UTHSC Nursing Spring 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey guys, just wanted to begin a thread for all UT Health SON hopefuls who are applying for Spring 2016. I look forward to getting to know all of you as we begin to play what seems to be the longest waiting game ever! I am more than confident that each and every one of us will be receiving our acceptance letters around this same time next year:) Feel free to share anything regarding the application process and/or ask any questions that you may have!

Hey everyone! I applied to the program for Fall 2015, but I was rejected. I had a 3.6 prereq GPA and 3.75 science, so hoping it will end up being a 3.73 prereq and 4.0 science when I finish retaking classes this summer. The wait is brutal, but it flies by!

For those looking for CT study guides, I got a 950 and used online resources and looked at triage questions online before taking the HESI. I think I'm going to retake that as well since I made an 88 on it last application period. Good luck to everyone!!!

Wow, your stats were/are amazing!! Sometimes I just don't understand how they go about picking their applicants. Everything happens for a reason, I'm sure you will get in this time around. I really wish I would have just finished all of my sciences at the community college where I did a lot of my pre-reqs. I am afraid that taking them at university level may have back fired on me with the lower science GPA.

As far as studying goes the 3rd edition HESI study guide is spot on in math, reading comprehension, and most of the vocabulary. I failed the grammar practice tests over and over but ended up with a 94 on that. I'm not sure what to study for that or the anatomy. There were around 30 questions on anatomy, 50-60 math, 50 vocab, 40-50 comprehension, 40-50 grammar, 30 critical thinking. I took off the Thursday and Friday before the test on Saturday to study. I spent a serious 6-8 hours each day refreshing. I jumped from subject to subject so that I didn't get bored too. I ate a ton of peanuts and drank oj before the exam (oj helps me a lot with maintaining energy), but seriously paid for the peanuts that night ;) peanuts really mess with me (We are all nurse hopefuls so I hope that doesn't offend anyone).

I am finishing up my required classes this summer but if all goes the same I should have a 3.94 overall and a 4.0 science (I don't have any classes that are not required and I have not repeated any).

I agree that the thread is kinda slow. Quite frankly my friends and family are tired of listening to me vent so this is my only outlet ;)

Good luck everyone!

I will be at the info session in the morning.

Hi everyone!! I just finished reading through this thread, and I'm also in the process of applying to UTHSC for Spring 2016! It's so nice to find all of you, I've been going crazy through this process of pre-reqs and HESI and waiting and more waiting!

I took my HESI yesterday, here are my scores:

Reading Comp- 90

Vocab- 100

Grammar- 96

Math- 100

A&P- 96

Critical Thinking- 790

That CT score freaks me out! I'm debating taking it a second time to try and bring that up. What did other people do to help with their Critical Thinking sections? I felt so unprepared for that section.

@Winemo, for your question about how time works on the HESI, you just get 4 hours to basically do whatever you want with. You can take (or not take) whichever sections you like, look at the score reports, take a break... but at the end of 4 hours, your time is up. Math, Grammar, Vocab, and Reading had 50 questions; A&P and Critical Thinking had only 25. I think I finished the whole thing in about 3 hours?

Hi everyone! Good to hear from you all. I'm also glad this semester is over, but I'm definitely a little more worried about the summer since I'll be taking Chem. I'm also taking HIST II but CHEM is what worries me because I did NOT do good with Chem back in high school (8yrs ago).

@jmarg4 - I agree with staying optimistic! We've all seen how weird/unexpected the selection process is at UTHSC. Keep your eye on rocking that hesi.

@bnmatlock - Hi!! I wish they just had a set formula for how people qualify because those are pretty good stats you have! Especially your CT portion!! I've been doing some research on reviews for CT but haven't had any luck. But thanks for mentioning triage questions, I'm going to do a search on that.

@jketron05 - The peanut part made me giggle! LOL. Thanks for the details on the hesi...and your GPA's and hesi scores are pretty good! (thumbs up). Haha my poor family, all they hear from me is nursing/hesi/and prerequisites related. I try not to overdo it sometimes but that's hard lol.

@kaschu66 - Congrats on your hesi scores. I think you did really good! If your GPAs are up there as well I don't see why you wouldn't get accepted :) Thanks for the info on the hesi. It helps to know which sections are best to tackle down first.

Off-topic question: I'm curious to know what others have taken as electives? It's one of the last 4 classes I'll need for the fall to be done...I was considering a language class (Vietnamese) but the scheduling won't work for me. I can't think of anything else that would be beneficial for nursing as a career...

I'll be at the info session Friday! Looking forward to hopefully meet you all there....One thing I was thinking about is if maybe people have been steering away from the UT-Houston program since they now only offer the 15mo pacesetter option. I hope so! lol jk.

I ran scenarios past my 20-yr veteran nurse neighbor. It helped some as far as realizing who to pick first that could go down hill the fastest. The math portion took me an hour so I didn't take any breaks. I was afraid to run out of time.

I know it sounds dumb but after the meeting if anyone wants to meet just outside the room and exchange contact info for stress texts/moral support I'll be out there :) black pants, teal /aqua top.

Also, I have heard from a few that the time stopped after the sections were done leaving you with whatever time you need for personality and learning style. Mine did not stop!

My electives are intro to A&P and economics (new pre-req for Prairie View if anyone is applying there as well). I'm to afraid to have all of my eggs in one basket.

Hey guys! Today was the information session for UT-Hous pacesetter program. I know several of us mentioned that we would attend, but for those who weren't able to make it or for anybody thinking of applying to this program, here is some of the info I took with me today:

** GPA: the website says 2.75 minimum, but "real" minimum is about 3.3, and last semesters' average was 3.5. I am taking a guess that this applies to both nursing & science GPA.

** HESI: Minimum required is 75%. Competitive is in the 80's. For the critical thinking portion, competitive is in the 800's. They said that during the selection process, GPA & HESI are 50/50.

- They also mentioned that the Elsevier review guide, 3rd edition does good in preparing you for what's in the test.

- If you are taking it for the 1st time, take Version 1. If you are retaking it: version 2.

- You only have 2 chances to take it and you need to make sure you are taking all their required components. If you are missing one and it is sent in to them like that, they can't accept it and it will count as 1 of your 2 chances.

** SCIENCE classes: Of the required 16 hours, you only need 8 and it can be any combination. E.g.: AP I & II, AP I & Micro, Micro & Chem...whatever, doesn't matter. BUT, for the HESI, having had taken AP I & II would be really helpful.

** PREREQs: from what I understood, you really just need the "basic" classes. For example, English literature does not replace English comp. A microbiology class combined with patho does not replace micro. I believe they said that masters classes do not transfer. It's important to look and go by their transfer guide to lessen any headaches and mistakes later.

As far as electives, anything goes pretty much (language class, math, etc) EXCEPT computer classes......and to think I was considering that for my fall elective!

** They stressed that it's very important to submit everything before the deadline (Aug 15), otherwise, I guess the application is not considered. ** If you are taking summer classes, they know the application deadline is the same as the last day of class. But if you have submitted EVERYTHING required, they will give you a few extra days to UPDATE your transcript once the deadline has passed.

Now on to the fun stuff: the program itself!

** The program is full time with SOME units/modules online.

** Classes are during the day and you could expect to be busy with school work 6 days a week between lecture, labs, clinicals, and studying.

** The first 3 semesters are mostly theory/lecture, with the last one being full time clinicals! :D

** Each semester is around 13-17 sch, with the last one being 12 (because it's all clinicals)

Example of 1st semester: Lecture classes are M-W. Class starts at 8am and it last about 50min. You will then have the lab portion. For labs, students are divided into groups. There's a lab group that will go in at idk, 9am, another at 11am, and another at 2pm...they'll assign you to one so you might have to wait 3-5hrs before your group goes. (Use that time to study!)

** Clinicals for the first 3 semesters is once a week (if I understood right). They start on the 4th week and are scheduled for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, BUT you only go on whatever day they assigned you.

** For the last semester when you are partnered with a preceptor, whatever time they are scheduled to go in, you go in. That means that if your person works at night and on the weekend, you do too. Or if they work the 7am shift during the week 3days in a row, that's your schedule as well. Shifts for the last semester are 12 hours. For the first 3 apparently they're supposed to be 12hrs as well but they only keep you for less..?

Quick pre-enrollment info:

** Once you are accepted, they're obviously going to ask you for immunizations, criminal background check, drug screening, CPR for healthcare professionals. BUT, the criminal background and drug screening have to be through the company they use so don't waste your $ trying to do it before hand. Wait until you are accepted! For the immunizations, I'd make sure are up-to-date and/or start working on whatever needs to be done.

** Health insurance is required, either through them or on your own.

Oh yes! If you are still completing classes during the fall, make sure you have ALL your credits BEFORE the programs starts. Even if you're missing 0.5 credits, you won't be able to start, even if you were accepted. And once you are accepted, you just have to make sure you pass those last few classes with at least a C!

That's all I can think of right now. Long post, I know. But I hope it helped somebody. The ladies that were there seem pretty nice. I'm excited to get this process started and hopefully all of us become classmates!

Feel free to add anything, of correct me on something.

@jketron05 - I tried looking for you by the description you gave but there were SO MANY people wearing the same colors lol.

@winemo, that was the best summary ever! I know that will prove really helpful for those that could not attend.

For everyone who took the HESI CT part, are the questions more "what would you do" in a given case scenario? I took an EMT course back in high school so if it is anything like that, hopefully it will prove helpful. I remember the "ABC" technique airway, breathing, circulation, etc.

@jketron, I tried looking for you also but there were so many teal shirts I was like, dang it.

What did you guys think about the info. Session for all of you who went? I thought it was pretty insightful but a lot of the information was already online. It was really exciting being inside of what could potentially be our future.

@winemo - wow, thank you so much for that amazing summary. I was unable to attend, but I' m so glad that you did. Again thank you for your time and consideration. :up:

Hello! Yes, I was there. I stood outside the auditorium for a few minutes (until I felt stupid) and walked back to the car. I came in feeling decent but came out feeling depressed. I thought busting my butt to keep my GPA and hesi score high would give me a boost. Turns out everyone applying to UT are Einstein's ;)

Seriously starting to think about retaking the HESI because of my A&P score.....

BE SERIOUS, what do you think?

I did see the person in front of me on allnurse. I was on the fourth row'ish on the far left.

What did you guys think of the students? I thought it was awesome that they were there. They were great (and normal, didn't seem like they were losing it going through school).

@Spagh3tti - After I submitted the post I kinda had a "hand-to-face" reaction lol. But now I'm glad it was helpful!

Yeah I agree with jmarg. They did start off with much of the basic info that was already online...plus allnurses has done well in supplementing a lot of info too. But they really got my attention when they started talking about what a semester typically looks like, and the smaller details about clinicals and all that. Definitely helped in knowing how to prepare.

Were any of you able to stay after and ask any specific questions to your application?

I did get in line (probably why I didn't get to see you outside jketron) to ask a few extra things. I personally have 3 W's on my transcript (not happy w/myself about it but things happen), and even though they are only "officially" counting 1 (don't know how that works) I wanted to know how much that could potentially affect me. Luckily she said that many was OK, as long as I didn't have like 20!! because they've had people apply with that many, and well... they didn't make it...I was excited to finally see the building though!!

Jketron - Did you meet with your advisor already? What did they recommend? I don't remember if you've posted your GPA but I honestly think your hesi scores are competitive. Yes, if it was me I'd also be worried about the AP section, but what do you think is your best bet or what are some other possible options? Do you want to apply as is and see how that goes? Retake-it and they use whichever is highest...or depending on the outcome, say it doesn't turn out as we all hope (because I know we all hope to be classmates!!) would you then retake it and apply for the summer? Maybe look up past threads and see if others had similar stats. Keep working hard on those prereq's though! Don't let others peoples stats distract you from your goal!

And yes! I'm also interested to hear any response to jmarg CT question.

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