Unusual treatments

Nurses General Nursing


Here's a few things I've seen:

The Russians insist for gastroenteritis vodka with black pepper. A couple of kids even got out of detention when they found vodka in their rooms, because the parents explained it was medicinal. It turns out this was not just an excuse, but is widely believed. They use vodka for many of their health problems. I've never tested this theory out, but they truly believe it, Who knows?

A grain of sugar in a hard to get out splinter - a Zimbabwean nurse showed me this, and it really worked. The sugar apparently draws in fluid, and the splinter works its way out. Never used it myself, but watched the result when my colleague has. There have been some stories in the papers about the use of sugar lately, so they might have some hard evidence soon.

Fractured clavicles - we had some problems because the Russian parents insisted a middle clavicle fracture should be operated and put back in alignment, while local doctor's said no. Parents still angry despite 3 doctor's recommendations, and flew child home for surgery.

Bedrest - for minor coughs/colds, Russian parents insist on complete rest in bed, and the insist that a temp of 37.0 centigrade is a fever.

Just some of the interesting things I've come across.

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

Have started this AM to 'test-drive' the nail polish on a skin-tag treatment.

Will report back at a later date....

Specializes in Occupational Health; Adult ICU.

For unusual procedures I'd opt for FMT. FMT stands for fecal microbiota transplantation. In short you take poop from a healthy person and by various means insert that poop into the sick person and voila, in the cases of refractive C Diff. infections you have a 90% cure rate. The microbiota from the healthy person overwhelms the C difficle.

How does the poop, oh, sorry, fecal microbiota get from person A to person B? Well I've heard of actual successful cases where the poop from person A gets whizzed by a food processor or blender and is then inserted into person B by enema. That's the ten dollar cure but of course the system would prefer to make a lot more money so read on:

An interesting Mayo Clinic article (search: Mayo clinic + Quick, inexpensive and a 90 percent cure rate”) The article suggests that the best way is not by enema but rather via colonoscopic insertion. Mayo clinic treated a patient with severe refractory C. difficile pseudomembranous colitis in 2011 and at the time of the article had done 24 similar procedures. Results? From the article: In every case, the infection was completely eradicated — often within hours or days — although two patients with comorbidities experienced relapses.”

As for the vegetative cattail or cat's tail, or is it the tail of a cat here's this:

From: Folklore from Adam's County (Illinois) by H Middleton (1935)(Available via addall.com for $135 (for a real book) or from google e-books for ~$35) Paraphrased (to avoid copyright violation) various but not inclusive list of how to get rid of a sty:

-Heat a brass thimble by friction then rub it over the sty

-Rub the sty three times with the tip of the tail of a black cat.

-Stand at a crossroad and say: Sty, sty, leave my eye, take the next one passing bye”. Or if you choose to be mean say: Sty, sty, leave my eye, go the next passer-by.”

-Rub a dish rag over the sty and then bury it, as it rots the sty will leave.

-Look through a knot hole in a fence.

-Rub a gold ring over it. (Preferably a wedding ring that has been blessed)

-Stick it with a gooseberry thorn then throw the thorn over your left shoulder.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I have had several older diabetic residents tell me that eating mustard lowers blood sugar levels.

Well since Tumeric the spice that give mustard it's yellow has been shown to reduce A1c levels. I am not sure where I got that but I will cite reference when I find it.

Specializes in PACU, pre/postoperative, ortho.
Have started this AM to 'test-drive' the nail polish on a skin-tag treatment.

Will report back at a later date....

My understanding is it takes several days to a couple weeks of daily application. (That's too much commitment for me :rolleyes: )

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.
My understanding is it takes several days to a couple weeks of daily application. (That's too much commitment for me :rolleyes: )

It's much easier and less smelly than 'natural' TAG-AWAY!! That stuff stinks, plus you are supposed to put it on three times a day! Waste of money. I'll just dab the 'dries in 60 seconds!' clear nail polish before I get dressed. I also covered it with a waterproof band aid.

I used castor oil once the same way, and it did work, but I got oil spots on my clothes!

Specializes in Behavioral Health.
For unusual procedures I'd opt for FMT. FMT stands for fecal microbiota transplantation. In short you take poop from a healthy person and by various means insert that poop into the sick person and voila, in the cases of refractive C Diff. infections you have a 90% cure rate. The microbiota from the healthy person overwhelms the C difficle.

How does the poop, oh, sorry, fecal microbiota get from person A to person B? Well I've heard of actual successful cases where the poop from person A gets whizzed by a food processor or blender and is then inserted into person B by enema. That's the ten dollar cure but of course the system would prefer to make a lot more money so read on:

An interesting Mayo Clinic article (search: Mayo clinic + Quick, inexpensive and a 90 percent cure rate”) The article suggests that the best way is not by enema but rather via colonoscopic insertion. Mayo clinic treated a patient with severe refractory C. difficile pseudomembranous colitis in 2011 and at the time of the article had done 24 similar procedures. Results? From the article: In every case, the infection was completely eradicated — often within hours or days — although two patients with comorbidities experienced relapses.”

I have a friend who is a physician who's been doing FMT for a decade. At one point he had people flying to his clinic from all over the world for treatment. Within the last 5-7 years even my stodgy old Catholic hospital in WA was doing it for stubborn cases. They've made pill forms, but it's difficult to get people to swallow a pill filled with feces.

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

"Okay, Mr. Smith, Time to take your Poop Pili; your Ca-ca Capsule; your Shift-/without-the-'f'/-Swish-n-Swallow; that fine Fecal Finish will soon be lining your guts!"


Clear fingernail polish applied daily to remove skin tags. Haha, that just reminded me of how my mother would have us kids paint clear polish in our navels to kill chiggers after being out in tall weeds or rolling around on the ground.

I just looked this one up the other day because I wondered if my "mosquito bite" was actually something else. The theory behind putting fingernail polish on chigger bites was that chiggers burrowed under the skin, and the function of the nail polish was to trap the bug under the skin to "suffocate the chigger." However, we have learned that chiggers do not in fact burrow under the skin. So, old wives tale.

As for the vegetative cattail or cat's tail, or is it the tail of a cat here's this:

From: Folklore from Adam's County (Illinois) by H Middleton (1935)(Available via addall.com for $135 (for a real book) or from google e-books for ~$35) Paraphrased (to avoid copyright violation) various but not inclusive list of how to get rid of a sty:

-Heat a brass thimble by friction then rub it over the sty

-Rub the sty three times with the tip of the tail of a black cat.

-Stand at a crossroad and say: Sty, sty, leave my eye, take the next one passing bye”. Or if you choose to be mean say: Sty, sty, leave my eye, go the next passer-by.”

-Rub a dish rag over the sty and then bury it, as it rots the sty will leave.

-Look through a knot hole in a fence.

-Rub a gold ring over it. (Preferably a wedding ring that has been blessed)

-Stick it with a gooseberry thorn then throw the thorn over your left shoulder.

Lol. Modern medicine: don't you just love it?

It's much easier and less smelly than 'natural' TAG-AWAY!! That stuff stinks, plus you are supposed to put it on three times a day! Waste of money. I'll just dab the 'dries in 60 seconds!' clear nail polish before I get dressed. I also covered it with a waterproof band aid.

I used castor oil once the same way, and it did work, but I got oil spots on my clothes!

My dermatologist removes skin tags with something that looks like thread. He twists it really fast, and off it comes. Probably like a snare used to remove polyps in a colonoscopy.

You drink it.

No, YOU drink it.

:: ducking and running ::

Specializes in Hospice.

No, YOU drink it.

:: ducking and running ::

Play nice children. Don't MAKE me stop this thread!!

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