UTHSCSA Spring 2012

U.S.A. Texas


I know it's a little early, as applications are due until July 7, 2011, but I'm excited already and want to hear from others applying for the Spring 2012 semester. Anyone submit their application yet or in the process of submitting?

Ok I finished my app and sent transcripts on June 15 & it still says not received from one of my schools.. so frustrating! Does anyone know if our transcripts aren't received by July 1 if we will be penalized or even considered?? Thanks...ahhhh SO nervous!

Thanks for the info nurse2B_TXstyle -- a great help to have the timeline :up:! I'm glad the first contact should be within a couple of weeks. I am taking Microbiology right now and will be done by 7/28. BEST WISHES TO ALL!:)

Hey everyone. I'm new to this website and came across it after trying to get some answers about when we would start to hear something from the UTHSCSA Nursing program. I too have applied for the Spring 2012 program. My application was completed on June 6th and I have been dying to hear back. I see now that it could be anytime. I can't wait! If any of you guys or gals on this forum hear from them in any way could you post, just so I know someone has started to hear from them. I'm just so anxious. :uhoh3: I wish everyone luck out there and hope we get to know each other so we can have someone we are familiar with if we get into the program.

Hi you guys,

Did anyone hear anything yet? I am starting to worry....I do not like these waiting games. I hope they start soon.

Hey yall,

I called up there the other day & she said that it will be 1-2 weeks before we hear anything. Apparently 2 of the 3 application ladies are sick. So sit tight, hopefully we hear something soon! If anyone gets word of anything let us all know :)

Thanks for the info. I am just having a hard time motivating myself to study for the test when I don't even know if I'll be taking it. They should be better organized!!!!! I guess, we'll just have to keep waiting...

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that is super excited and tired of waiting! I've been checking my email everyday waiting for an email... and studying the TEAS study guide like crazy! Can't wait to hear from the school!

Hey all,

I have been monitoring these forums of the different schools I applied for and I just now decided to join. I too applied for Spr2012 at UTHSCSA, along with UTHSC, TWU and UTMB.

Did ANYBODY get a supplemental application yet?? I still haven't heard anything at all since they told me they got my NCAS application...

3.75, 89.7 and 7 yrs as an Army combat medic.

See you guys around hopefully.

I called up there yesterday and they said their gonna send out the invite for the teas test in like 2 Wks and then you get the supplemental app after that!

I called up there yesterday and they said their gonna send out the invite for the teas test in like 2 Wks and then you get the supplemental app after that!

Interesting. I would have imagined it the other way around...

Ok, I did some investigative work. I listened to the recording I took at the open house I attended, and verified what I had posted earlier. Not getting much clarity from there, I called the school this morning. Here are the answers I got.

* Those who did not meet the minimum requirements have already received e-mails. So, if you have not received an e-mail yet, you have met the minimum requirements, and ....

* Both the TEAS V invite and the Supplemental Application will be e-mailed at the same time; in about a week or two. :up: (This is a deviation from what was originally told to us, but no big deal)

Side note:

To those who didn't make it past the first round - don't give up! :hug:

To those who did, Congrats! Hang in there, good luck and happy studying!:yeah:

Hope this helps.

Great news about email contacts. Thanks, again! My microbiology class ends 7/28, so I have to fight myself to stay focused on that class for now. Other than trying some practice questions for Teas topics I stumbled into online around March of this year, I haven't really studied for the TEAS V but I think I'm going to go ahead and order some study materials so I'll have them to start hitting it hard as soon as my summer class is over.

I only want to take the test once and due to time constraints, probably won't have a chance to take again before they're due to the admissions office. I also need to minimize expenses :o! I hope I get in for Spring 2012 so I can work during the summer so I won't feel so poor after tuition payments. I am hoping to either get my CNA once eligible, or see if I can find an nursing student externship-type position, or some type of position in a medical setting to get more patient hand's-on experience, and also to check out places of possible future employment as an RN!!

Anyone else thinking along these lines? (I know it's premature, but I'm optimistic and know that even if I don't make it into UTHSCSA SoN, I will get training somewhere eventually:nurse:!) Good Luck to all!

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