USF spring 2011 BSN

U.S.A. California


Hey all.

Just thought I would start a thread for USF nursing program-BSN for spring 2011 to see when people start hearing back and what not! Wishing everyone luck!:)

I sent mine the night before it was due, but maybe they received everything earlier because I live in SF so it takes less than a day for everything to get there. I've got my fingers crossed for all of youu! :)

I dont think it does because I submitted everything on September 17th and Im still waiting!!! Im trying to figure it out myself! I am just letting it go and hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised in a few days. I am only one year away from graduating with my biology degree right now and am wondering if they just dont know what to do with me bc I need so few classes at USF besides clinicals. I have a 3.7 gpa is that low for a USF application? Ive heard some really awesome things about USF! I got a little worried hearing from other posts about 8 semesters though... I was thinking 5 at the most! I dont know if I can afford 8! My rent is $250 a month in Texas! :heartbeat

yeah, i don't think submitting it at a certain time makes a difference. I personally think 3.7 is high! I was accepted with a 3.5-3.6 ish? But I thought my personal essay was very strong. and I think 8 semesters can be very pricey too! I think your applications are taking longer because they're taking a lot of time considering your application, afterall, USF isn't a school that JUST looks at your GPA! They look at everything (community services, experiences, personal essay, etc...); I think it's a lot to consider, but at least they understand that the GPA doesn't define you :)

What are some extracurriculars you guys have done/do? I worked as a veterinary technician for a year, but I couldnt get in with a hospital with people anywhere lol I did get to draw blood and use autoclaves while I was a vet tech which I thought was cool but Im wondering how you get your foot in the door with a know just in case this doesnt work out and USF turns me down!!!

I've recently volunteered at an elderly home where I got to work with RNs, CNAs, LVNs, social workers and many other people. I've also worked with Red Cross to set up disaster prepardness meetings. A lot of hospitals have volunteer opportunities but they're very packed. Often they'll have you wait at least 3-4 months to even start. I know in the SF area, most hospitals aren't looking for new volunteers :( but I think being a vet. tech is a good way to get experience because it's somewhat similar. You could always take CNA courses and work as a CNA if anything :)

I did a CNA course. I think that is what helped me get in and my essay was very strong. My GPA was a 3.77 but in the info session they said that the average was 3.4 for the nursing program acceptances. Hope you all hear soon! :)

still waiting they told me it’s under review and that nursing applicants should receive something by the end of this week or next week. well i have volunteering at a hospital for one year and helped out my church with events. also working in medical records right now. those are some experiences i have had. what is everybody’s plan that got in going to do? live in dorms. commute. apartment.

I am living off-campus in an apartment with some students I met/found. It is pretty close. Hope you hear soon with good news :-]

Nice. Yeah its cheaper in an Apartment. Do you know how much finicial Aid we can recieve from USF?

I live in SF so it's cheaper that I stay home. But I wish I could dorm though, it'd be a great experience!

it ranges, the first time I was accepted, they gave me close to 25k, but they offer grants based on your financial eligibility, GPA, and how much they can offer.

Hello to my fellow nurse-aspirants. Just tonight my husband and I decided not to pursue the Spring 2011 Nursing at USf anymore althoguh I got accepted. Why because the way they presented the program during the Orientation wow- there is so much not disclose. Although I'm getting a huge financial aid like 10K the bill for spring and summer is 36K. Spring is less of course $26K off-campus. What they have shown during the orientation was only estimate. These quotes are the actual.If you calculate the total of 8 semesters for all the transfer- before you graduate, your tuition will be more or less 150K. That's crazy. Now, I wasted my $250 for deposit because the deadline to submit the "intent to enroll" was Dec. 15. I'm sorry guys. For those who will continue, I hope the best for you. I just can't afford it. Honestly, I'm very disappointed with USF. I don't agree with thie philosophy anymore. I'm also a Christian but I don't think this is right and Godly.

Specializes in SNF.

I definitely respect your decision. I wish you the best as well. Debt is indeed daunting...

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