Published Oct 23, 2008
41 Posts
dear members and friends the reason i come to you all for advice is bc i dont know what else to do. now im gonna explain. mine is a very unusual and long story but i will try to keep it short while hitting the important points. Back in november of 2006 i was working as a CNA/GNA in a nsg home. at the time i as abt 3 months pregnant and i accidentally fell asleep on the job for about 30-40 minutes max towards the end of my shift. now i got written up by one of the LPNs that was working for sleeping on the job and sunsequenty terminated from my job. it did not end there.. the lady proceeded to call the board of nursing and report me for resident neglect bc one of my residents almost fell while i slept. mind u she did not actually fall and wasn't hurt in anyway. she almost fell. a month later in december of 2006, i graduated from an ADN program as an RN and immediately registered to sit for boards. just for me to find out like in august of 2007 that im not being allowed to sit for my test because im under investigation for neglect. reason y it took me so long to find out is bc i had been waiting for my ATT for the longest time and no one will tell me anything. i went to the board like 11 times with my newborn baby as a single mother, just for them to keep telling me i'll get a call, email or whatever to get rid of me and stall for time. now i had the right to a hearing which i asked for one, got an attorney. hearing was on the 23rd of october 2007. i know exactly one year today. after the hearing, the BNE had a max of 90 days to get back to me which they took six months to do so after so much prompting from myself and my lawyer. finally in april of 2008 this year i heard from the MBON. i was allowed to sit for the boards but my RN license was going to be placed on probation for a period of two years once i got it. i only had one chance to taKe the test mind u. and my CNA/GNA license was placed on probation with immediate effect. anyhow, fast forward i sat for the test on july17th 2008 and i passed it at 75 questions( this was a year and a half after graduating from nsg school). i contacted the BON to find out what happens now that i hav passed my test. i was told i had to wait for the matter to be reviewed at the next board meeting which was scheduled for august the 26th of 2008. that was 2 months ago. i havent heard anything still. I donot yet have my license and cannot work. i tried calling and going over there but all i was told is that i had to wait. supposedly im waiting for the attorneys at the board to print up the probation order. its been two months since the board meeting, three months since i passed the nclex, a year since the hearing and damn near two years since i graduated from nsg school. now u tell me, havent i waited enough? im at wit's end here coz i dont even know what else to do at this point. i spoke wit one lady at the board who practically yelled at me to stop bothering them by asking about when i'll get my license because they dont know. she told me the attorneys for the BON work for the attorney general's office and they worK at their own pace and i should quit bothering them with my questions bc they dont know how long it's gona take. now i turn to u guys for advice of any kind. WHAT CAN I DO NOW? even if is just to find out what is taking so long. and please dont tell me to wait bc im just about ready to snap. Now im not trying to make excuses for my behavior and justify sleeping on the job, although i was pregnant at the time, sick as a dog, working fulltime, and finishing my last semester of nsg school, oh did i mention i was in an abusive relationship which explains the single mother part of this good story. But i still think that the punishment has exceeded the crime maybe just a lil bit, or what do u think? my whole life has been out of balance bc of this whole thing. i barely make enof money to earn a living doing what i do now( i work in an assisted living acility) i even had to send my daughter back home. to my parents bc of financial hardship amongst other things. im originally from africa, cameroon to be precise and some acquintances of mine seem to think that i may have been treated unfairly bc of my origin. i really dont know either way at this point. i have been depressed, suicidal, i have been through every emotion that there is. i know u can imagine so i'll spare u the details. any kind words, harsh ones, thought, advice, any kind of response to this thread is more than highly appreciated. thanks in advance.
donnu how much longer i can wait, pls help...
630 Posts
I am unclear on a lot of your post, but will just post this link of who to contact at the board.... though you are possibly familiar with it.
racing-mom4, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
I am in shock and awe all of that happend to you. Yes sleeping on the job is bad, neglecting a patient (thats what they say) is bad, but is it bad enough to effect your life and lively hood? NOt in my opinion, but I dont work for the state board of nursing, so my opinion does not count.
Since you already have an attorney you need to keep working through them....just out of curiosity, can you apply for a nursing lic in another state?
This story really freaks me out as I have a teen daughter that is a CNA and I dont want her making a "teenage mistake" that could effect her being a nurse some day.
Best of luck to you, I will be interested in hearing more.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
We can't offer any legal advice so if you have a lawyer you really need to contact them. Until the BON issue license I doubt there is any way to get them to go any faster.
380 Posts
wow, when it rains it pours:cry: hope the above site helps u out. well ,don't give up, u sound very determined. hope it all works out and keep us posted.
1,987 Posts
I know that this post is probably not going to be much help but I wanted to lend my support. I'm sorry that this has happened to you and unfortunately, it sounds like that LPN really had it in for you. I've heard so many times on here of people sleeping on the job. While it's definitely not good and should not be done, to be terminated AND reported to the board is a little excessive.
I hope that this gets settled in your favor soon.
Farmer Jane
281 Posts
If you can afford it, you should hire a lawyer.
I promised to keep u guys updated on my situation and i wish i had better news but i dont. story of my life, lol.. Oh well, i still donot have my license. my lawyer has been in contact with the board and the contact person is supposed to be mailing him the necesary paperwork and this was over two weeks ago. he is yet to receive that letter. she called last week and said she was sorry she had not mailed it yet bc she was sick and out of the office for a coupke of days and that she was going to be doing so last thursday. he still hasnt gotten it yet. i hope she mailed it this time around. we'll see. i'll keep u informed as to what's up. its been over four months since i passed my boards, waiting......
i wana say thank u to all those of u who took the time to say those kind words to me. never underestimate the healing power of human kindness. im sure alot of people didnt read my thread bc its so long. i will like to thank those of u who did and even took the time to say something, anything....
hi, i just finished reading your post. i do hope eventually all goes well for you. and hopefully the old saying goes "good things come 2 those who wait".
495 Posts
I'm sorry to hear about all of your troubles. I agree that based on what you've said, the punishment has been excessive. Frankly, is there really one person who works night shift who hasn't fallen asleep at some point? Heck, there are some day shifts when I get sleepy at 3p if things are slow. :)
Is your attorney helping? I can't understand how they can drag their feet for so long. It seems crazy that they allowed you to sit for boards, and yet won't issue your license. None of this makes much sense but my best advice is to not lose heart and to keep on your attorney to keep fighting for you!
I hope you can get things worked out and start working as an RN.
4,177 Posts
good luck, i hope that you can get some resolution
nursing is probably one of the least places where prejudice flourishes
i would certainly hope so anyway