Umson spring 2016 applicants

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello, all!

My name is Christina Smith! I know I started this thread a little soon, but I am sure others are just as anxious as I am about applying! I have submitted my application for the spring 2016 program :cat: I just want to post some background information about myself, and anyone who has been accepted to previous semesters can share some insight with me if the wish!

I have a 3.9 GPA. My science gpa is as follows:

A: A&P 1

A: A&P 2

B Micro (Which was taken in 5 weeks, do they view the length of the semester?!)

I have gotten As in all of my other courses, and just need algebra and chemistry (which I am taking together this fall.)

I have been a CNA for 2.5 years, and have worked as a med tech for 14 months, and have recently been employed by Carroll Hospital as a MED/SURG PCT.

I have not taken my TEAS, but have purchased a study guide and plan to STUDY STUDY STUDY!!

I was accepted into my community college's ADN program, but I want to step outside my comfort zone and head towards my dream school. I am so nervous!!!!!!!!!

I'm surprised there aren't more participants on this thread. Usually a huge number of those applying are on AN.

Sorry I have been MIA! I had to finish chem which I pulled out a B and then I took the TEAS today! They weren't too bad. The science is the hardest part because it is so random. It can have anything from anatomy to environmental science to chemistry. I'll hear back in about 24 hours, so I am freaking out!

Does anyone know what to put on their resume? It is the last thing I have left and I don't know what to add!


Hey emking!

For my resume, I had my educational background (my previous bachelor's degree) and my work experience. It was only one page and I didn't know if they wanted experience that was older than 5 years... so I kind of omitted my experience in high school. But if you also have any volunteer experience that would be good to add to your resume as well!

I am in my senior year of college so I do not have any medical work experience. I wasn't sure if I should put National Honors Society and theatre from in high school or not? That is where most of my leadership and community service took place. What do you guys think?

I had my resume typed up as if it were for a job. So in that case I left HS out. Normally for employers if you've been out of HS for a while you leave that off a resume. If you've won some huge awards in HS that may pertain to what you want to do(nursing), then you may add it but usually leave it off. Now this is when applying for a job. Not sure if the school would want something else but I would leave it off. Did you have any work after you graduated HS? While you attended college? Volunteer?

Hey guys!

So when I created this blog, I had initially applied to the Baltimore Campus. My father lives in Westminster (about 45 min away..But 15 min from the Metro) And my mother lives about 50 min from both the Baltimore campus and Shady Grove campus.

Anyways, I went on a tour of the Baltimore campus and immediately knew it was not for me. The city terrifies me. I know the area is a safer part of the city, but I know I would never feel 100% safe.

SO, I changed my application to the Shady Grove campus. I am going on a tour next week, but I know the Suburban feel is better for me (And free parking!!)

I finished college alg with an A!! And I scored an overal 88% on my Teas (97th percentile)!

I am feeling confident.. Fingers crossed to all!!!!

That Shady Grove Campus is beautiful. I'm in the same boat. I'm in the middle of both but I've been to the Baltimore campus a few times to ask questions and the area is just too much for me.

casmithx95 congrats on your exam and TEAS!!! You did it well!

I am carefully thinking about changing it to shady grove campus.

How did you change it? I already applied to Baltimore campus.

Did you call in or send in an email?

Hello everyone, I'm applying to UMSON too! I took TEAS a few days ago and I got 91% overall score. I just need to finish the essay now. I really hope I can get in because UMSON is the only school I'm applying to!

Specializes in Pediatric ER.

Hello everyone. Was planning on applying for Spring 2016, but feeling a bit discouraged. I have 2.8 GPA, I was working 40+ hours while taking coursework. I work at Johns Hopkins in the pediatric ER. I wrote one of the essays explaining why my transcript is not that impressive, wondering if it's even worth applying now. I am taking TEAS this week. I have Micro, Chem, Stat to take in the Fall but that is all. Hoping for a miracle.

I'm applying to te Shady Grove campus as well! I like smaller, more intimate settings so big city Baltimore isn't for me. Also, Shady Grove is a lot closer to my home so that's always a plus :D

And good job on the TEAS everyone!! Seriously, everyone's score is pretty up there haha

emking, I agree with blessedNhopeful... if you received any awards or volunteered anywhere during high school definitely include those in your resume... if you don't have any prior medical experience include what you've been doing while in college even if it's extracurriculars or anything like that.

kmariew08, you should try for next Spring if you feel are prepared and really want to attend that term. You have the medical experience and, from what I've read in past threads, there have been people who have gotten accepted with below a 3.0 (don't quote me, pulling this from what I've read). But I would definitely try to boost your GPA a bit more if you can. I'm one to talk because I'm just above the borderline of 3.0, but I didn't let my GPA discourage me from applying. Of course, I took extra classes to boost my GPA to get where it is now. But if you want to take more classes to improve your GPA you can do that too, and apply to the following term! Do what feels right to you, but just don't get discouraged from applying due to one single factor.

Specializes in Pediatric ER.

@kayrock, Hey thanks! I am going to still apply for Spring 2016. If I don't get in I will definitely try for Fall 2016. But this fall, starting tomorrow I am taking chem, micro, stat, humanities and art. I am only working 12 hours per week and there is a lot of downtime in the mornings at work. So I am a little intimidated by this fall semester, but I am going to kick some booty and strive for all A's. I have been studying like crazy and doing practice TEAS exams, I am scheduled to take mine this Wednesday. Good luck to you!!!

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