UMSON Fall 2015

U.S.A. Maryland


REMINDER!!! The deadline to submit your Fall application is nearing. As of now, the deadline has not changed from February 2 (short of 4 weeks away).

This is my second time applying--I was wait listed for the Spring term. Currently, I am studying to take my TEAS exam again on January 27th. This exam was the only portion of my application I was not confident in. I scored a 70% without refreshing my memory on key concepts by studying before hand. I did find the test to be a "you either no it or you don't" kind of thing so from personal experience--STUDY!

I have no outstanding prerequisites and my sciences are as follows:

AP1. -- B

AP2. -- A



I had the privilege of chatting with the last group of students and found this forum to be quite helpful! Please use this post as a way of communicating, sharing experiences, and giving advice. Hopefully, we will be classmates in the Fall!:)

PinkEagle you got in?! I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU! You have worked so hard for this, I am so extremely glad!!!

And to add to what afowler77 said above, I was one of those first semesters who had it easier before midterms, but as soon as we came back everything seemed to be going wrong for me. It was a good thing that I had afowler77 to help bring me back, and now things are manageable again. :D It's going to be a tough first semester, but you BSN-ers are going to get through it just fine because you made it into one of the best schools in the nation!

Congrats to all of those who made it in so far. :laugh: For those of you waiting, keep faith! (And don't break SURFS hahaha!)

Hi blessedNhopeful!

Littlemango and I can go into detail in just a few weeks. Three weeks left, and we will have survived our first semester!

The one thing I learned in my first semester, that NO ONE told me (and I have A LOT of nurse/nursing student friend was about the "nursing school mood swings. " I went through happy, sad, elated, depressed, doubtful, anxious, confident, despairing, relieved. ..all in about 10 minutes, on repeat through the whole day, every day.

That lasted until it all came to a head right before spring break. I was melting down! I wanted to quit. I was beyond anxious, and felt really negative. Then I aced two validations. While I was on the upswing, my classmates were having their meltdowns. They turned to me for support, and said I helped them. That was all I needed to keep going. Spring break helped. Everything was better after spring break. Still a heavy workload. Half of our grades come from the assignments in the last 4 weeks. No pressure, right? But hey, I chose a profession in which lives are on the line every day, so what's a little pressure in school?

Your classmates will be your lifeline. No one else will understand nursing school life like they will.

Most of all, no matter what, stay positive! I just read a few research studies (oh, you'll make friends wirh research studies real quick) about how optimism is an indicator of resiliency. Remaining optimistic will help you to overcome obstacles and ward off depression. Ruminate on your happy memories. Think about your goals for the future. Keep your chin up and keep moving ahead!

Thanks bunches! I love that you two came back. Most times after all decisions come out you don't hear from the new students and nurses anymore. You guys keep doing what you're doing and hopefully I'll see you next year!

blessedNhopeful, I hope we'll see you as well! afowler77 and I are pretty passionate about the admissions process, and we LOVE to help people out. :)

Us Shady Grovers have two days off from school this week (today and tomorrow), so we're using this extra-mini vacation to do some of the things we can't do while in the middle of school! Allnurses is a great website, so I come back every now and then to check up on you guys and to read the articles in the homepage. Anyway, this is the calm before the storm, so it is quite possible that after this week you all won't hear from us very much until after finals pass!

(I am both excited and scared!)

PinkEagle you got in?! I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU! You have worked so hard for this, I am so extremely glad!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH littlemango! You were with me during my struggle last year, but yes I'M IN!!! I'll be in the CNL Program and I'm so pumped! It's such an honor to be accepted by UMSON. I'm so glad that you stop by the forum to ease the minds of new applicants! I hope to do the same when I start school!

I'm going to start gathering my immunizations since I no longer have to stalk SURFS!!

For those still waiting, my last name starts with a P and I was wait listed (Shady Grove). If I don't get in this time around I will try for the spring semester. I will definitely retake my TEAS exam. I had a lot going on at the time of the exam and didn't study much. So I was shocked I was wait listed, glad it wasn't a no. Good luck to everyone waiting and CONGRATS to those who got in. Does anyone know if your application rolls over to the next semester or must I complete a whole new application?

For those still waiting, my last name starts with a P and I was wait listed (Shady Grove). If I don't get in this time around I will try for the spring semester. I will definitely retake my TEAS exam. I had a lot going on at the time of the exam and didn't study much. So I was shocked I was wait listed, glad it wasn't a no. Good luck to everyone waiting and CONGRATS to those who got in. Does anyone know if your application rolls over to the next semester or must I complete a whole new application?

Rosie43, May I ask what your GPA and TEAS score were? You don't have to say it here if you dont want to lol, just curious. I'm still waiting to hear if I got in or not.

my status turned to committee ready last week. last name starts with j. not sure how they're looking at applicants in terms of order, but here's to hopes to hearing tomorrow!

Specializes in Psychiatry, Neuroscience ICU.

In case anyone's looking for a place to live, I have a room for rent in my house 10 minutes away from the school of nursing! I'll be doing the Psych DNP program, and it would be nice to have another nurse / soon-to-be nurse in the house. You would need to have a car, but it's in a nice quiet area and has a huge yard! Huge Attic Room, Utilities included!

blessedNhopeful, I hope we'll see you as well! afowler77 and I are pretty passionate about the admissions process, and we LOVE to help people out. :)Us Shady Grovers have two days off from school this week (today and tomorrow), so we're using this extra-mini vacation to do some of the things we can't do while in the middle of school! Allnurses is a great website, so I come back every now and then to check up on you guys and to read the articles in the homepage. Anyway, this is the calm before the storm, so it is quite possible that after this week you all won't hear from us very much until after finals pass! (I am both excited and scared!)
"Mini-vacation"?!?! Oh littlemango, you ARE optimistic! I spent 5 hours at school today working with my group on our presentation for our Research class! I *did* take a nap this afternoon. A LOT of us are getting sick at this point in the semester. (Getting over a sinus infection here.) Tomorrow, it's my day to run errands, go to the laundromat, and take my daughter to the dentist. AND study. Saturday, we'll be at Maryland Day, doing BP checks and talking about health promotion, in College Park. (Come visit if you are in the area. ) It's one of our clinicals. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. It's always exciting to have newbies join the ranks! UMSON is an amazing school. I love the Shady Grove campus and the camaraderie my classmates and I have with each other. There are plenty of groups to participate in on campus. I'm one of the secretaries for Nurses for Global Health. We would definitely love to have new members. I'm going to go do something crazy- SLEEP! Congratulations to those who got in and good luck to those still waiting.

Congratulations, Pink Eagle! It's been a long time coming!

@ATPtheWaytoBe So my GPA is a 3.7 and my teas score was a 73% (embarrassing). I took it once and didn't have enough time to retake it. I know it could have been in the 90's. Second time around I will be ready (LOL)! It seems like TEAS scores are weighed heavily but idk. All I can do is make my next application better.

Specializes in MedSurg, Tele, ER, ICU, Float.

@ATPtheWaytoBe and @Rosie43 don't be embarrassed. My GPA is 3.68 and teas score was a pitiful 69% like you I had a lot going on and yet, I have a shot! I was waitlisted. So just keep in mind that we have up until the very first day of class to receive a letter of acceptance. Best wishes!

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