Published Aug 2, 2009
2 Posts
Can someone help me find the scope of practice for UAP's in PA? Who do I contact if I think something unsafe is going on?
Tait, MSN, RN
2,142 Posts
You may want to speak with a manager or supervisor on their scope of practice as dictated by your facility, however I do not believe medications are NEVER in a UAP's scope, anywhere. However, there may be some facilities that allow UAP's to apply topical creams such as hydro-cortisone creams.
If you feel, after talking with your facility, that there has been some breach of scope, I belive your BON is the next step.
nyteshade, BSN
555 Posts
Do you happen to be in an assisted living facility? I do not know the scope in PA, however, in other states UAPs can pass meds under a supervising nurse's license. These are known as med techs, and have completed some sort of training to do so. That is all that comes to mind.
rn2bnwi, BSN, RN
295 Posts
yes, some are med assistants and can pass meds under an supervising nurse. i have see them at a few facilities... but they all had additional trainging
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
Only in assisted living places have I heard of this. Never in a skilled nursing or LTC center or higher.
Call the BON to ask if you can't find it online.
44 Posts
Yeah, I've never heard on any other place except assisted living facilities also.
morte, LPN, LVN
7,015 Posts
group homes
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
have you tried reading your nurse practice act? Maybe it is online so you can put in key words then search for your answer. Always better to go to the real source, as opposed to "committee".
474 Posts
Since I am a nurse I would start with the state board of nursing in the state.
Just google state board in PA. There will be a contact number just call and ask.
177 Posts
I would start by looking for the PA Board of Nursing ... or the PA Department of Health.
Searching around the internet I found this state by state lising for Medication Aides
States have different names for the position (Certified Medication Aides, Certified Medication Technician, Certified Residential Medication Aides, Medication Nursing Assistants, Qualified Medication Aide) and different rules and regulations where they can and can not work.
Sue Damonas, BSN
229 Posts
I have several Hospice pts in assisted living facilities and the staff are all aides and they pass all the meds, including insulin. But nothing IV and they can't give suppositories.