Umson spring 2016 applicants

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello, all!

My name is Christina Smith! I know I started this thread a little soon, but I am sure others are just as anxious as I am about applying! I have submitted my application for the spring 2016 program :cat: I just want to post some background information about myself, and anyone who has been accepted to previous semesters can share some insight with me if the wish!

I have a 3.9 GPA. My science gpa is as follows:

A: A&P 1

A: A&P 2

B Micro (Which was taken in 5 weeks, do they view the length of the semester?!)

I have gotten As in all of my other courses, and just need algebra and chemistry (which I am taking together this fall.)

I have been a CNA for 2.5 years, and have worked as a med tech for 14 months, and have recently been employed by Carroll Hospital as a MED/SURG PCT.

I have not taken my TEAS, but have purchased a study guide and plan to STUDY STUDY STUDY!!

I was accepted into my community college's ADN program, but I want to step outside my comfort zone and head towards my dream school. I am so nervous!!!!!!!!!

Also, applied for the Spring 2016. Got an 83% on my TEAS, and I have a 3.8 GPA. Anybody attend the information session today? Did they say what the mean score on TEAS was for the program?

Gosh everyone's TEAS scores look great I feel horrible about mine. And with UMSON you never know who will get accepted because I've seen people get put on the waitlist that had medical experience, high GPAs and even high TEAS so this makes it very nerve-wracking. I hope we all get good news though.@ kmariew08 there is no harm in applying. The good thing about UMSON is they don't have some point scale where they go solely on your GPA, and TEAS like some colleges. Write a great essay and get those LOR in from professors that really know how stellar you are. The worst thing they can say is no and in the meantime you can work to bring everything up.

Wow everyone did it well on TEAS!

I've been studying for TEAS but my science score is not improving very well.

I will be taking mine this Thursday! I hope I do it well!

Does anyone know how to change the school location? or is it too late if I already submitted my application?

I submitted my application to Baltimore campus but hearing from you guys and one of my friend who is in UMB, it seems like it's gonna be too much for me.

kmariew08, that's the spirit! good luck to you too :) !!! How did your TEAS go??

G>robin, hmm I went to an info session a little earlier this year and I know that they said as long as your scores on each section is above the national average, you should be in good shape. They didn't give us an average from what I remember though?

sweetea_12, casmithx95 said she changed hers but I'm not sure how? I would email admissions this question if nobody else knows the answer.

GUYS! Now the waiting starts! Sorry I have been MIA..Busy with vacations, applications, and so on! I don't have a backup plan...So I am praying I get accepted! I have a 3.93, 98th percentile on the TEAS, and AMAZING letters. I will be devastated if I don't get accepted. Everything happens for a reason! Good luck everyone!!! AHHHH

I am also applying for the spring too!

Oh man, it's only one day after the deadline and we have two months left of waiting haha. I feel you casmithx95! Hopefully we all can keep ourselves busy while we wait... I need to find myself a new hobby of some sort to keep my mind off the application. Anyone have any tips? :wacky:

Hey everyone! I've never posted before but I've been stalking some of these threads for a while lol. I also applied to umson for Spring 2016! I have a 3.8 GPA but didn't do so great on the teas, I believe I got a ,74:( all of my individual scores were in the 90th percentile or higher, except math because I ran out of time like an idiot!

I'm hoping that my GPA, LOR, and essays will be enough!

@kayrock is it two months of waiting before getting an answer? Anyone else who's applied before know how long is the wait?

@kayrock is it two months of waiting before getting an answer? Anyone else who's applied before know how long is the wait?

G>robin, I'm basing this solely off of what I've read in the past threads but it seemed like applicants began to hear back either the first week of November to a couple weeks into November. However, there were some individuals who received notice later in December and even some in January. I assume this is because of waitlisted applicants who were able to get in due to accepted applicants surrendering their seat. The admissions committee probably has a large volume of applications to go through so I'm not sure if we will be hearing back any sooner than November, but then again who knows it might be different for this application cycle.

If anyone else who previously applied has a more accurate response let us know!

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