USF spring 2011 BSN

U.S.A. California


Hey all.

Just thought I would start a thread for USF nursing program-BSN for spring 2011 to see when people start hearing back and what not! Wishing everyone luck!:)

I'm having a little trouble with financial aid too :\ best of luck to everyone!

Yes, I will have many loans to pay off. but hoping it will be worth it to go to my dream school. anyone else heard back yet?

Yes it will be worth it haha. Is anybody planning on earning a master’s degree or just a BSN? Well I emailed the transfer center again and he sent me an email and told me that nursing applicant decisions were sent out and should be received by this week. So just have to wait and see :eek:

Specializes in SNF.

I just received my little envelope today aka denial letter. It was dated and postmarked from Dec 21st. Best of luck to all potential nurses out there and congrats to those accepted.

Sorry to hear omw2help, don't give up! :)

I plan to obtain a masters degree! eventually

Hmm I haven't received my letter yet, I really hope that this last batch aren't all rejection letters...

I don't think they send all the rejection letters last, keep your fingers crossed! (:

I havnt gotten a letter yet! I really hope mine isnt lost in the mail. When I called they said they had made a decision over a week ago! I really hope it's a YES! To wait this long for a no is just depressing! altho, if I get in I'm really wondering how I will scrape enough money together!

I agree with you, paige87. I hope that all this anxiety and anticipation will be worth it. I'm totally dreading a small envelope, but I just want this wait to be over with already!

Yeah, I was really disappointed today when I didnt get anything in the mail. I thought for sure today would be it. Hope it's good news for you too. Are you out of state like me?

Nope I actually live in San Francisco so I'm really surprised I haven't gotten anything yet... Well at least I know for sure I'll get it sometime next week.

Im sure that I will be stalking my mailbox on Monday. My mailman even knows what Im waiting on. I might die of impatience if the letter does not arrive Monday. seriously.

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