Vote Today!


Specializes in School Nurse.

Have a great day no matter who wins.


Specializes in kids.

Voting after school, glad this part is over. The post election crap is not going to be fun either.

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

The kinders here are voting on who should run the farmyard - Donald Duck or Farmer Brown. I think I like those choices better.

Specializes in School Nurse.
The kinders here are voting on who should run the farmyard - Donald Duck or Farmer Brown. I think I like those choices better.

I wish those were our choices too!!!

Early voted last week. Not sure I'm ready to watch TV tonight to see how it goes.

Specializes in School Nursing.

Before I went back to school to become a nurse I had a Political Science degree. Election Night was like Christmas for me. I'd order pizza and stay up late watching all of the TV coverage as the results came in. Tonight I want to consume a box of wine and hide under the covers. I'm seriously not sure I even want to know who wins. :blink:

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

i think i'm just going to go into the voting booth, close my eyes, spin around 3 times press the button and walk out. The way i figure it, it doesn't matter anyhow.

I love election day/night! There are some interesting races, issues, etc., in my city, so I really enjoy staying up late & watching the coverage.

When I was growing up, we always stayed up with my father (who was an immigrant and always taught us to be aware and involved, politically ) . The first Presidential election night I remember was Nixon/Humphrey in 1968.

I love election day/night! There are some interesting races, issues, etc., in my city, so I really enjoy staying up late & watching the coverage.

When I was growing up, we always stayed up with my father (who was an immigrant and always taught us to be aware and involved, politically ) . The first Presidential election night I remember was Nixon/Humphrey in 1968.

That is a refreshingly optimistic sentiment on this relatively exhausting election, thank you for sharing.

Well it's over. Now we have to live with the end product.


Specializes in med-surg, IMC, school nursing, NICU.

Not with a bang, but a whimper.

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