Two more hours! Two more hours!


Today has been a *SLOW* clinic day. I'm not complaining, but as a substitute, there isn't much else for me to keep busy with, so today is absolutely d r a g g i n g.

I had a very strong "don't make me goooo" feeling this morning - not because I don't want to be here, but because all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed. I'm not sleeping well during this pregnancy, and it's taking a toll on me. :(

Here's to Friday afternoons, I hope everyone is having a good day and has a great weekend!

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

I have 4 hours to go, but I'm still counting down. A pounding headache, not being touched by motrin, is making me crabby nurse today! Luckily its been slow and I haven't had too many visitors!

3 hours!


Specializes in Med-surg, school nursing..

2 hours as well here. One of our secretaries is out, so I get to crawl out of my hole and sit at her desk-to help the other secretary with phones-I like these days because I actually have someone to talk to. Makes the day go by a little faster.

3 hours and 15 minutes, 3 hours and 15 minutes.......... Then I am taking a test after work. I should probably be studying...

two hours and 17 minutes. I am running out of here like a gazelle jacked up on steroids.

Specializes in Peds, Oncology.

I had a slow day, maybe 15 kids. I busted out an noon for a nurse meeting. Now let's hope the meeting goes fast!!

2 hours as well here. One of our secretaries is out, so I get to crawl out of my hole and sit at her desk-to help the other secretary with phones-I like these days because I actually have someone to talk to. Makes the day go by a little faster.

I am fortunate that there are two very kind office associates here to talk to. I wish I could help with some of what they have to do, but it seems like one of those things where it would take longer to teach me how than to just do it themselves.

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

I am SO glad I'm alone and have no one to talk to. I am horrible at holding up my end of a conversation.

two hours and 17 minutes. I am running out of here like a gazelle jacked up on steroids.

Hey blacksun- We would love for you to post a selfie of you doing this!!

Hey blacksun- We would love for you to post a selfie of you doing this!!

its gonna be a lot of knees-to-chest running

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

Yippee! Quitting time!

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