asked you next time too. If you ever said no, you could be the subject of blackmail. You did the absolute right thing.
14,633 Posts
You were right to refuse. Not being willing to sign doesn't mean you suspect or accuse the other nurse of doing anything wrong, just that you can't be a witness to something you didn't witness. :)