UTHSC Nursing Spring 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey guys, just wanted to begin a thread for all UT Health SON hopefuls who are applying for Spring 2016. I look forward to getting to know all of you as we begin to play what seems to be the longest waiting game ever! I am more than confident that each and every one of us will be receiving our acceptance letters around this same time next year:) Feel free to share anything regarding the application process and/or ask any questions that you may have!

Hello everyone. I been glancing at every single post you have put out. Boy... it makes me nervous! I haven't taken the Hesi but plan on it for the summer in July. My current GPA is 4.0 in the Science and 3.7 overall. I feel like I'm not prepared for the Hesi and could use all the tips and strategies to get above 85% mark. Please let me know if you guys want to study as a group or if you have any advice. The only Courses I need now is AP 2, Statistics, Chemistry, and Texas Govt. Is there any way I can find a school that doesn't require college Algebra as a prerequisite for Statistics?

I wish everyone the best and hope you all get accepted :D

I would love to form a study group for the Hesi! I am at the University of Houston right now completing my prerequisites and I know that for our school college algebra was a requirement for Statistics. However, you are able to test out of college algebra and move on to Statistics given that you pass the placement exam. Another option would be doing a mini session online. I am planning to take Microbiology over the summer at HCC and realized that biology was a prerequisite for the course (which I have not taken) but I spoke to an admissions counselor who told me that they can override the prerequisite requirement if they feel that you are ready and capable of completing the course with no problems. So that is another option if you are interested! Best of luck to you!!

I would love to form a study group for the Hesi! I am at the University of Houston right now completing my prerequisites and I know that for our school college algebra was a requirement for Statistics. However, you are able to test out of college algebra and move on to Statistics given that you pass the placement exam. Another option would be doing a mini session online. I am planning to take Microbiology over the summer at HCC and realized that biology was a prerequisite for the course (which I have not taken) but I spoke to an admissions counselor who told me that they can override the prerequisite requirement if they feel that you are ready and capable of completing the course with no problems. So that is another option if you are interested! Best of luck to you!!

Consider taking professor Hebel. She is very good and definitely a good choice if you want that A. She has a mini session in the summer coming up but i'l pass cause i need to learn it over the whole summer to pass my Hesi. Also, I don't remember much of my math from high school so im considering taking college algebra during the summer and statistics in the fall. For the Hesi, I have several books including the 3rd edition of Elsevier and Mc graw evolve reach. I haven't gone over them since I been busy with school and work but now I have time cause I am only going to school. If anyone wants, I can provide them in a study group if anyone wants.

Awesome! Thanks so much. Yeah I was pretty bummed when I found out I had to take college algebra as a prerequisite for Statistics but it wasn't bad at all, it was actually kind of nice to brush up on some of my math skills since that isn't my strongest subject. You'll do great! I am in stats now and it's going pretty well however it is rather tricky.

Should I apply now for UTHSC and pay for the application fee? or should I wait until I take the Hesi?

Seriously though, I am considering study session like once or twice a week for like 2 hours or so. It could greatly benefit others weakness in preparation for the Hesi

It's completely up to you. I think I will wait until after I've taken the HESI to pay and finalize the application. I found this link that may be very helpful as we prepare for the HESI: https://allnurses.com/hesi-entrance-exam/just-finished-taking-766683.html

What other Nursing programs are there around the Houston area that requires the Hesi? Is the Teas required for some schools the same as the Hesi?

I'm not sure if it is because I placed out of it or not but I didn't take college algebra before statistics at Lone Star. Also the TEAS is a lot like the hesi although I've heard many say that they did score much lower on the TEAS. With that being said the acceptable TEAS scores at colleges are lower too.

My HESI exam was canceled by Prometric last week because of a name change I was in the process of doing. My SSCard and drivers license had different last names :( I spent so much time getting mentally prepared for that test :madface: it is rescheduled 3 Wednesdays from now.

My friends from school just took his HESI this week. He did awesome, I think! He got a 92 pretty much across the board. Mid 800's on CT. I'm so jealous that his is over and done, I wish I could say the same!

Hi all

I am applying to UTHSC Spring 2016 as well. I was nervous about Critical Thinking section of HESI because I have ZERO nursing or healthcare experience, but just took the test today and got 820/1000 and 94% total score. I am really glad that the cumulative score does not take CT into account. Whew! Hopefully 820 is ok... I took TEAS earlier this month, so I am also applying to UTMB in Galveston. But the Houston program seems to be the best in Texas, so lets have all our fingers crossed that we get in! Does anyone know if they interview everyone or some people get automatically accepted without interviews at UTHSC?

Sorry for the late response, I have been so busy lately finishing up my last prereqs. I just registered to take my HESI so I have also been trying to study the book.

Jketron05, I am sorry about your HESI. Hopefully everything goes smoothly this next time around.

Shasbus, those are amazing scores! I think an 820 is very competitive based on some of the scores I've seen on the older forums. Unfortunately, UTHSC took away the interview a few years ago. Admission is strictly based on your overall, pre-req, and science GPA as well as your HESI scores. I am also applying to UTMB, I took my TEAS a few weeks ago also!

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